Friday, May 01, 2015

person missing

looking for a lost person.  he is 5'3'', asian.  male, with a glasses.  missing since long time ago.  may no longer be alive.  but still hoping to reach out and take our chances.

it's hard to describe how this person really was for it was truly a long time ago.  this person seemed to be full of himself sometimes.  it seemed that he could easily get along with other people, but deep down, he was a phony.  he pretends a lot.  could not  hold true to his feeling.  deeply competitive, it seemed, but a coward in the core.  this combination makes him a person kept hiding and hiding, until there's no more room to hide.  until he had to close his own eyes,  to pretend to hide...  in plain sight.

he watched a lot of porn.  although many of those things scare him, but somehow, those scared him the most, attracted something deep inside of him as well.  it's an interesting study case for human psychic?  or could it be an average joe's psychology?  this person disliked the habit, but could not stop himself.  this habit had affected his interaction with opposite sex.  it was really a very sad fate.  for he naturally adored females. 

this person had problem interact with people, he sought other means to be in touch with a bigger human nature.  movies.  it's very stupid.  for there's no interaction at all.

after all these description, maybe , we should not looked for this person anymore... 


隨便寫的文章,完全沒有內容.   寫作的動機是來自於 zen and the artofmotorcycle maintenance.  這是我以前的心理醫師介紹的一本書.  我最近找來看, 看完後, 後悔那時候沒有馬上在介紹時閱讀.  的確是一本可以和心理醫師討論好書.  主角那種完全脫離現實的觀察, 就好像駕駛人其實不在駕駛, 反而坐在乘客座上.  兒子的描述, 一開始讓我覺得多餘, 但實際上, 非常關鍵!  我還不能解釋關鍵在何處. 

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