Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Watched Aliensagain

Aliens was on prime for free, so I watched it again.  
I've watched the movie so many times.  My mom asked me why.  I am not sure why.  The plot?  The characters? The dialogues?  

當我想想,這電影出來的時候,也正是倩女幽魂出來的前一年,在我腦子裡,不由得把兩部電影對比一下,這部電影的特效實在要比倩女幽魂來的高明,至少在我看起來。  當然這兩部的經費也是不能比較的。 

Compare the modern alien series started with Prometheus, 2 things stand out the most.  In the old series, at least the first 2, there are lots of interesting characters other than the protagonist.  The new ones, not so much.  The other thing is that alien was never the real evil in both series, evil is always the human, the corporation, or any man made objects.  The difference between the two is not who is evil, but who represents evil, because, the old series, robot was not real evil, they are just imperfect design.  It is really corporation and corporation agents.  But the modern ones, the robot became the main representation of human evilness.  David = corporation = human evilness

I do like the say there're so many memorable characters in this movie.  So many.  Same as the first alien.  The death scene of Vasque and Gorman was such a weird combo to die together.  I did not like Gorman at first, but I respect some degree of reality he represented.  But that death scene showed him as a real soldier.  And the understanding between Vazque and Gorman in that moment was something.  

I am running the circles again.  

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