The perk of being a wallflower:
This was an interesting movie. I think it was finely crafted, in terms of character development. The plot line was multilayer-ed, with good twists. There was this real mystery behind the main protagonist. The characters surrounding the protagonist are colored personality as well. Each of them has a real space to grow in the story.
As a wallflower goes, I learned the definition well from this movie. I almost find the movie a bore although it was well crafted. They used some typical conflicts in modern teen dramas. It's lucky that supporting cast was good role player for their own roles. The protagonist was those kind people I don't particularly like. Quietly observant, polite, but knowledgeable. He was at the same time, quite mature for his age but permeates a sadness. Not really fearful of others. A writer himself. He liked a senior in high school, but they were never together.
I felt I am like the protagonist in some ways. I don't like myself, therefore, I don't like the protagonist too much. But the movie was quite alright.
This was a gamble. I have no idea what the movie was about. But it paned out alright. I love the photography in the movie. It was some of the prettiest thing I've seen. The scenery, the composition in some frame was simple, but elegant. The color too.
I took the picture, because of the main actor. My first memory of him was in the kingdom of heaven, he played a bad guy there, and made a real impression on me. Here's the same as well. A very competent actor in a very difficult role, which really shined.
But I have to give the credit to the director. In the end, the movie was crafted with patient. The ending was shocking, but it took the whole movie to culminate to that point to give the audience the impact.
I read some reviews claiming to the atheists, encouraging people to watch the movie, saying it is something greater than just a story about a priest . I found that weird. :p
One of the most important quote I remembered from this movie, was when the priest was confronted with the question of why he would cry for his dog, but when upon hearing the molest of many young boys by the other priests, he did not shed a tear. His answer was blunt and honest, he felt a sense of detachment after hearing the molest of young boys by the other priests. I could not really understand about when this conversation struck me, but I know it's the key to this whole movie. While searching for the quote, I read someone compared the priest's detachment to the public's detachment in general. By killing the priest, it's also a allegation towards the general public's detachment. I think maybe that was the reason I thought the conversation meant. But I might find something other things in the future...
滿不錯的一部電影. 我覺得在節奏的拿捏上非常棒. 在這點上製造了緊張. 對於那位神秘女人的動機, 和他的秘密, 也使的觀眾不斷揣測, 提高了觀眾懸疑的興趣. 另外兩位主角的互動很具張力.
有王寶強, 我覺得在演戲上似乎給我一點保證. 所以我滿期待的. 電影沒有讓我失望. 以警察探案為經, 把一個舊式的武林爭霸的故事給帶出來, 這是一個令我驚豔的結構. 其中警案的劇情引起整部影片的多處轉折, 實在是令人猜測不斷. 王寶強的演戲能力也沒讓我失望. 他能不能打對我來說不是很重要, 可是, 在故事裡, 他實際上扮演的是甄子丹 的 hyde. 而這個 hyde 非常盡責, 把主角最強的 Ego 給叫出來後, 真正把主角從自己的強烈欲望裡掙脫出來. 甄子丹的表現一般沒有太大的波瀾起伏, 但是在這裡卻很適合他的角色.
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