Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Today's quote



Saturday, March 25, 2023

jonathanWick4 quick afterthought

 the movie was better than I think.  but there are places I felt dragging.  this is basically gun fu style action.  Just guns guns guns.  I felt donnieyen did not show up often enough.   but when he showed up, he showed up in style.  I really liked when he used wingchung  in the kitchen, but it's less than a second.  

This movie keep reminding me of many different movies, like hobo with a gun(excessive gun play); matrix (neo and mopheus reunited...); equilibrium(gun fu); and many others.  When I saw the train station scene, I almost fell off my chairs, it's pretty much matrix w/ locksmith...  lol!  

I feel the tracker is odd, and out of place.  But I guess audience likes dogs, so they find a way to bring in an animal.  I do love JohnWick saved the dog scene though.   the Arc de triomphe de l'Étoile scnene to me was excessive, but I guess it's a build up scene.  It just bored me to no end.  And car crashing into johnwick was hard to watch...  I know it's an inside joke, but, the drag...  

This series except the first one is really one of those movie styles over contents.  People seemed to focus on the action of the movie.  But I rather say that the styles or atmosphere they created for the certain scene was awesome.  From first movie, the shower scene; second movie, the bathtubsuicide scene; this movie, the card scene.  High flair of styles, very impressive.  The card scene sequence was particularly sweet.  

The physical stunt, or the fight scene wore thin for me eventually.  I know they incorporated a lot of martial arts, almost like a world fair of it.  But to me the impact was thinned out.   But maybe it's because I got tired of watch all 4 movies in a very short period.  It's a common thing though, I think it's happened to Taken series too, or equilizer series as well.  

I think the movie's success lies in creating a world of its own.   For some reason, I think this world would fit well with a vampire theme...  lol  Style...  like the underworld.  It used a lot of religious symbols.  a lot, almost everywhere.  And very European medieval.  

I felt the osaka scene sucks, because they want to bring some Japanese flavor, but very superficial.  again, nowadays, whenever a modern non-european cultures shows up on the big screen,  they all felt like an european dress up party.  

The movie was not bad in its own right.  The imax we sat in was awesome, the chairs shakes.  But it was hilarious that before the movie starts, the announcer said the popcorn stand will be closed in 10 min after the movie starts, but the bathroom is open for use in he duration of the movie.  He also told us to use a designated exit after finishing the movie.  Then we found out, that exit directed us right to the parking lot.  It's kind hilarious, my friends kept saying it felt like an old old days.  I guess it's still a grand thing to go to movie theatres inMainlandChina...   

Thursday, March 23, 2023

Movie afterthought

 TheBanshees ofInisherin

I watched this movie about a month ago.  I'd want to write some thoughts about the movie.  

For it left quite an impression on me.  But I can't tell what is the after taste left in my mouth.  

I really like the movie that much I know.  It's quite engrossing all the way through.  I never thought 

it was too long.  If anything, it makes me nervous.  I never know what to expect next.  The characters

in the movie are all  very distinct and memorable.  

It has a fairy tale quality.  Talking about the strange situation in a small village, where people can not

get out.  I feel the protagonist grows at the end of the movie.  But it has such a cost.  It almost has a 

zen air to it.  

le sigh, my thoughts failed me here.  

Monday, March 20, 2023


我剛剛驚覺我最近看了不少電影。  昨天看了一部日本電影, 切腹。  才看了開頭,就覺得熟悉,繼而發現,這已是我看過的了。  實在是一部很棒的影片。  再看一次, 更好。  我看了一些影評,介紹, 和心得。  他們都提到這部片子有點像羅生門,因為都屬於倒述型的影片,各人對同一件事上,說出自己的經歷和看法。  我之前看的是英文翻譯, 這次看的附上了中文翻譯。  我得提一提這個中文翻譯。  實在滿不錯的, 很文言的翻譯。  一定是故意的,可能更符合原來的日本語, 我有點感動。  如此用心的翻譯, 真是太好了。  可以看得出, 翻譯的人不僅僅是在文句上用心, 而且也看得出他對日本當時的文化也下了一番功夫。  但我有兩點覺得可以改進的地方,就是斷句和一些翻譯的語句。  斷句,因為有些句子太長,文言看得很辛苦,而且看得速度跟大上。  有點可惜。  另外, 我覺得有些文言文的地方我覺得奇怪。  許多用字有點倒裝得感覺。  我說改進,毋寧說是我自己看得辛苦而希望輕鬆一些而說得。  這裡面我相信一定有許多我不懂的地方。  非常感謝有如此用心得群體在做至一件事!!  

這故事的敘述方式真的是引人入勝,他和羅生門不大一樣。  因為羅生門的觀點有至少有四五個人。  這裡只有兩個。  而其中一個只是個引子,這個引子更大程度上用了圖像給觀眾更大的震撼,而不是腳本裡的台詞。  真正的關鍵在第二次敘述。  導演和據作者對於一整個電影得節奏和進程掌握得穩穩的,該快該慢,是斷是續,實在很了不起。  

另外,我覺得以歷史劇而言,這是一部典範。  因為歷史劇並不只是把過去的價值觀重新敘述,而是要有一個穿越古今的某種價值的呈現。  在這裡有很多令我印象深刻的場面,但在我看來,最重要的場面實在是當下屬回來報信,說那些無來應卯的武士其實都是被打敗剃了頭,羞愧無法見人。  結果主管說,你應該當場就叫他們切腹。  之後還說你們儒生居然連這個都不懂!  這裡的政治意涵是深遠的。  如果你去看湯姆克魯斯的最後的武士,你所看到的就是那傳說中的武士精神。  那似乎是自發的,這裡則是被強迫的。  最後的武士是浪漫的, 切腹這電影是現實的, 這兩部電影似乎不相干, 但是相干地方在於,當你被強迫浪漫的時候, 浪漫變成了恐怖的現實。  



這兩三天也在趕看將。維客。  看了一和二,等著看三。  我不是很喜歡將。維客。  我也不知道為啥。  我的印想裡這系列電影,有點太容易了。  雖說主角每次都是一身傷,我也看得出來動作場面設計得很精心。  有些過場我也滿喜歡的。  像是主角在第一集裡被綁在椅子上時, 仍然強悍的氣勢; 第二集裡, 女頭目的死亡場面; 還有第三集裡的中國商店還有那些狗狗特技,我都很喜歡。  但是, 整部戲裡卻沒辦法有甚麼大的感動。  當然, 從看一遍,還是多了一些觀察, 但即使如此,我覺得這不過是一個 B 級動作片。  動作片而言還是不錯的。  要進入 A 級的話, 還是需要讓我感到震撼。  這系列目前還沒做到這一點, 卻是越來越像是往 FastandFurious 系列走。  我一個朋友約我去看首印所以我才來溫習。  


我最近也看了一部叫做 一個叫奧頭的人。  前不久我才看了原版的瑞典電影。  好來屋版是湯姆漢克斯演的。  兩部都很好看。  我覺得好來屋版的結局比較好,因為我看懂了。  瑞典版的我覺得結局不夠清楚。  但是瑞典版的在人物的鋪陳上飽滿的多, 多滿多的。  就這一點上,我更喜歡瑞典版。  
