Thursday, May 26, 2022


 Mother had another fall today.  It's her fourth fall since last September.  This one she fell when she followed me to cross the street.  There's a road construction, the road is higher than the side walk, she must've watched me, did not notice the unevenness of the road.  Even though she had two walking stickers, her head had a huge bump, and her wrist injured as well.  It was so shocking, she could not walk.  I was trying to see if anyone can drive us.  I gestured to the cars drive by, but to no avail.  My mom finally said 911, I called and continued to wave at cars.  Finally, a car stopped, a young lady stopped but saw us without masks, she offered to call uber for us.  She even prepared to pay for the ride.  But the cop showed up and then so was ambulance.  We thanked the lady.  And the ambulance took mom to the Lawrence General Emergency.  Mom did not want to go.  But the bump on her head was really swelling and she was really shaken up.  I kind wanted her to go.  

When I got home, took her ID and Insurance, drove the emergency.  When I arrived, I instantly felt she's much calmer.  Dr, Timothy Chu was there consulting her.  Doctor said she seemed fine, without broken bones and very little chance of internal bleed.  He said there's no need for MRI.   He realized this is Mom's 4th falls in more than 6 months, he recommended in home Physical Therapy, which should call next week.  

Mom was really tired.  But she's so anxious.  She said she might need a NyQuil to help falling asleep.  I went to CVS, but saw ZZiquil.  Not sure, so I called my sister, who's having a covid bout.  For this reason, my mom did not want to tell her about the fall.  I told her everything, because I felt she kind needs to have a full picture to make a correct recommendation.  My sis was kind shocked too.  But know the full story, she recommended Tylenol PM, which is pain relief with sleeping aid.  I went home, told my mom I talked to the CVS consultation and Tylenol PM was the result.  

The reason Mom went to that road was because I forgot to bring aunt Grace's key.  Aunt Grace needed somebody to watch her apartment for a while.  I did not know when would she be home.  So I called mom to see if she could get key to me.  

I remember one of the fall was in the hospital.  I went with her that day, but stayed at waiting area.  I heard her yell, but did not expect her fell.  

I remember one of the fall was when she slept very little one night, she still wanted to exercise.  So she jogged around the house.  When I heard the sound, I came down stairs to jog with her while trying to make her laugh.  Then she fell right in front of me.  Her face hit the wall, her wrist was hurt trying to break the fall.  And her knee was in pain too.  

I remember one of the fall was when she trying to do something about her clothes that day.  She was standing right next to the kitchen counter, did not move her feet, only just turned her head.  Then she fell right in front of me, she bumped her ribs against the counter.  Nothing broke, we think.  But the pain last quite some times.  

This felt like a trend.  I really don't know what to do.  

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

It seems like...

 My lower back suddenly gave out last Wednesday.  From then on, I took 2 sick days.  I was lying down most of the weekends.  I had similar incidents before.  But not as bad as this one.  And a week or two ago, I was severely bloated, which is a rare event for me.  I wonder if those two incidents are related.  

My lower back pain this time actually feels like Sciatica pain.  Because it goes from my lower left side all the way to my left feet.  I can even feel the path of transmission, sometimes, it's tingling, sometimes it's heat.  It's also is subsided a little bit, very little bit.  I was on Jury Duty today, I was able to sit in the court waiting for judge's action, fortunately, the defendant pleaded guilty.  We were led go at 11:30.  I can move out of sitting position without too much pain, unlike what I encountered over the weekend.  

I wonder if it's sciatica, would be healed.  I wonder if it's not healed, what would I do?  My uncle has sciatica for 5 years now.  I was thinking about how he worked all his life, after retirement, he has difficulty moving around.  But suddenly, I am in the same situation.  I really have to make a decision, trying to learn and plan how I want to the rest of my life?!!  



大概是三個多月以前,不知道為什麼突然很想吃果醬,而且是藍莓醬。  總是想到那幅圖畫, 藍莓醬塗在麵包上的樣子。  自從三年前,媽媽發現賴宇凡,介紹給我妹後,我妹積極研究碳水化合物,也就是含糖的食物的壞處後。  我和媽媽也大大減少碳水物的進食。  所以這個藍莓醬的慾望,雖在腦海裡醞釀,我卻遲遲不肯嘗試。  這樣過了一陣子後,這慾望又進化了,不知道為什麼一個多月前,突然在腦袋裡出現了一種奇怪的味覺。  這是一種奇特的組合,之前藍莓醬先有了視覺而後才有味覺,現在卻突然感覺乾羊酪拌藍莓醬,塗在麵包上,那味道似乎在我的舌尖上擴散開來,不是爆炸的感覺,而是暖暖的,象被包容在裡面的一樣!  

終於我和媽媽去了一趟 Costco,我們替胡熒阿姨買了 Ciabatta bread ,本來我都是買牛角麵包,但這次我們也買了一包 Ciabatta。  我跟媽媽說,我已經想了很久的一個吃法, ciabatta 是種很適合這種吃法的麵包。  於是我又備齊了乾羊酪和藍莓醬,藍莓醬還是在 Whole Food 買的。  我早餐的時候終於第一次吃到了我腦袋想像很久的味道。  想像畢竟是想像,還是要和現實相比較才能證實到底是不是那個味。  令人慶幸的是,那味道實在和自己想得很像,甚至還要更好。  後來的一個多月裡,經常這樣搭配來吃,還去買了比較好的乾羊酪。  媽媽也開始吃了,他也說很好吃。  

到最後我們終於介紹給我妹吃。  他和我妹夫聽到的時候都覺得不可思議。  他們認為乾羊酪實在不適合他們的口味。  之後,我妹嘗過一小口,他的感覺就是乾羊酪帶點霉味,實在吃不下去。  這也是現實,並不是我喜歡的東西別人也喜歡。  我今天來寫這事情是因為,我今天晚飯把剩下的乾羊酪配著柳丁吃光了。  沒有麵包,仍然是很好吃。  我大概表情太特殊,我媽說她也滿喜歡,但畢竟沒有我那麼喜歡。  是的,海邊有逐臭之夫,我家也有。  特別的是,這個搭配是在腦袋裡醞釀了好久,而想像和現實相合的確是快事。  

後記: 我想想,這種乾乳酪配水果的吃法在歐洲人是常事。  我以前也覺得好怪。  但是, 不知道是甚麼理由,這次卻好像魚水交歡一樣。  我在腦袋裡醞釀藍莓醬時,就一直想到乾乳酪配水果,真的不知怎麼想到乾羊酪的?  

Sunday, May 08, 2022


 Sonnet 19:  When I consider how my light is spent

by John Hamilton    

When I consider how my light is spent,

Ere half my days, in this dark world and wide,

And that one Talent which is death to hide

Lodged with me useless, though my soul more bent

To serve therewith my Maker, and present

My true account, lest he returning chide;

"Doth God exact day-labor, light denied?"

I fondly ask.  But patience, to prevent 

That murmur, soon replies, "God doth not need

Either man's work or his own gifts; who best

Bear his mild yoke, they serve him best.  His state

Is Kingly.  Thousands at his bidding speed

And post o'er Land and Ocean without rest:

They also serve who only stand and wait."  

Was organizing some files on Friday, I saw I jotted this poem on a big envelope a few years back.  I was surprised I had not yet put this poem on this blog.  :p  

What caught my eyes were the phrase, "God doth not need either man's work or his own gift..."  And I guess the last sentence, "They also serve who only stand and wait"  Waiting patiently and in readiness(stand), God is merciful.  

Sunday, May 01, 2022

Move, man, just don't be still

 I was in the yard worked for 20 minutes.  After that I came, did my balance sheet.  And now, been browsing for more than 40 minutes.  5 minutes ago, I kept reminded myself.  If I have nothing to do online, then I should get off.  And yet, I kind don't want to.  So I searched my brain for anything ahead planned.  No.  Anything interesting to do?  No.  Anyone I want to contact.  Kind want to call Roger so I could go to his house and watch 2 highly anticipated games.  But maybe not want to call.  Feel out of blue by calling him, since I don't contact with anyone.  I was planning to go to herring run today but instead went with my sis yesterday afternoon.  I did a bit exercise this morning.  very little, still something though.  I think I will do some for now.  Just to keep myself moving.  I feel a bit blue right now, though the weather is so nice out.