Saturday, March 25, 2023

jonathanWick4 quick afterthought

 the movie was better than I think.  but there are places I felt dragging.  this is basically gun fu style action.  Just guns guns guns.  I felt donnieyen did not show up often enough.   but when he showed up, he showed up in style.  I really liked when he used wingchung  in the kitchen, but it's less than a second.  

This movie keep reminding me of many different movies, like hobo with a gun(excessive gun play); matrix (neo and mopheus reunited...); equilibrium(gun fu); and many others.  When I saw the train station scene, I almost fell off my chairs, it's pretty much matrix w/ locksmith...  lol!  

I feel the tracker is odd, and out of place.  But I guess audience likes dogs, so they find a way to bring in an animal.  I do love JohnWick saved the dog scene though.   the Arc de triomphe de l'Étoile scnene to me was excessive, but I guess it's a build up scene.  It just bored me to no end.  And car crashing into johnwick was hard to watch...  I know it's an inside joke, but, the drag...  

This series except the first one is really one of those movie styles over contents.  People seemed to focus on the action of the movie.  But I rather say that the styles or atmosphere they created for the certain scene was awesome.  From first movie, the shower scene; second movie, the bathtubsuicide scene; this movie, the card scene.  High flair of styles, very impressive.  The card scene sequence was particularly sweet.  

The physical stunt, or the fight scene wore thin for me eventually.  I know they incorporated a lot of martial arts, almost like a world fair of it.  But to me the impact was thinned out.   But maybe it's because I got tired of watch all 4 movies in a very short period.  It's a common thing though, I think it's happened to Taken series too, or equilizer series as well.  

I think the movie's success lies in creating a world of its own.   For some reason, I think this world would fit well with a vampire theme...  lol  Style...  like the underworld.  It used a lot of religious symbols.  a lot, almost everywhere.  And very European medieval.  

I felt the osaka scene sucks, because they want to bring some Japanese flavor, but very superficial.  again, nowadays, whenever a modern non-european cultures shows up on the big screen,  they all felt like an european dress up party.  

The movie was not bad in its own right.  The imax we sat in was awesome, the chairs shakes.  But it was hilarious that before the movie starts, the announcer said the popcorn stand will be closed in 10 min after the movie starts, but the bathroom is open for use in he duration of the movie.  He also told us to use a designated exit after finishing the movie.  Then we found out, that exit directed us right to the parking lot.  It's kind hilarious, my friends kept saying it felt like an old old days.  I guess it's still a grand thing to go to movie theatres inMainlandChina...   

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