Saturday, June 18, 2022

A rule against murder 讀後感,詩鈔

我剛讀完露易莎。媥尼的第四本葛傌煦警探系列小說。  題目是一條反對謀殺的規定。  我始終覺得這不是一個很嚴肅的偵探小說系列。  這個系列真正吸引我的地方是他創造的人物,都很可親,很可愛。  而且很多偵探小說裡的主角都是出生背景黑暗,但是這位葛傌煦警探則不是,其中的一個原因實在是因為作者當初創作的時候,希望把心目中的最完美的男人的特質用來塑造出這位警探。  

這本書在描寫家庭的互動上滿仔細,也滿生動的。  但是,有時候我覺得作者為了創造氣氛,在某些描述上變得有點誇張。  關於查案方面,我覺得這一部跟前三集相比,更弱。  這一本書的重點很顯然是希望讓讀者更深入了解葛傌煦警探的成長經過,而不是案情。  我覺得有點可惜。  但是故事裡有兩大段地方,讓我看得很喜歡。  因為這兩段寫的很實在,並不煽情。  可以說把這本書的重點給點得很到位。  

我喜歡這個系列還因為作者每次都有使用了不少的詩詞。  不知道為什麼這都讓我很高興。  我這次也不例外,把一首貫穿全書的詩抄錄下來。 

Oh! I have slipped the surly bonds of Earth
And danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings;
Sunward I’ve climbed, and joined the tumbling mirth
of sun-split clouds,—and done a hundred things
You have not dreamed of—wheeled and soared and swung
High in the sunlit silence. Hov’ring there,
I’ve chased the shouting wind along, and flung
My eager craft through footless halls of air….

Up, up the long, delirious, burning blue
I’ve topped the wind-swept heights with easy grace
Where never lark nor ever eagle flew—
And, while with silent lifting mind I’ve trod
The high untrespassed sanctity of space,
Put out my hand, and touched the face of God.

“High Flight,” September 3, 1941., John Gillespie Magee, Jr. (1922–41)

Magee was born in Shanghai, China, of missionary parents—an American father and an English mother—and spoke Chinese before English. He was educated at Rugby school in England and at Avon Old Farms School in Connecticut. He won a scholarship to Yale, but instead joined the Royal Canadian Air Force in late 1940, trained in Canada, and was sent to Britain. He flew in a Spitfire squadron and was killed on a routine training mission on December 11, 1941. The sonnet above was sent to his parents written on the back of a letter which said, “I am enclosing a verse I wrote the other day. It started at 30,000 feet, and was finished soon after I landed.” He also wrote of his course ending soon and of his then going on operations, and added, “I think we are very lucky as we shall just be in time for the autumn blitzes (which are certain to come).”

文章裡是介紹這位作者,年僅十九歲。  在二戰時,在英國上空做訓練飛行時發生意外,和另一架訓練機相撞斃命。  文章裡說他出生在中國上海,父母是傳道士。  他從小一開口講的是國語,後來才學英文。  之後又在英美兩國之間就學, 獲得耶魯大學獎學金,但是棄學從軍,進入英國皇家航空。  在他寫給父母的信中,他抄錄了這首詩,信裡提到當天飛機一飛上三萬英呎,他就開始有了詩的靈感,在降落後,一首詩(信裡用的詞彙是 ditty,短歌的意思)就完成了。    

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