Tuesday, June 28, 2016

To memorialize a cup

I am throwing a cup out.  This green cup has been my cup for brushing teeth since I had any memory of teeth and brushing.

My sister used to have one such cup when she's younger.  But she use a different one now.  My mom bought things for us, she never had a cup of her own.  I don't know the reason why I kept this cup for such a long time.  I just never cared about which cup I used, I guess.  I do like this green cup though.

It's a plastic cup, perfect size for brushing teeth.  It's weight like a feather.  It's kind dirty on the outside, and there are some bumps and on the bottom.  But it's quite perfect at the opening.  It has  sticker, I never peeled off.  It said W-3, W-cup, Natural Color, 台南, 穩泰.  I guess it was where it was made.   And I think it's unique that I keep it for such a long time.

The reason I am considering to throw it out is actually two.  The first one is that it's plastic.   The second one is that I want to make some changes around myself. 

It's trivial matters though...  le sigh.

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