Thursday, November 25, 2021

towerHeist movie afterthoughts

 I like the movie.  I watched it once when it first came out in DVD.  I did not remember much at that time.  I am not sure I would remember the movie too much after last night either.  But I will remember that I liked the movie this time around.  

There're some plot twists that I felt confusing.  But the characters are likeable enough, and some scenes are intense enough.  I think it's a fun movie.  Though I had hard time shaking off the impression of the whole story being an imagination from Walter Mitty.  lol  

I think it's better than the don'tBreath 2.  

Monday, November 22, 2021

is it an accident?

 I wonder if they went to the court for this, what would the defense attorney say about LeBJ?  And what about IS?  

I think it's LebJ was meant to swing his arm at IS.  Because he's frustrated with the kids.  I knew the type.  Powerful and strong, play with a heart.  But for the veteran like LebJ, after 19 years, this kind of push and tug started to wear both physically and psychologically.  The free threw went in, the kid still fighting like a puppy felling off the sky and he wanted to rescue it.  The frustration of being pushed so forcefully for nothing.  The passion only felt like inexperience.  LebJ reacted.  Out of frustration and impatient.  

The kid?   Being hit by LebJ was a shock.  The way LebJ acted afterwards, walking towards the kid, and said something.  Not sure what he said, but I think the body language showed intent to defuse the situation.  Though sometimes, no matter what you said, it's really a matter of who's listening.  But when blood pouring, something just sparked.  

Is it an accident?  Was there intention?  What's the intention?  Did the results match the intention?   The strike of hand was intention, but the result was not.  It started with emotion.  The kid making a scene, was the not the intention, but emotion is the intention.  It's a freak accident.  

Sunday, November 21, 2021

movie afterthought

 I watched a movie last night.  It's called Don'tBreath2.  I'd watched the first one and thought it was pretty good.  They created a good monster movie with a bit of twist.  But what drew me in in the movie really was the atmosphere it created.  So  I thought I'd watch the sequel.  

The whole thing was not as original as the first one.  The theme was quite unclear to me throughout the movie.  I understand the intention, but the plotline doesn't really have the emotional punch the director wished to create.  The twist at the end suffered because of the unclear theme.  But some the atmosphere was still there.  the main actor really is its main attraction.  I'd say it's merely okay if you really got nothing to do.  

And yet, I am writing this dumb piece for the movie.  

5h3 fefnt of kku cats

 i had my bcat arouldn 2004.  this say bwas a hppy say.  it was notp llanned or anything.  i just dropped off colege . 

Phoebe buffet smelly cat

Smelly cat, smelly cat,

What are they feeding you?

It's not your fault.   

They won't take you to the vet

you're obviously not their favorite  pet

you may not be a bed of roses

and you're no friend with those with noses

Smelly cat, smelly cat

what are they feeding you?

Smelly cat, smelly cat

it's not your fault

Penny Soft kitty 

Warm Kitty

Little ball of fur

Happy kitty

Sleepy kitty

Purr, purr, purr.  

Monday, November 08, 2021

Heard couple songs, jotted them down here

幼時的朋友現在的臉書網紅,常常帶著自己的兒子唱歌表演。  這些都是他們唱的。  爸爸帶著兒子。  自有一種幸福。   











給你我的手 像溫柔野獸

一起郊遊 今天別想太多
你是我的夢 像北方的風
今天加油 向昨天揮揮手




給你我的手 像溫柔野獸

一起郊遊 今天別想太多
你是我的夢 像北方的風
今天加油 向昨天揮揮手

給你我的手 像溫柔野獸

一起郊遊 今天別想太多
哇啦啦啦啦 像北方的風
今天加油 向昨天揮揮手

今天為我加油 捨不得揮揮手

Thursday, November 04, 2021

alsldfasodfiald k j j oaoao k

I just finished watching undisputedof shannonandskip talking about scot'sanger.  shannonandskip's chemistry really is incredible.  We all know where skipstands.  butshannon is the one medium who kept the balance and stay reasonable.  they talk like friends, with real opinions and contents.  sometimes, i'd feel talk show just so they could stir the motion of the audience.  But besides the topics and their acting.  the chemistry was so in harmony.  and when they look back, would they be as bitter as mikeandscot?  I don't think so.  because there's sincerity in both of shannonandskip.  

scotis really angry.  and likeshannon said, it's very understandable.  that doc recorded mike's last dance.  why does it show every embarrassing moment ofscott's career?  but the wayscott express this anger, at all direction, it's very bad for him and for history, which he is part of.  He's throwing poop at himself.  But who caused this in the end?  it is actuallymike.  

why are they doing the last dance now?  what motivates mike now?  it's lbj.  because lbj really moved mike a little bit in his heart.  and for that, mikeput out a documentary.  but i bet while he's making the doc, watching all the highlights and thinking back.  the many what if scenarios must have go through his mind.  

i watched the last dance very late, just 6 months ago, i think.  before watching it, i already watched and read many comments.  one of the most fascinating opinions was about bull's manager.  a lot of people say the doc trashed that manager.  but some say at the end, the documentary actually gave him back some credit.  But in the midst of scott'sanger.  shannonasked a very interesting question, why putting all the scott's embarrassing moment in the doc?  and here's what i believe the reason why.  In the process of making the doc, mike'sview on the manager started to shift.  What if Mike never left?  the coach left, scottleft, but with that general manager's vision, they could acquire tracymcgrady in place of scott, what would happen then?

mike has been managing a team of his own for quite a while now.  his vision has changed since his player year.  I think to include Scott's many embarrassing moments was in his psyche a regret, not letting the manager do his thing.  let the manager manager HR, I will lead whoever he acquired to victory.  And it was the manager, who always viewed scottwasa replaceable piece.  

shannonand many other people said scott's has misdirected his anger at mike.  but i think it's not.  because the value ofscott's inmike's mind should never be replaceable, at least in scott'sview.  but now it does.  if scott's fault is in how he expressed his anger now, mike'sffault is making a documentary and throw his most trusted team mate under the bus because he himself could not stop wondering the what ifs.  

it is truly sad,  because i was one of many who lived and amazed bymike and the chicagobull.  for 20 years, they are the team.  but now the doc brought something out, it felt llike the team was never really there.  and all the effort was fruitless.  the champion is the fruit?  or the team mates?  or the money they made?   it's just sad.  I still loved the game, but i played less and less each year.  I shall still treasure those years and think they are the greatest team andmike the greatest player.  but something is different.