Tuesday, September 29, 2009

action movie stars, why so many failed?

there are so many actors i thought could make many action movies classic. but no, i was wrong. vin diesel was one of them. he had a very unique voice and incredible physique. i watched these movies he starred in: fast and furious, chronicles of raddick, xXx, and babylon AD. best of all these movies could only be rated as high as B. none of them are A grade movies. this is very sad and disappointing! i really thought he could be much better than all these! what's wrong? i always though he could make a legendary action movies, something like die hard. but no, that never happened. the best movie i knew was fast and furious 1. the second best was pitch black. the worst was babylon AD. maybe i should watch his latest effort in the fast and the furious(fifth in the series, i think).

jason statham was another one. i watched him in transporter 1 and 2, cellular, war. he too has great unique voice and apparently very able to perform martial art action. the best of all the movie mentioned above was cellular. however, cellular was not an action movie. it was a thriller. i watched transporter 1 and 2, i thought i was poor. both story and choreographer.

Mark Wahlberg was an actor appeared in few action movies i thought could be awesome. but many of them fell flat.

tony jaa, a thailand actor. he has real martial art skill, his movements are incredible to look at, and he has a unique look. all of these should guarantee his movies as legendary, right? No! i am sorry to say, his choreography in the movies were great to look at, but the movies fell short. they are good but not classic.

so why do they fail? it is not because the explosive not big enough. if it was solely relied on the huge explosion, then any USA actors could be super action stars. it's not because actors could kick so fast or punch so powerful. if it's so, then so many martial artists could be making so many classic action movies. it's not because of the unique voice or strong physique either. so what is it then? what are we, as audience looking for in an action movie?

looking at the recent action movie i loved the most, taken. i realized that there're two kinds of actors. the first kind was a very skilled actors, who can actually perform on stage. the second kind of actors are the ones that will need to find a great character for themselves. I think Jet Li is one of them as well. liam neeson was a great actor. so even if the scrip was sub par, he could still perform well. if the director was pretty good, then Taken appeared. vin diesel, as i heard came from the 'hood. i guess tha's why he could excel in the fast and furious. what i really want to say is that liam neeson is very skilled actor. his art in the movie business was solely on acting. but the other guy i mentioned above, in cluding jet li, was not the kind of actor liam neeson is. they are specialist actors. it's not to say that they can't act. what i am saying here is that they have to know their limit so either they could be choosing their own scripts wisely, or they should work very hard. and other producers and directors need to be very smart at casting them in movies that suits them.

to me personally, one the best acts jet li ever performed was in lethal weapon 4, as a bad guy. and this goes the same for jason statham in cellular. to me personally, putting these actors according to their acting skills is more important than putting them in a movie just because they could kick high, or elbow fast. this includes finding good script writers to write a good role that suits the actor.

Monday, September 28, 2009

celebration of teachers.

15 years ago, the same date, my dad died.

struggle for a feeling of existence

when we cut out from outside world. what will happen? what will happen to the perception of my own existence?

i don't talk much of the day. i have a lot of inner conversation. the only one i talked to was myself. i can go anywhere i wanted to. i can do whatever i wanted to. i can eat whatever i wanted to. but i felt so confined. i don't seemed to be able to take initiative talking to people. but when people engaged me voluntarily, i sometimes could not stop, or have a feeling of poured out a river.

i now questioned my own existence. it is true. i can hear, i can see, i can smell, and i can feel physically. but something is amiss. something huge. a huge hole maybe. some say friends are windows. maybe i need to get some. but no, i don't want to. i hope this hole i am talking about is not created by the lack of outside contact, but rather paychecks. generally speaking, just financial security. once i worked, i might be able to fill that hole.

this talk about filling the hole with work and paycheck makes me sick. so sick, that i am in rage. i don't want to have friends, because i don't feel like i could hold my own against them. but they are not enemies! no, they are not. but we compete, compare, and contrast each other, don't we? how can i stand toe to toe, shoulder to shoulder to them? no matter what, i need to have paycheck! now! that hole might not be filled entirely with paycheck, it might still cover some portions. talking about it makes me hot! boiling!

i am always in rage, frustration, timidity, disappointment, and numb. i read and read. i watched and watched. i think and think. something is stopping me to take actions. the only one that could do that to me is myself. i see everybody fakes. i see myself fakes. i need to find a way to sustain myself. not just by money, but by something else! i need to exist. i am existing right now. i don't understand why i even questioned that?! i talked to myself, shouldn't that be enough sign to show that i exist?!

really? why then do you crumble before everyone? maybe i really should buy a tofu and bang my head on that till i die...

Sunday, September 27, 2009

action games: fighting adventure

how do i define an action in action games? well, i guess i could catalog them by different ways players pressing the keys, buttons. because there are different levels of "actions" that players could perform. below are the results of my observation of different games.

1. first kind of actions are performed by specified key or combination of keys. and it is one command, one action. this is the most basic design. from the beginning of video games, when the first few pixels jumped over a pit made of a few pixels, like in Pitfall. that jump command is a simple forward and jump combination. player has total control of when will that action happen. the command won't change with different situation. if the command was to ask a left punch animation to show up, the left punch animation will show up. it won't change to right punch. the height and timing won't change. the actions would also be the movements of mouse, like in mount and blade.

2. second kind of actions is more like a contextual action. it will react differently as situation changes. this kind of actions usually uses very limited key combinations. the good example is street fighter's throw. forward + punch could be just punch, or it could be a throw. what players have to judge was the distance. if the distance was too close, you can't decide if you want to punch or not. the decision is made by the program, to throw. however, the commands are still predictable. usually, the criteria of different contexts are understood easily. players could actually have the control over the situation to trigger the desired alternative commands with the same key or key combination. in the assassin's creed, the criteria of alternative commands seemed to be timing, sometimes with distance as well, i guess.

3. third kind of actions are reactions. this usually requires minimal button. and ironically, there's not much actions people could par take. what people could do was to wait for game characters or online human opponents to act, then players pressed the reaction button in timely manner. it could simply, and most likely be a key, or in some cases a combination of keys. good example of multi-buttons reaction is the deflect actions in soul calibur series. this is a reaction, however, the participation on the players' part was so great. i will have to include this here!

4. fourth kind of actions are called quicktime events. the prime example is God of War. this kind of action is totally contextual. the original command of keys are usually meaningless in the face of special events. players watched carefully the "new" commands on the screen, or monitor, trying to time every button right. if the players timed it correctly, the whole new set of "actions" sprung up. it is usually one "new" command followed with one "new" epic animation. the whole event will need to perform a sequence of commands, which means if one chain was missed, the grand finale won't show. designers have a total freedom in adding whatever they want. players usually have eye candies and awesome painful screaming as rewards.

these are the 4 basic kinds of actions. when the video games keep evolving, game designers wanted to put more actions in it. however, the more stuff they wished to put in, the complicated control inhibited this wish, or even they could not find enough input to accommodate their ambitions. so contextual input appeared, then quicktime event was born as well. with reaction button born during the whole messy thing.

i love direct control, the first kind of actions. it actually put you in touch with the actions. contextual actions and reaction, the second and third type of actions if implemented correctly, would be awesome as well. i, personally hated quicktime event. because it put me out of actions. the new animations was grand, but i did not feel like i am performing them. however, i believe if it's designed correctly, it could give some satisfactions out of it. the only thing that came even close to satisfaction was from Prince of Persia Warrior within. there were huge giant gorillas you need to fight. when you beat him in certain degree, he'd kneel down. that's the queue for you to climb him to his head. this may qualify as a contextual action, however, it's not a situation player could constantly create. it's more like when Krato beating hydra to certain degree, then he started his quicktime event. cataloging it is just a personal feeling...

when i looked at assassin's creed, i could see contextual and reaction actions everywhere. the direct action was kept at minimal. and you could see it from its fighting mechanics. there's not much you could do to attack, however, you beat most of the enemies with reactions. the team that made contextual action in terms of platforming so grand in prince of persia sands of time, proved themselves with assassin's creed again with contextual fighting and reactions. it goes the same with Batman Asylum.

i could see during the future that we will lose most of direct actions in Third Person Action games. instead, people favored eye candies, which is not just measured by pixels now, but also by animations. the main reason behind this trend is because complicated control is not preferred. it's sad, considering shooting games both in FPS and TPS are actually direct actions...

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


最近看了一本書叫做關山煙塵記. 作者是喬家才. 這個人是在全面抗戰八年裡和戴笠作地下工作的. 他是晉人. 所以他大部分的工作都是在華北. 戰爭一開始是在平津一帶. 後來日本多次破獲中國地下工作, 他個人有被抓的可能. 戴笠把他調到四川總部工作. 之後又把他派到太行山區, 在胡宗南的部隊裡作情報工作. 民國廿九, 卅年之後, 多次日本掃蕩太行山的攻勢裡, 他都與軍隊同近同出. 戴笠又把他調到陜南去做緝私工作. 後來在日本一號華北(豫鄂)作戰的前後, 他正在那裡組織情報單位. 民國卅四年初, 他被調到綏遠去接中美合作所綏遠營的副主任.

為啥我要先把他的經歷寫下來呢? 因為這可以看出他在全面抗戰的八年裡佔了啥角色. 如果拿我現在對抗佔極為有限的認識來看, 這一本書算是一本滿實在的書. 他毫不保留的描述當時的情況. 無論是國軍好與壞, 國府的敵後作戰, 當時中美人民的互相看法, 都非常值得一看!

Monday, September 21, 2009

my sister's wedding

sep 19, 2009 was when my sister got married.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

great video

a great video! :)

Monday, September 07, 2009


舅媽說了很多次要給我剪頭髮. 今天下午我終於去了. 他用大中小各尺寸的電剪套子從頭頂到頸部一圈一圈剪... 原來剪頭髮是這樣... 我都是用最小的尺寸一次解決...

之後我和媽媽又到舅媽家吃晚飯, 他說有紅燒肉. 我是不會錯過紅燒肉的. 就在吃飯的時候, 我問了一個問題. 我前幾天在車上聽到舅媽說他老爸, 蕭公公, 說理東西就是要理到晚上摸黑都可以知道每一個東西在哪兒. 今天我又問一次. 於是, 舅媽就打開話匣子, 好像潘朵拉的盒子. 東西是一件又一件的出來. 非常精采. 記一點下來, 以資記憶.

1, 我媽媽聽到蕭公公說理東西的事就猜他是當過兵的, 但是沒想到他才當過十個月的受訓兵. 蕭公公一生最驕傲的事之一就是應了十萬青年十萬軍的號招而去從軍. 訓練了十個月抗戰就勝利了. 雖然沒打到仗, 但這還是這一輩子值得驕傲的事.

2. 蕭公公的爸爸兄弟三人, 都是留日的. 回來後到當地開學校. 在當地和日本人也處的很好. 蕭公公的爸爸是老大在蕭公公還年輕的時候就先過世了. 在抗戰開始的時候, 他們家鄉的人因為他們在戰前和日本人處的很好, 認為他們是漢奸. 有一批人竟然燒了蕭公公三叔的家還把三叔給殺了. 蕭公公的大哥一氣之下, 離家投黃浦去了. 八年抗日完又投入剿共. 結果在延安附近失去聯絡. 從此音訊皆無.

3. 舅媽的姨媽, 也就是蕭婆婆的堂姐, 在武漢和姨夫結婚後逃難到台灣. 姨媽姨夫和他們的大學教授還有師母一起從武漢逃離共產黨的魔抓. 他們經過一個浮橋的時候, 姨媽的人力車一過, 浮橋就斷了. 姨夫在後面結果兩人就此分散了. 儘管姨媽和老師還有師母一路上每個鎮上都些著大字希冀可以因此聯絡上. 但是姨媽到台灣的時候還是沒有遇上姨夫. 而姨夫呢, 共產黨就在屁股後追著, 竟然也給他一路摸到香港的難民區. 他在香港的難民區好幾年, 竟然在那邊養起了雞. 但是運氣好給他碰上一個人. 這個人也是說來話長. 姨夫他家雖然有錢. 但是他聽信一個叔叔說的一句話, 技多不壓身. 於是他學會了打算盤. 在他學校畢業後, 他去一家銀行找事, 他所有的學歷派不上用場. 但是當那個面試他的人一看他的算盤打的滴答響, 馬上錄取. 抗戰時, 也是這面試的人給他幾個銀元到後方去的. 話說回來, 姨夫在香江難民區碰到的那一個人正是此人! 那人一見到姨夫問, 你怎麼在這裡? 你在這裡作啥? 姨夫說了說近況, 最後想必也提到他想去台灣的事. 那個人竟然提供船票把他送到台灣去了. 我媽媽說這生命中的貴人實在難得, 舅媽也同意. 又加上一句, 姨夫也很會做人. 姨夫到了台灣去上了台灣大學, 也就宿於附近. 有一天, 他突然在路上看到一個面熟的人坐在人力車上! 他大喊的追過去, 人力車夫看到有人追過來還出了一身冷汗. 原來, 車上的人是姨媽的某個親戚. 在問清了姨媽和師母一家的住所後, 姨夫和姨媽竟然又重圓了!

4, 舅媽提到他從台灣來美求學的時候, 坐最便宜的飛機, 結果晚上半夜從芝加哥坐飛機到他大學所在的鎮上. 舅媽提著兩個大箱子, 輪子雞呱雞呱的一路響, 在半夜用破破的英文到處問, 然後又照著那些九成聽不懂的英文指示找到公車站. 坐公車到了大學, 又在黑暗中摸了 international student center 的號碼出來打電話. 總算來了一個人把他帶到宿舍裡. 他到的那一天是星期五. 但是學校的飯堂子要到星期一才開. 他站在販賣機前面左看右看, 不知道要如何買東西吃, 又怕錢進去了啥都吃不到. 那鎮上大概也是鳥不拉屎狗不生蛋的地方, 我在猜又遇上 labor day, 他竟然從星期五餓到了星期一. 到了星期一的時候, 舅媽已經不需要眼睛了, 他的鼻子就拖著他身子往食堂走了...

5, 舅媽第一個學期有一堂課被當了... 舅媽大吃一驚! 更吃驚的是被當的理由! 他的老師宣稱他除了第一堂課外, 根本沒來上過課! 舅媽說, 這怎麼可能?! 我每一堂課必到, 甚至該考的該做的報告功課都做啦! 這是怎麼一回事?! 搞了好半天, 才發現, 第一堂課的時候, 老師宣布要到另外一間教室去上課. 舅媽大概是根本沒聽懂, 他就老去第一堂課去的教室. 從此他就待在那個教室裡, 那個教室裡上啥課, 舅媽想, 啊, 反正照著做準沒錯... 結果整個學期他上了一堂完全錯誤的課程! 還好, 在經過兩個老師的討論後, 我在想大概是看他上錯的那堂課成績仍然很好, 也就把成績調用了.

這些都是很好玩的事. 偶而記記. 聊以消遣.

Thursday, September 03, 2009

playing with cat?

when my cats first arrived, i played with them constantly. but now i did not play with them as often as i used to. i started to ask why is that? i love to play with my cats just as they were still new to this family. i knew that because when i played with them, it still gave me such a delight and excitement like always. i wonder if it's because of toys. i exhausted most of the toys i bought from stores. i kept thinking of making some toys myself with the resources on hand. however, i was lazy and lacking ideas. i bought some new toys from stores eventually. i played with them for sometimes, then i cut my time to play with them once more. i felt the toys were easily destroyed by them. i do not make money myself. so i hesitated to buy toys. but on the other hand, i have to play with my cats. i need to find a means to play with them. if i did not have toys to play with them, how should i entertain them?

a new light dawned on me recently. am i really entertaining them? or i used them to entertain myself? play with them can be seen as a way to distract myself. the beloved cats are like toys for me... and i need to entertain my toys with another toy... this reasoning might propel myself to buy toys for my cats, or disgusted myself. how could i see my cats as toys...?

but philosophy aside, i do need to find a way to entertain them, keep them stimulated... sleeping, napping, eating, sandboxing(toilet), will dull their minds, make them fat, and might even be dangerous to each other... the current situation just won't cut it. but it is as important that i find a way to keep myself regularly playing with them as playing with them... le sigh. i love cranberry season... cranberry is the best toy for my cats. they love to chase the berries, and the berries are safe to eat. plus, my cats enjoye eating them... i bought something i know they will be very excited about lately, a very furry toy. the only thing is they might be overly aggressive. it will be quickly destroyed. also...i still need to find a way to regularly play with them...

i'd like to build a castle for them with cardboard boxes. maybe that will stimulate myself while a great place for me to play with them as well...