I was walking downtown. I came to the Elm Square intersection. Our town library is part of the intersection. On top of it, there's a round pole. It was twilight, the traffic was quite heavy. It was spring, the weather was quite nice. There were people walking around. What animal could I see in this heavy crowded area? It was on top of that tip of the library dome. A hawk was sitting on the tip, not moving at all. But a crow, or raven was diving bombing him. Again and again, the black bird came at him only 1 inch away. The hawk was not moving at all. It was an incredible sight. I must watch for a few minutes then moved on. A couple minutes later, I thought the crow left. Then finally I saw the hawk flied away. That left an impression on me. The busy intersection, twilight, cars everywhere, eating eating, walking. But hovering over them, was a struggle between 2 birds.
Earlier this year, maybe march, I was awakened by the croak of turkeys. I thought it was early for turkeys. But then, what surprised me was I heard the something landing on the roof. I turned my head and saw a strange sight. A turkey flew to my roof, right outside of my window! What a sight!
I think it was a few week ago. I was wakened by the croak of turkeys again. The second time this year. I wasn't impressed. But just a little later, I heard a murder of crows or ravens crowing loudly nearby. I immediately realized there's something wrong. Crows must be witnessing something. So I got up and looked out my window. And sure enough, I saw a fox chasing after 2 turkeys. I instantly took some pictures. But they were of bad quality my camera don't have zoom. After both turkeys and fox moved away, I ran outside in hope to see what would happen. The turkeys were actually walking leisurely. And the fox kept following them patiently. The murder of 4 crows, fly along their paths, until they reach the elm street. The fox saw me eventually, and I stayed a bit longer. I stepped on the elm street, hoping to see how're the turkeys. They still strode slowly along the elm. The fox took off though, along with the crows.
Crows made a nest in my pine trees at my backyard. They were loud and very active. It was about a couple weeks ago. They were really loud, all 4 of them, but they were not flying around like usual. They were all on the pine trees, did not leave. I kept trying to see why, I thought there must be something wondered into my backyard. But I saw nothing on the ground. I went to bathroom and trying to poop. Then only then, I saw something grey furs moving along the trunk of the big pine trees. A crow was crowing at it!! I'd guess it was a raccoon. But after that glimpse, I could not see it again! The crows were still cawing though.
A lot of roads in our town had a lot of construction all around. So I changed my routine. I switched to Rt. 125 bypass. The route passed through a huge swamp, which was divided by Rt. 125. It was unfortunate for the wild animals really. Because I saw many dead animals along the route in the morning, the most stand out was a few dead bodies of beavers. Very sad signs. A road so very convenient for us, very dangerous for the rest of the animals. And it divides the swamp, fractions the natural habitat.
Just this weekend, I went to horn pond with Aunt Grace's family. I saw something interesting. There was a spot for boating. A group of Canadian geese swim towards that location. But we were at that spot, so they held their advances and waited patiently for us leave. Then, Roger and Becca spotted sth weird in the water. A leaf floating with intention. Then we realize it must be something aquatic animals like an otter. The leaf floated towards the geese, then we saw a diving action. A few second later, the geese was disturbed, and all of a sudden, all of them took fly, fled the water, except one goose. He struggled some and swam alone away from the disturbed spot safely. We never saw the otter itself though. It was awesome.