Saturday, July 27, 2024


 Cytokines, 中文名稱是 細胞激素,又名細胞因子、細胞活素、細胞介素、細胞素,一組蛋白質和多肽,生物中用做信號蛋白, 在細胞間傳遞訊息。  

Interleukin 中文名稱是 白血球介素,一組細胞因子。  

Cellular therapy, 中文名稱是 細胞治療

Physiology, 中文名稱是 生理學。是生物學的一門領域,研究生物體及其各組成部分,在活體系統中化學和物理的功能活動。  

I am reading a book, theSongOfTheCell.  So I intend to write down some notes here.  Don't ask me why I am reading the book.  I do not know why.  Though I regret that when I was reading this author's the other book, theEmperorOfAllMaladies, I did not thought of jot some notes down. 

So far only prelude, intro, and Part 1, 1.1the original cell, 1.2 the visible cell, 1.3 the univseral cell.  

Those parts are talking about the discovery of the cell fist through the technological innovation.  Then, by using technology, which helped human see far beyond our physical capability.  

Some significant people that appeared, Antonie van Leeuvwenhoek, Rober Hooke, Rudolf Virchow, Matthias Schleiden, Theodor Schwann, Andreas Vesalius, Francois-Vincent Raspail, 

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Some thoughts on the work

 工作愈來愈少。  當然因為這是暑假, 但是,這麼少似乎沒有過。  如果在辦公室上班的話, 要挑的貨少, 再加上關鍵的資料輸入和影印標籤的過程被簡化, 而造成工作減少,那就算了。  但是現在連在家工作的日子都沒有啥工作。  我覺得太誇張!  

我覺得我跟的同事完全沒有交集。  我本來在簡化了一些工作過程後, 想秀給他們看,他們也可以給點意見或者說他們也可以這樣做。  但是, 沒有, 他們表現得就是這些和他們無關。  我滿懊惱的, 因為說和他們無關, 就讓我感覺我和他們不是同一組的。  不過我後來想到之前在增加盒子的時候, C 有一本簿子本來是要記錄所有盒子的內容, 但是當時, 他倆一組,我一個在一邊也沒有加入他們的行列。  另外, Nara 總是說我對他們愛理不理的。  這種種的跡象顯示問題真的在我這裡。  

不過我現在對自己的問題不是以上這個, 而是當我在家工作, 卻沒有工作, 我做啥?  這是一個堆積了很久的問題。  

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Books afterthough

 I really went after other AllenEskens' books.  And again, in a quick succession, I finished 

The deep dark descending

The heaven may fall

The forsaken Country

It feels amazing.  I think I finished the last one about 2 weeks ago, or maybe a week ago.  

Those dark descending and forsaken country is not a mystery, they are more like a thriller, where, you know who bad guys are.  Heaven may fall has more mystery to it.  But its ending gives me such a thrilling pulsation!    The ending chapters of forsake are wonderful as well.  

The dark descending is probably the weakest one for me.  I guess I am impatient of the inevitable result.  But I do like the detective work in finding out who the killer is.  I feel the relationship between nikki and max was pretty interesting.  I feel I see reacher in max's shadow, albeit a bit tamer.  However, when the forsaken country comes along, I feel Nikki and max relationship became the weak spot in the book.  I don't feel the romance between a man and a woman, but a genuine emotion between colleagues, or even a different brother and sister relationship.  So when the FC came along, it feels awkward to me.  

I always feel that too many explanations is a waste of time.  Though I am at fault so often nowadays.  But I feel I was very wrong after I read the endings of both heaven may fall and FC.  I feel the thrills come from that readers knowing the relationship between each characters so well.  Though the authors keeps telling reader, which is moi, the relationship between each characters again and again, to the point I feel redundant.  But when the ending shows up, the weight of the situation it created is tremendous.  

I wonder if there's a chinese version of the book, or the series.  I wonder how it would come about?  

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

A poem I saw today

