Something just came to my mind. When I watched the Gladiator the first time, I hated it. I remembered I watched it at Michael Lee's apartment. Yes, I remembered the reason for hating it at the time now. It was because of that damn ending...
The ending was a political statement that sent me from the movie back to the future! But I could look pass the ending of Gladiator for the whole thing was jut wonderful. I watched another Ridley Scott's film, Black Hawk Down because of the Gladiator. I loved it. There's no such political statement pinched me back to the future.
I was excited over Kingdom of Heaven. Then I got hit again. There was obvious modern political statement. But the movie as a whole was still quite good. Most of the characters appeared in the movie were incredible. Then, behold, it came the Robin Hood. The movie was a mess. Bad story, bad characters. Both of these enhanced the worst thrust of modern political statement in Robin Hood. The gladiator was clunky in the implementation, but it was retard in Robin Hood.
It is a huge offense to put modern political statement so blatantly in movies, or any other media entertainment! It is incredibly disheartening to watch. I do not have problem with Braveheart when Wallace yelled out FREEEDOM. The reason is yet to be found out within me.
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Monday, July 25, 2011
The painted veil
I watched the painted veil tonight. It was really a pretty movie. The place they filmed this movie was beautiful. The cinematography was pretty. I am still searching for the words to describe my feelings about the story.
I think it was a delicate story. The atmosphere was gentle, with a touch of reality. The characters in the film were acted out excellently. The romance was scrolled out with a slow pace. There was no sudden outburst of emotions, every emotions had their origins.
It is just a small story happened in a remote area, with realistic feeling, among two people brewing for a love that stayed for a short time.
I think it was a delicate story. The atmosphere was gentle, with a touch of reality. The characters in the film were acted out excellently. The romance was scrolled out with a slow pace. There was no sudden outburst of emotions, every emotions had their origins.
It is just a small story happened in a remote area, with realistic feeling, among two people brewing for a love that stayed for a short time.
自從 1980 年後, 電子遊戲的愈來愈複雜化了. 大型的商業電子遊戲在那個時候, 主要是依靠 arcade 的方式. 想在家裡玩呢, 則有 Atari 的 Home Console, 還有 Apple II. 到 1983, 日本的任天堂公司也正是進軍家用電子遊戲市場. 但是, 在此之前, 電子遊戲已經有小一部份人很熱衷了. 他們熱衷的方式, 卻不是圖片, 而是文字. 其中, 很有名的一個遊戲叫做 Zork. 這是所謂的, Interactive Fiction Computer Game. 這種遊戲, 玩的時候, 要用打字來決定主角的動作. 這種遊戲通常要念一大堆的故事情節, 基本上和看一本小說很像, 但是, 動作要由玩家來指定.
可以看出, 一開始, 電子遊戲的種類實在不多. 但是, 隨著電腦愈來愈強, 繪圖能力愈來愈不可思議. 圖像取代文字, 進而動畫取代圖像. 種類多的不可思議. 大致上可以分為幾種 (genre):
解迷冒險類 (Classic Adventure): 為啥他被稱作 Classic 呢? 因為這一種遊戲甚行於 1980~1990 年代中期. 最主要操作方式是, 只由滑鼠解答各種謎題. 通常這種遊戲, 都有很強的故事性, 有一大堆的對話要看. 謎題呢, 就像故事裡的轉折點, 是玩家(gamer)需要克服, 故事才能繼續下去. 通常這種遊戲很需要耐心, 而且絕大多數都是一個人玩的. 因為故事通常是固定的, 很難讓兩個人參與. 也因為如此, 在 1990 年代中期逐漸衰落下去. 但是, 還是有死忠的一批玩家死守著不放. 另外, 遊戲製作人也嘗試用新的操作方式和其他方法來解開這個困境. 大多數都是在電腦上. 但是, 任天堂的 DS, 也有滿多的類似遊戲. 這種遊戲通常都沒有暴力, 設計精巧的話, 除了傷腦筋, 是很不錯的選擇. 遊戲代表: Monkey Island, Grim Fandango, The Longest Journey, Professor Layton (DS).
動作類 (Action): 這一種遊戲, 顧名思義, 遊戲裡的動作都是追逐跑跳碰, 踢打摔拿, 刀槍劍戟, 火砲鳥銃... 其中又分:
第一人稱射擊 (First Person Shooter): 這是最受歡迎的遊戲種類之一. 自從 1990 年早期的 Doom, 這種遊戲就變成了推動電子遊戲圖片進步的最大動力. 操作方式, 就是, 左手操作走向, 用滑鼠瞄準並操作方向, 朝著既定的敵人或目標射擊. 這裡的每一個動作, 追逐跑跳蹦, 幾乎都需要玩家自己操作, 所以神經粗, 反應快的玩家很吃香. 自從網路愈來愈好後, 上網玩這種遊戲的人也愈多. 在 Xbox 出來之前, 這種遊戲始終都是個人電腦的天下. 但是, 現在家用主機和個人電腦或許有一半一半了吧... 這遊戲很適合軍方訓練士兵, 美國陸軍甚至還花大錢, 設計了一個遊戲叫做, American Army, 完全免費; 而大陸呢, 我最近才看到有美國人說大陸軍方山寨了一個美國很有名的 FPS 來訓練軍人, 我搞不清楚真假. 但是滿好玩的道聽塗說.. 這的類型有滿暴力寫實的, 也有比較卡通化的遊戲. 其中有時也有謎題. 遊戲代表: Call of Duty, Halo, Half-Life.
動作冒險 (Action Adventure): 這一種和解迷類不同的地方就在於, 動作冒險類需要玩家操作很多動作. 他的操作方式通常也要兩隻手, 一隻操作走向, 另一個操作動作. 通常而言, 這種遊戲通常是第三視角, 也就是說, 螢幕上可以看到玩家在操縱的對象. 這個類型的遊戲是非常多樣. 因為他可以和幾乎其他任何種類混合. 從最暴力的, 到最可愛的, 到最需要智商的. 遊戲代表: Mario Bros., God of War, Prince of Persia, Braid, The Legend of Zelda, Uncharted, Grand Theft Auto.
策略類 (Strategy): 這種遊戲有點像是下棋. 但是, 在即時策略遊戲(Real Time Strategy) 出現後, RTS 變的也有點像 FPS 一樣了, 反應快的人佔優勢. 但是,還好, 策略類的遊戲也是非常多變化, 喜歡輪流下棋(Term-Based)的玩家仍大有人在. 可以想見, 這種遊戲充滿了各種對歷史模擬的愛好者. 常常是 "如果..." 的想法試驗場地. 但是, 也別忘了, 現在常常有人把孫子兵法拿來當商業參考書, 所以, 這一種類也參有商業模擬的元素. 還有城市管理類型的遊戲也是. 遊戲代表: Company of Heroes, Sid Meier's, Starcraft, Advanced War, Risk, Warcraft, Hearts of Iron, Tycoon, Capitalism, Sim City.
模擬類(Simulation): 這類型, 其實和策略很像, 但是, 通常, 這裡比較沒有那麼多競爭. 是很和平的遊戲種類. 模擬飛機, 車子, 和其他有引擎的載體. 聽說, 我這是道聽塗說, 以前, 模擬飛機的遊戲都會附上一本厚厚的指導手冊. 因為以前的模擬真的可以說是在教玩家開飛機. 但是, 自從九一一後, 模擬飛機的遊戲都簡單不少. 遊戲代表: Silent Hunter, Microsoft Flight Simulator, IL-2
運動類(Sport): 這我就不介紹了... 各種運動你可以想的到的, 都有, 包括西洋棋... 還有, 我把賽車也算在這裡.
角色扮演類(Role Playing Game): 我把這個放在最後面. 有個原因. 就是, 我實在不會解釋這個到底是啥東西. 通常, 就我所知道的, 這個類型和其他類型, 早已混在一起不容易分清了. 而最純正的角色扮演遊戲, 在我看和回合制的策略遊戲差不了多少. 這個類型的游戲最初的形式是在桌上玩. 最有名的是, Dungeon & Dragon. 我是搞不懂, 但是, 這在歐美很風行. 在網路的時代, MMORPG 抓住了許許多多玩家的心. 我只能理解為, 這些玩家看到, 自己努力積磊的角色數據日長夜大, 好高興啊... 遊戲代表: The Elder Scroll, Final Fantasy, World of Warcraft, Diablo.
消遣類(Casual): 這是指小遊戲, 像是 Bejewel...等等. 但是, 在網路盛行的時代, 這種類別愈發不可收拾. 連死忠(Hardcore) 玩家也都非常著迷這個類型. iPad 之後, 更是火上添油, 乾柴烈火... Okay...過頭了... 不過, 象, 任天堂的 DS, 蘋果的 iPhone, iPad, 還有其他志混型手機讓這個類型的遊戲變成現在最賺錢的的遊戲類別之一! 遊戲代表: Bejewel, Angry Bird, Tower Defense, Flight Conrtol, 麻將.
維基: History of Video Games
可以看出, 一開始, 電子遊戲的種類實在不多. 但是, 隨著電腦愈來愈強, 繪圖能力愈來愈不可思議. 圖像取代文字, 進而動畫取代圖像. 種類多的不可思議. 大致上可以分為幾種 (genre):
解迷冒險類 (Classic Adventure): 為啥他被稱作 Classic 呢? 因為這一種遊戲甚行於 1980~1990 年代中期. 最主要操作方式是, 只由滑鼠解答各種謎題. 通常這種遊戲, 都有很強的故事性, 有一大堆的對話要看. 謎題呢, 就像故事裡的轉折點, 是玩家(gamer)需要克服, 故事才能繼續下去. 通常這種遊戲很需要耐心, 而且絕大多數都是一個人玩的. 因為故事通常是固定的, 很難讓兩個人參與. 也因為如此, 在 1990 年代中期逐漸衰落下去. 但是, 還是有死忠的一批玩家死守著不放. 另外, 遊戲製作人也嘗試用新的操作方式和其他方法來解開這個困境. 大多數都是在電腦上. 但是, 任天堂的 DS, 也有滿多的類似遊戲. 這種遊戲通常都沒有暴力, 設計精巧的話, 除了傷腦筋, 是很不錯的選擇. 遊戲代表: Monkey Island, Grim Fandango, The Longest Journey, Professor Layton (DS).
動作類 (Action): 這一種遊戲, 顧名思義, 遊戲裡的動作都是追逐跑跳碰, 踢打摔拿, 刀槍劍戟, 火砲鳥銃... 其中又分:
第一人稱射擊 (First Person Shooter): 這是最受歡迎的遊戲種類之一. 自從 1990 年早期的 Doom, 這種遊戲就變成了推動電子遊戲圖片進步的最大動力. 操作方式, 就是, 左手操作走向, 用滑鼠瞄準並操作方向, 朝著既定的敵人或目標射擊. 這裡的每一個動作, 追逐跑跳蹦, 幾乎都需要玩家自己操作, 所以神經粗, 反應快的玩家很吃香. 自從網路愈來愈好後, 上網玩這種遊戲的人也愈多. 在 Xbox 出來之前, 這種遊戲始終都是個人電腦的天下. 但是, 現在家用主機和個人電腦或許有一半一半了吧... 這遊戲很適合軍方訓練士兵, 美國陸軍甚至還花大錢, 設計了一個遊戲叫做, American Army, 完全免費; 而大陸呢, 我最近才看到有美國人說大陸軍方山寨了一個美國很有名的 FPS 來訓練軍人, 我搞不清楚真假. 但是滿好玩的道聽塗說.. 這的類型有滿暴力寫實的, 也有比較卡通化的遊戲. 其中有時也有謎題. 遊戲代表: Call of Duty, Halo, Half-Life.
動作冒險 (Action Adventure): 這一種和解迷類不同的地方就在於, 動作冒險類需要玩家操作很多動作. 他的操作方式通常也要兩隻手, 一隻操作走向, 另一個操作動作. 通常而言, 這種遊戲通常是第三視角, 也就是說, 螢幕上可以看到玩家在操縱的對象. 這個類型的遊戲是非常多樣. 因為他可以和幾乎其他任何種類混合. 從最暴力的, 到最可愛的, 到最需要智商的. 遊戲代表: Mario Bros., God of War, Prince of Persia, Braid, The Legend of Zelda, Uncharted, Grand Theft Auto.
策略類 (Strategy): 這種遊戲有點像是下棋. 但是, 在即時策略遊戲(Real Time Strategy) 出現後, RTS 變的也有點像 FPS 一樣了, 反應快的人佔優勢. 但是,還好, 策略類的遊戲也是非常多變化, 喜歡輪流下棋(Term-Based)的玩家仍大有人在. 可以想見, 這種遊戲充滿了各種對歷史模擬的愛好者. 常常是 "如果..." 的想法試驗場地. 但是, 也別忘了, 現在常常有人把孫子兵法拿來當商業參考書, 所以, 這一種類也參有商業模擬的元素. 還有城市管理類型的遊戲也是. 遊戲代表: Company of Heroes, Sid Meier's, Starcraft, Advanced War, Risk, Warcraft, Hearts of Iron, Tycoon, Capitalism, Sim City.
模擬類(Simulation): 這類型, 其實和策略很像, 但是, 通常, 這裡比較沒有那麼多競爭. 是很和平的遊戲種類. 模擬飛機, 車子, 和其他有引擎的載體. 聽說, 我這是道聽塗說, 以前, 模擬飛機的遊戲都會附上一本厚厚的指導手冊. 因為以前的模擬真的可以說是在教玩家開飛機. 但是, 自從九一一後, 模擬飛機的遊戲都簡單不少. 遊戲代表: Silent Hunter, Microsoft Flight Simulator, IL-2
運動類(Sport): 這我就不介紹了... 各種運動你可以想的到的, 都有, 包括西洋棋... 還有, 我把賽車也算在這裡.
角色扮演類(Role Playing Game): 我把這個放在最後面. 有個原因. 就是, 我實在不會解釋這個到底是啥東西. 通常, 就我所知道的, 這個類型和其他類型, 早已混在一起不容易分清了. 而最純正的角色扮演遊戲, 在我看和回合制的策略遊戲差不了多少. 這個類型的游戲最初的形式是在桌上玩. 最有名的是, Dungeon & Dragon. 我是搞不懂, 但是, 這在歐美很風行. 在網路的時代, MMORPG 抓住了許許多多玩家的心. 我只能理解為, 這些玩家看到, 自己努力積磊的角色數據日長夜大, 好高興啊... 遊戲代表: The Elder Scroll, Final Fantasy, World of Warcraft, Diablo.
消遣類(Casual): 這是指小遊戲, 像是 Bejewel...等等. 但是, 在網路盛行的時代, 這種類別愈發不可收拾. 連死忠(Hardcore) 玩家也都非常著迷這個類型. iPad 之後, 更是火上添油, 乾柴烈火... Okay...過頭了... 不過, 象, 任天堂的 DS, 蘋果的 iPhone, iPad, 還有其他志混型手機讓這個類型的遊戲變成現在最賺錢的的遊戲類別之一! 遊戲代表: Bejewel, Angry Bird, Tower Defense, Flight Conrtol, 麻將.
維基: History of Video Games
Friday, July 22, 2011
Invictus by William Ernest Henley
Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the Pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.
In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.
Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.
It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.
(I heard it from the movie, Invictus.)
Black as the Pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.
In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.
Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.
It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.
(I heard it from the movie, Invictus.)
a translation
My sister asked me to translate a Chinese lyrics out of blue one day. I emailed her a link of some other people's translation. I said why don't we do one each. So here are the translations we did:
Chinese Lyrics:
*某年某月的某一天 就像一張破碎的臉
難以開口道再見 就讓一切走遠
#這不是件容易的事 我們卻都沒有哭泣
讓它淡淡的來 讓它好好的去
△到如今年復一年 我不能停止懷念 懷念你懷念從前
但願那海風再起 只為那浪花的手 恰似你的溫柔
My version:
Somewhere along the line
You and I become shattered visage
It was hard to utter a goodbye
to let you go, and let you go
Time like this was harsh
But tearless on our faces
yes, when love came in stealth
let farewell commence in peace
To this day
I can not stop thinking back
think about you and the past
Wonder when will the breeze stir the sea
For the breakage of the wave touches
like the tenderness from thee.
My sister’s version:
A day in a month of a year, like a shattered face
Farewell bid in speechlessness
Let go all the past into deep distance
It is no easy task
Yet none of us let go of tears
Let it come as feather
Let it leave in breeze
Year and year pass 'till this day
I cannot stop the past say
Missing you and old life's sake
May that ocean breeze flow again
Just for that hand of waves
Gentle as your tenderness
Here's another version from 1996, someone else translated into English:
Some day in some month of some year
It was just like a smashed face
It's difficult to say goodbye
Let everything go far away
It's not an easy matter
But both of us didn't weep
Let it come to us placidly
Let it go away merrily
Year in and year out
I can't stop missing you
Missing you and the old times
I wish the sea breeze can blow again
Just for arousing waves
Just like your tenderness
I took quite a bit of liberty in translation. My sister's rhymed much better. I think her translation is closer to the original meaning as well. I, on the other hand, have to scramble to find rhymes. I could not find anything for the last word and need to borrow from the ancient English. lol You and thee in same lyrics... What a joke...
Chinese Lyrics:
*某年某月的某一天 就像一張破碎的臉
難以開口道再見 就讓一切走遠
#這不是件容易的事 我們卻都沒有哭泣
讓它淡淡的來 讓它好好的去
△到如今年復一年 我不能停止懷念 懷念你懷念從前
但願那海風再起 只為那浪花的手 恰似你的溫柔
My version:
Somewhere along the line
You and I become shattered visage
It was hard to utter a goodbye
to let you go, and let you go
Time like this was harsh
But tearless on our faces
yes, when love came in stealth
let farewell commence in peace
To this day
I can not stop thinking back
think about you and the past
Wonder when will the breeze stir the sea
For the breakage of the wave touches
like the tenderness from thee.
My sister’s version:
A day in a month of a year, like a shattered face
Farewell bid in speechlessness
Let go all the past into deep distance
It is no easy task
Yet none of us let go of tears
Let it come as feather
Let it leave in breeze
Year and year pass 'till this day
I cannot stop the past say
Missing you and old life's sake
May that ocean breeze flow again
Just for that hand of waves
Gentle as your tenderness
Here's another version from 1996, someone else translated into English:
Some day in some month of some year
It was just like a smashed face
It's difficult to say goodbye
Let everything go far away
It's not an easy matter
But both of us didn't weep
Let it come to us placidly
Let it go away merrily
Year in and year out
I can't stop missing you
Missing you and the old times
I wish the sea breeze can blow again
Just for arousing waves
Just like your tenderness
I took quite a bit of liberty in translation. My sister's rhymed much better. I think her translation is closer to the original meaning as well. I, on the other hand, have to scramble to find rhymes. I could not find anything for the last word and need to borrow from the ancient English. lol You and thee in same lyrics... What a joke...
Thursday, July 21, 2011
my chili
I made a chili a few days ago. I really like it.
Chili recipe:
ground beef
green bell pepper
red bell pepper
red pepper paste(I made it from hot red pepper and lots of garlic)
red pepper flake
tomatoes cooked with oil.
cook ground beef, stir until cooked, take beef out.
cook onion until caramelized, then put everything in, including ground beef.
salt to taste.
simmer for two hours
salt again if necessary
My mom cooked Calabacitas con Elote (Zucchini with Corn) afterwards. My mom used white pepper instead of black pepper. Combination of the chili and calabacitas con elote is really good.
Chili recipe:
ground beef
green bell pepper
red bell pepper
red pepper paste(I made it from hot red pepper and lots of garlic)
red pepper flake
tomatoes cooked with oil.
cook ground beef, stir until cooked, take beef out.
cook onion until caramelized, then put everything in, including ground beef.
salt to taste.
simmer for two hours
salt again if necessary
My mom cooked Calabacitas con Elote (Zucchini with Corn) afterwards. My mom used white pepper instead of black pepper. Combination of the chili and calabacitas con elote is really good.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
the thin red line
I just finished watching the movie. It was a long movie, about 3 hours. A very gorgeous film, visually. The movie was filled with a strong philosophical undertone. It is an anti-war movie. It reminds me of a Japanese anti-war movie, The Human Condition, especially James Caviezel's character.
The movie focused more on the C Company's collective thoughts than on the historical progress of the war. It was narrated by various soldiers from the C Company. Their points of views did not necessarily correspondent with each other. Many of the dialogues were very down to earth, which was mostly about personal life, dream, wanting, but none of them talked about wanting to protect their country. Upon facing the reality of war, most of them were confused. Or, at least that's how I remembered the narratives. The narratives would sometimes give way to the conversation on the battlefield. That was how the movie progressed. Philosophical undertone was the constant, battlefield conversation pushed the plot forward.
If simple soldiers talked plainly about their human need, it was not very surprising. But what surprised me a bit was how the Lt. Colonel talked about war. For the war became Lt. Colonel's dream somehow, although it was a hell to both himself and his men. It was like he was waiting for it to come, and it was a chance of a life time to him. Mind you, the Lt. Colonel was not a stupid, but selfish and hot headed. Granted that professional soldiers of course would looked at this as a chance of a life time. But to spill out like that in front of his men was was very stupid of the Lt. Colonel. But a necessity for any anti-war movie. That's right, a stupid boss, for every anti-war movie.
The cinematography was incredible in the movie. There were few scenes that I really liked it. Some of the dialogues and narrative were fantastic as well. But overall, I don't think it comparable to platoon and black hawk down. The philosophical narrative throughout was mostly redundant. It did give the film an melancholy feeling. The dread of the war was clearly showed. But it was a glass looking back. The message was good and clear. But for the narrative, I felt it was too clear, almost to the point of being tacky. I did like the actors, but they were not able to influence pass beyond the movie as a whole. It is a director's film, not actors'.
The movie focused more on the C Company's collective thoughts than on the historical progress of the war. It was narrated by various soldiers from the C Company. Their points of views did not necessarily correspondent with each other. Many of the dialogues were very down to earth, which was mostly about personal life, dream, wanting, but none of them talked about wanting to protect their country. Upon facing the reality of war, most of them were confused. Or, at least that's how I remembered the narratives. The narratives would sometimes give way to the conversation on the battlefield. That was how the movie progressed. Philosophical undertone was the constant, battlefield conversation pushed the plot forward.
If simple soldiers talked plainly about their human need, it was not very surprising. But what surprised me a bit was how the Lt. Colonel talked about war. For the war became Lt. Colonel's dream somehow, although it was a hell to both himself and his men. It was like he was waiting for it to come, and it was a chance of a life time to him. Mind you, the Lt. Colonel was not a stupid, but selfish and hot headed. Granted that professional soldiers of course would looked at this as a chance of a life time. But to spill out like that in front of his men was was very stupid of the Lt. Colonel. But a necessity for any anti-war movie. That's right, a stupid boss, for every anti-war movie.
The cinematography was incredible in the movie. There were few scenes that I really liked it. Some of the dialogues and narrative were fantastic as well. But overall, I don't think it comparable to platoon and black hawk down. The philosophical narrative throughout was mostly redundant. It did give the film an melancholy feeling. The dread of the war was clearly showed. But it was a glass looking back. The message was good and clear. But for the narrative, I felt it was too clear, almost to the point of being tacky. I did like the actors, but they were not able to influence pass beyond the movie as a whole. It is a director's film, not actors'.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
錯誤 /鄭愁予
錯誤 /鄭愁予
跫: ㄑㄩㄥˊ, 腳步聲。原指長期住在荒涼寂寞的地方,對別人的突然來訪感到欣悅。後常比喻難得的來客。
跫: ㄑㄩㄥˊ, 腳步聲。原指長期住在荒涼寂寞的地方,對別人的突然來訪感到欣悅。後常比喻難得的來客。
Monday, July 18, 2011
Rear Window experience
I watched Hitchcock's Rear Window with my mom this evening. The result was very surprising. I did not mean the movie, but the reaction from my mom. As the tension build up, my mom literally yelled out for her mother! She even rose from her seat and came over to sit with me, almost want to clinch on me! I did not invest in the movie too much, for my mom grabbed my attention. It almost felt she was like a little girl watching a very scary movie. It was simply astonishing.
I've already watched a remake. The intense scenes in the remake almost kicked my heart out of my mouth. So I could totally understand her tension. I kept as little reaction on the outside, even though I did not share the movie with another person.
My mother did not really like the film. She kept saying that she did not like Hitchcock. Guess I will have to watch Hitchcock by myself next time.
I've already watched a remake. The intense scenes in the remake almost kicked my heart out of my mouth. So I could totally understand her tension. I kept as little reaction on the outside, even though I did not share the movie with another person.
My mother did not really like the film. She kept saying that she did not like Hitchcock. Guess I will have to watch Hitchcock by myself next time.
I've loved you so long impression
I watched a French movie, English title: I've loved you so long two days ago. It was very good. It was a redemption movie. After so many redemption movies, it was scary to see another one. Because those redemption movies become the same after a while.
This one is much better. The reason for it was because of the actress, Kristin Scott Thomas. The story did not end with an elevation of feeling. The ending was slow, steady, and still with a sadness lingered around.
This one is much better. The reason for it was because of the actress, Kristin Scott Thomas. The story did not end with an elevation of feeling. The ending was slow, steady, and still with a sadness lingered around.
Friday, July 15, 2011
impression about two of Gene Kelly's movies
I finished watching Gene Kelly's An American in Paris. Comparing to another Gene Kelly movie, Dancing in the Rain, I find the same enjoyment in An American in Paris. I like the plot in American in Paris better though. However, the singing in the rain scene made more permanent impression on me than any scores in An American in Paris.
Singing in the rain was a bit long for my taste. I was impatient with the two abstract musical sequences. There was only one abstract sequence in An American in Paris.
Still I think Gene Kelly's movies are quite easy to watch. The dancing was very fun to watch. The personality of Gene Kelly was all over both movies. It is charming, relaxing, and a sense of naivety.
Singing in the rain was a bit long for my taste. I was impatient with the two abstract musical sequences. There was only one abstract sequence in An American in Paris.
Still I think Gene Kelly's movies are quite easy to watch. The dancing was very fun to watch. The personality of Gene Kelly was all over both movies. It is charming, relaxing, and a sense of naivety.
Saturday, July 09, 2011
Sunday, July 03, 2011
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