今天早上, 公司有里民大會. 我看到 CJ , 我整個大會裏, 越來越難過. 我只想大聲的和她說我愛她. 只想把她揣在懷裡.看到她坐在哈利旁邊.我很難受.忌妒就好像赤焰一樣.我痛恨這種感覺.我最近不斷的想,如果我可以跟哈利一樣..就好了.看到他們倆在一起合作無間,我很痛苦.非常非常痛苦.我想自殺.我真的很想很想自殺.我完全不懂我為什麼要這樣受苦.我祈禱 CJ 有一個很好的朋友. 她倆很合, 無論是智商, 行為, 言語. 我懂她喜歡這種人. 我只是很希望自己是這種人.... 而我不是. 我很想自殺.
我討厭以上的想法... 一整天, 就只想逃避, 放棄.很多事在我都很容易放棄.唯獨這個...我真的不知道要怎麼辦.
我大概累了. 去睡吧. 反正每天都一樣.
Thursday, June 15, 2017
Sunday, June 04, 2017
臨睡前的靜思 二
今天去又去打桌球了. 第三次吧. 一次都還沒有贏過. 不過還是打了好幾場. 我滿需要熱身的. 第一場球就和一個很厲害的中國人打. 很慘的. 他的反手實在很厲害. 用正手板...
和另一個人打, 他的發球我怎麼就是不能打回去... 都是側旋... 還和一個七十二歲的人打, 打了兩場,都輸了... lol
打完球, 出來一看, 下雨了. 我還滿高興的.
早上起床仍然困難. 早上做完瑜珈後, 淋浴時, 在想, 要怎樣使我自己起床, 輕鬆容易... 不費力氣, 不傷心, 不留戀... 我有時候故意去看格鬥的影片. 因為這樣使我感覺想要競爭. 我覺得我始終都很想競爭. 但是, 當我可以贏的時候, 不知道為何, 總是缺臨門一腳. 我看那些影片, 只是想激勵自己... le sigh...
耶穌說, 他的擔子是輕省的. 他的擔子是啥?
現在寫的這些, 感覺很不完整. 跟昨晚相比, 話說的很不清. 可惜.
和另一個人打, 他的發球我怎麼就是不能打回去... 都是側旋... 還和一個七十二歲的人打, 打了兩場,都輸了... lol
打完球, 出來一看, 下雨了. 我還滿高興的.
早上起床仍然困難. 早上做完瑜珈後, 淋浴時, 在想, 要怎樣使我自己起床, 輕鬆容易... 不費力氣, 不傷心, 不留戀... 我有時候故意去看格鬥的影片. 因為這樣使我感覺想要競爭. 我覺得我始終都很想競爭. 但是, 當我可以贏的時候, 不知道為何, 總是缺臨門一腳. 我看那些影片, 只是想激勵自己... le sigh...
耶穌說, 他的擔子是輕省的. 他的擔子是啥?
現在寫的這些, 感覺很不完整. 跟昨晚相比, 話說的很不清. 可惜.
When I wake each morning, I feel terrible. Truly terrible. Feeling lonely, no expectation, or just plain lonely. I would think of her. Not really thinking thinking, just have a picture of her from previous moments when I saw her, or hear her. Usually, with other people. And it doesn't matter what they were doing, or how she interacted with them. I have this insane jealousy and inadequacy. This gave me a lot of sleepless night. I could not get back to sleep. I do not know what to do. I want to see her, or hear her in my head. If it's love, it should
motivates me. But it only gave me sadness! In sadness, there is no
power in me. Energy sacked. Memory lost. So then, I know, the feeling
for her, must not be love. It is those obsession that because I can't
have it, my thoughts stock on it.
So I am here to prepare myself. I want myself to remember something, maybe it's some memory that would make me happy; maybe it's some words I've seen that worth re-uttering. And if her imagine came up again, tell myself, I love her, I love her, let me be clear about it. Treasure this feeling, but let it motivates me throughout the day. Because, she's enduring the real hardship. Not me. She is doing something for her love. I, need to learn how to love! I need to learn! So the first thing, is to let it go. Let the obsession go. Learn to love, let the obsession go.
榕. 今天你和你的朋友忙了一整天. 希望你睡好. 做個好夢. 我是這樣希望的. 明天, 我知道你總是好好過日子. 我, 要學著如何過我的日子. Sofiya 提醒了我. 我得學會. 謝謝你的出現.
Learn to love, let the obsession go!
So I am here to prepare myself. I want myself to remember something, maybe it's some memory that would make me happy; maybe it's some words I've seen that worth re-uttering. And if her imagine came up again, tell myself, I love her, I love her, let me be clear about it. Treasure this feeling, but let it motivates me throughout the day. Because, she's enduring the real hardship. Not me. She is doing something for her love. I, need to learn how to love! I need to learn! So the first thing, is to let it go. Let the obsession go. Learn to love, let the obsession go.
榕. 今天你和你的朋友忙了一整天. 希望你睡好. 做個好夢. 我是這樣希望的. 明天, 我知道你總是好好過日子. 我, 要學著如何過我的日子. Sofiya 提醒了我. 我得學會. 謝謝你的出現.
Learn to love, let the obsession go!
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