Sunday, May 23, 2021


 Art and Science, they were mentioned side by side in the classic world.  But now, it was separated.  Art is the one with imagination, Science is the one with all the data.  It's kind weird.  Because Artist usually spills out their inner thoughts through art, so other people can see, hear, or touch what's inside of them.  But science is the opposite, a Scientist is one who observe the outside world, through which he collects data, in numbers, graphics, and other means.  And he uses all the data, to form a concept inside his mind.  It seems totally opposite way to live.  But it's not.  For an artist once expressed his inner imagination, he needs to observe the world again to fuel his imagination.  For scientist, once he formed his concept in his mind, he has an urge to share it with world.  They both observe and express.  They both need to use their hands, perceptions, to do both.  

I was reading Rachel Carson's the sea around us.  She told a fascinating theory about how moon was formed.  With that lyrical words she wrote, a huge painting was formed inside my head.  Such a treat, also an intrigue.  I looked up how moon was formed online.  So many theories.  I was thinking to myself, what an imagination for those scientists to formulate those awesome theories.  When The Sea around us was  written, human had not stepped on the moon yet.  Imagination, an artist's word.  But a scientist used.  I am simply awed.  

Thoughts aboutnba

I never followed NBA as intently after MJ's last ring.  I was following StephCurry this season though.  And it did not disappoint at all.  They had some huge failure.  But they came back in the end.  Although they got pushed out this post season.  I can't wait for the next chapter of StephCurry and Company.  I felt that after the last disastrous loss, SC really led the team by example.  And I still felt the steadiness in his interview.  He's smart enough to understand the question and intent of the question.  But he's also smart enough to answer them, and somehow sincere and honest did not became brashness.  In a way, he did reminded me of a little bit TimDncn.  


I really like that SkipandShannon's talk is better than stephAandMAX.  I like Skippp because he's genuine, I feel that The show he and ShannonShp created, can sometimes have a good conversation, a good discussion.  But stephAandMAX was all about bashing the other side.  stephA can really have a surprising things to say in a good way.  But still, too much bashing on the other side.  Discussion was kind broken.  I appreciate the respect from SkipandShannon, that respect marks a chasm between 2 shows.  

Many of those talk show was more like a sales/marketing product most of the time.  Not worth the time.  


This post season looked good.  The play-in adds pressure for the players.  But it did add entertainment value.  


Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Watched Aliensagain

Aliens was on prime for free, so I watched it again.  
I've watched the movie so many times.  My mom asked me why.  I am not sure why.  The plot?  The characters? The dialogues?  

當我想想,這電影出來的時候,也正是倩女幽魂出來的前一年,在我腦子裡,不由得把兩部電影對比一下,這部電影的特效實在要比倩女幽魂來的高明,至少在我看起來。  當然這兩部的經費也是不能比較的。 

Compare the modern alien series started with Prometheus, 2 things stand out the most.  In the old series, at least the first 2, there are lots of interesting characters other than the protagonist.  The new ones, not so much.  The other thing is that alien was never the real evil in both series, evil is always the human, the corporation, or any man made objects.  The difference between the two is not who is evil, but who represents evil, because, the old series, robot was not real evil, they are just imperfect design.  It is really corporation and corporation agents.  But the modern ones, the robot became the main representation of human evilness.  David = corporation = human evilness

I do like the say there're so many memorable characters in this movie.  So many.  Same as the first alien.  The death scene of Vasque and Gorman was such a weird combo to die together.  I did not like Gorman at first, but I respect some degree of reality he represented.  But that death scene showed him as a real soldier.  And the understanding between Vazque and Gorman in that moment was something.  

I am running the circles again.  

Running in Circle

 Don't know why, but I'm running in circle

I finished transferring an article from one of my mom's book to my blog.  After that, out of nowhere, I started to check if it's in my blog already.  And voila!  Yes, it was, put it in long time ago!  Another day, I did the same thing to another article, I kept thinking, it's an important piece of information.  I gotta put it up so other people can see it too...  No, already did it...  

Then a few days after, I started another project, taking pictures of my old sketches trying to preserve them.  But suddenly, I asked myself, did I do this already?  Well, I found out that I did some...  

I am working half days, and I started to apply for jobs about 2 month ago.  When I am looking at other job, I feel like I'm running in circles again.  Since 2018, I had 5 new jobs.  And I found one thing, doesn't matter what job it is, I am very anxious at any position.  I thought the best job would be the job that I could keep doing it until I go home, Mailman, is such a job.  When I went home after each day, I was tired, unfulfilled. And feeling isolated.  I thought it's because of I was alone on the delivery route.  So I got another job, I worked independently at off sites.  Receive, inventory check, stocking, organizing, emailing, I felt more isolation, unfulfilled, and anxious.  I do think that me and my manager was not communicating well at all.  But that's a whole other story.  Anyway, I changed to my current job, it's very simple, pick, helped packing, restocking.  And only for half days.  But I keeping looking for money, for I made very little money, and lots of free time on my hand.  I was reading some books back then, but again.  I stopped recently.  I want to upload some book readings.  This is progressing rather slowly.  

I looked at jobs, and wonder, maybe I should go back to school?  But what am I going to study?  And how am I going to pay for it?  But mostly just what am I going to study?  I now know that my anxiety stemmed from my not communicating to people around me.  I know this because, if I am anxious and focus totally on work, keeping looking forward to finish the work.  But I look at other people, they are much more relaxed, and joke about stuff.  I immediately knew, my focus on the task at hand, was a way to keep myself away from people.  I don't know why.  












Monday, May 03, 2021


     Herring,中文叫做 「鯡魚」 。  第一次聽過是 Mei 說地。  他姊夫好像是一個已退休的生物學教授,三年前他的一個已是教授的學生說要帶他們去看 Herring Run.  那年,我們聽說後,自姊也跑了一趟。 今年,Mei 給我看照片說她姊夫今年已經又去看了。  我等了一個星期後,決定再去一次。  

    媽媽這次說他不要去,下午要和他教會都打過疫苗的姊妹們聚一聚。 他們要玩遊戲,一種桌遊叫做 Sequence.  既然這樣,我就帶了我的腳踏車去,我想這樣可以走更多地方。  我還問問 Mei 要不要一起去,但是他說他現在會過敏,就不去了。  我查了查地圖,發現如果我停在三年前的地方,整個路線實在太短,所以我就著地圖沿著河找到一個比較靠近出海口的公園, 叫做 「魚鷹瞭望公園」 (Osprey Overlook Park)。  我就決定把車開到那兒,希望可以騎久一點。 

    這一路開過去差不多一個小時,沿路車子滿多的。  一方面我是北邊開過去要經過波士頓,一方面天氣還可以。  快要開到目的地的時候, Weymouth 那個地方好像沒有車子一樣,真是奇怪。  開到了目的地,我把腳踏車拿下來後,先參觀了一下 「魚鷹瞭望公園」 的告示牌和地圖。  發現這個公園其實還滿大的,我就先去他們的一個 Loop trail。  我一進去很快的發現這是一個不一樣的地方。  整個地形和風景馬上讓我想到我去莉君賓州的家,他家附近的一條河邊,不知道為什麼。 我覺得這真是一個很有趣的事情。  這河兩岸的型態剛剛在介紹版上好像稱作是 「Salt Marsh」,中文好像是 鹽澤。 有趣的是在河另一邊的鹽澤草岸上豎立著兩個巨大的木架子,看起來好像是鳥巢的樣子。  我拿出了望遠鏡,竭目以望,隱隱看到鳥巢上好像有隻白頭深褐色翅膀的鳥,看起來頗為巨大。  但是一動不動的。  巢裡好像有動靜,可我也不確定。  需要更強力的望遠鏡。。。  今年的春天冷一點,樹葉也都還只是朦朦朧朧的出現中,但即使是這樣,整個河上的風景令我駐足不已。  當時心中已作了決定,我等一下看完了魚,在這裡可以好好逛逛。  

    我騎著腳踏車從公園出發去找三年前我去的那個小公園。  也蠻有趣的,Herring Run 想必是一個滿受歡迎的迎春活動,三年前我們來到 Weymouth,在市中心有一個小公園特別開闢了給人來看 Herring Run。  當年,我們就在這裡看到了一個小溪裡擠滿了鯡魚。 那股感動是特別的,那種強烈的生命力,這麼多的魚,又每一條都排著隊,間距相差無幾的等在水裡,通通朝著一個方向,一有機會,就搖著尾巴震動全身奮力湧上。  也不知道為什麼,也許我已經晚了。 當我再次來到這個市中心的公園時,那條小溪裡並沒有我想像中的擠滿了鯡魚。  相較之下,今年的水量也比前上次來的豐沛。  也許相較之下,魚群也顯得少一點。  這種給魚設計回流魚道通常都是一個一個階梯一樣的設計。  在一段階梯後設計一個又一個的魚池,我想目的是讓魚群可以休息。  我一直往上游騎過去,一路上所有的池子裡都擠滿了魚群。  但是沿路上的小溪都沒有太多魚。  我想我真是晚了。  這次我騎到了一個大湖邊,看看地圖,我想這大概也是魚群的終點了。  風有點大,我拿著望遠鏡觀看著湖邊的風景,突然間,看到一隻魚鷹! 我好高興,可惜沒看到他捉魚,但是我看到他降落在一個樹上。  你一定會覺得看到一隻鳥降落在樹上有啥好說的? 但是,我拿著望遠鏡看著時候,魚鷹降落時伸出抓子,那兩條腿又白又粗。  我還滿感動的。  在真實的情境裡看到,有風吹著,附近的波浪連連,眾樹隨風擺,不知名的鳥環繞。  是不一樣的。  

    回到魚鷹公園,我就開始了我的探險。  我看到一條路通往一個河岸,河岸上遠遠望去有人在釣魚,我就朝著這個方向去。 一開始的路都鋪了柏油,倒是到了河岸後,就都是自然的泥土和砂石。  那河岸有幾個釣魚的人,有一個人甚至穿著連身又防水的釣魚裝,幾乎半個人站在水裡揮動著釣竿。  今天的天氣還是晴時多雲,天上有好多鳥盤旋著,我走走停停,隨時用望遠鏡在空中尋找他們。  這河邊的氣象真是大極了,之前我在 Merrimack River 旁走過一次,那河之大,可是卻沒有發現樣這裡一個鹽澤地,我覺得總是離 Merrimack River 有一段距離。  這裡的河邊很好走,我走過一個轉彎的地方,竟然看到有三個然在划著 Kayak! 我滿吃驚的,也很羨慕,他們有人朝我揮手,大概是看我一直瞪著他們。  我趁機大聲喊問他們,是不是自己帶的 kayak? 他們也很高興的和我喊著,是啊,都是他們自己帶的!  很有趣的遭遇。  

    我騎了一陣子後發現這個河岸已經到了盡頭,得要找路回去了。  我看到高高的樹林裡似乎有路,我就朝著那前進。  騎到一半,我不敢騎了,下了車用推的。  終於過了一個小丘回到了柏油路上。  這時,我突然聽到了尖尖的鳴叫,似乎是一種警告。  我望向遠方的對岸,看到一個鳥巢上巨大的魚鷹居然發出了叫聲。  我循著他的視線,才發現剛剛那三個 Kayak 的人正沿著彼岸滑行。  我是充滿了興奮之情。  其實我剛剛一路騎到河岸時,已經發現那鳥是真的。  但是這魚鷹的叫聲更另一個模糊的影像真正充滿了生命的感覺。  那三個 kayak 的人其實目的還是划船,只是路過。  但是那魚鷹還是起飛繞著岸邊的林子不斷繞圈。  直到划船的人離開。  旁邊一對老爺爺老奶奶帶著孫子從岸邊回來,看我興奮的樣子,對我說, 「You've got a good show going!」  「Totally!」 我說。  

    我繼續上路,想要騎完這個公園的主要道路。  有些地方很陡, 我還得推著車子才能上去。  我又在路上的告示牌了解的這種很在鹽澤地旁高聳著的小丘叫做 Esker 「串珠蛇形丘」 或 「成串蛇丘」 。  真的很特別,解說牌說有九十英尺高,是全美最高的 Esker。  山丘的一邊完全是野生形態,山的另一邊則全是住家公園球場。  我騎到底,再回頭騎回去,回去的路上我不再停留,想知道全程大概要多少時間,回去的路上只花了十分鐘。  我想用走的可能會更累,有些地方真的很陡而且長。  回去的時候,又去了公園裡一個專門瞭望的地方,這次我用望眼鏡尋找魚鷹的蹤跡,那個鳥巢上的魚鷹又一動不動的站在那個鳥巢上,不過又有兩個 kayak 的人划近他想照相,他又飛走了。  我最後一眼望到了另一隻魚鷹,他爪上抓著一條大魚,往彼岸的天空飛去,愈飛愈遠,直到看不到了我才離開。  這個地方可以再來!