Tuesday, December 01, 2015


I rewatched Casino Royal.

I did not remember anything from that movie, until I saw a trailer showing the parkour chasing scene.  I remembered that I liked it.  So I decided to watched it again.

 The chasing scene was still the best part of the movie.  However, the dialogue was quite good too.  But I really need to concentrate on it to get something out of it.  Not only because of the accent, I think it's also because they way they speak.  They seemed to always skip a step in the  conversation.  That's how smart people talk.  That's how smart the screen writer was .  Not a good thing to say, really, kind of reflected on me...  lol 

The story arch was kind too easy.  I mean whenever the movies used secret organization story line, I felt cheated.  That reminded me of 孫悟空和金角銀角的故事...  Now, that story was funny as hell.  But I thought 007 was quite serious, but by using that kind of scenario, and the series kept going on and on.  It's just cheap. 

As a stand alone movie though, Casino Royal was awesome.  I like this actor better.  I loved the scene where the agent woke up from the disaster, and was talking to the girl.  When girl said something, the agent replied.  Immediately, I could see him armored himself up with a smile.  The girl pointed it out immediately.  Then, the agent truly opened himself up.  That was such a true moment.  I think everything before was culminating towards that moment.  Although the ending was messed up with secret society thing.  That scene cannot be reduced by the ending. 

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