I finished Chennault's memoir about two days ago. It was a really great read. The style of Chennault's writing really showed what kind of a person he was. It was clear and direct with a very strong personality infused between columns. But most importantly, he spent most of his writing on his own experience. He kept all the hearsay at the minimal which is what I prefer. I consider this memoir to be incredibly important. There are stats to be confirmed. There are events due for further readings.
My feeling right after the reading was how come this was never put into a movie? Chennault was clearly a huge underdog! He was such a huge advocate on Pursuit tactics, but there's no mention of Chennault at all on any of Wiki's pages about Aeriel warfare! Remeber this, the reason he was retired early because he fervently argued for the Pursuit tactics against his superiors. For either his superior was a old army school who believed firmly that land infantry was everything, or his superiors believed an unpoved doctrine of bomber theory. A huge part of reason for him to come to China was a hope that he could prove his theory, which mainly was that bomber plane without fighter plane escorting was useless. He was proved totally correct. From AVG to Fourteenth Air Corp, he led US air force against a huge odd. Japanese air force had to abandon most of the offensive and concentrated on defense instead. Chinese was freed from being bombed again. Chinese army even got support from his superior Air force, which gave Chinese incomparable morale boost. This was all done by very little support from very meager supply, provided by the US CBI command center. Chennault was a man with a vision. He often argued fervently with his superiors, and it's no excpetions during the WWII. Stilwell hated it, Marshall hated, and Arnold hated it, plus many other people. Almost all his superiors hated him, and Chennault was ousted from China right at the time when the tide of war was turned around against Japan in July 1945! It is so easy to see how frustrated he could be! But after 6 months, he returned to China to help out the distribution of civil materials in China! This guy was amazing, tough and resilience.
Chennault's contribution to the Aerial warfare was not acknowledged. His war effort was minialized with Chinese Communist took over China and fictionalized the Chinese history. He was mistreated by his Country. What's more underdog than this?
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