The longest journey 2: Dreamfall
I like this game quite a bit. Although I agree with many reviewers that this game was really more an interactive movie than a game.
This game is different from the previous one in that when it was first played, it felt more like a 3D action/adventure. However, it totally differs from the first impression. Yes, it is not a classic point and click adventure game. But the game design was clearly an adventure game. The added action components were only there in the hope to immerse player more into the game world. I think because of this, the action components were up to the job. Those action components were almost meaningless beyond its design purpose. And some of the actions components were even tedious for it's not designer's good to really make action attractive, even addictive.(I can't even understand what I was writing here...)
The puzzles in the game were not a lot. Although most of them fitted the game really well. Compare to the original, the difficulty of the puzzles were a lot simpler. Many of them were actually reaction based. I did not play a lot of adventure games. They were always hard for me. I had lots of difficulties seeing what I should do to solve the puzzles. I'd just randomly trying to combine objects. it's no difference for me this time. But I need to that a lot less. There were not as many puzzles, which were not as hard either.(Repeat??) I always wonder if they could design puzzle a bit better...
I loved the story in the game which includes characters, voice acting, dialogue, plot, and in game animation. The story plot advanced mainly through in game CGI. there were a lot of it. some said it's too much. I thought it might be a tad, but I loved it. Thanks to the voice actors and dialogue, the whole experience was really like watching a movie. I grew to like the main characters and other supporting casts. If there's anything to dislike, the only things was that, there were too many loose ends when the game was finished. I just wish they won't really follow the episodic fad for the sequel.
Gladiator 裡有一句話給我印象深刻. 電影一開始, Maximus 和哲學皇帝的 對話裡, 皇帝提到羅馬這一個詞. 他說他只敢輕聲的說羅馬這個名字. 深怕一大聲, 羅馬兩個字就吹散了. 這句話讓我感到也可以和中國兩個字用在一起. 中國是個古老的國家. 但是中國自古的國家觀念是啥? 是政權還是文化? 現在應該如何看待? 是大漢民族? 五族共和? 大漢民族的話, 那要如何? 五族共和呢? 大漢民族的話, 那其他民族和中國的關係呢? 五族共和, 那漢民族的和中國的關係呢? 他的歷史又應該如何審視呢?
"輕輕的告訴我, 不要喧嘩."
我的貓咪打架, 東東好像會戰嚎, 寶寶好像贏的比較多就是了.
今天看達爾文自傳看到一句話有意思. 大意是說他沒有想到一般人會把純科學引用在日常法規看到德標準. 不過以上的大意, 我還要確定一下.
我有一個回憶. 有一天, 爸爸, 媽媽, 小瑋和我在餐桌上吃飯. 我和小瑋不知怎麼在爭論工蜂是公的還是母的. 我說工蜂是公的, 小瑋說不是. 各持己見, 我兩都看過小百科. 但我那時明明記得工蜂是公的, 小瑋說小百科上說工蜂是母的. 最後他好像還哭了.
媽媽一開始就說這有啥好吵得. 爸爸卻似乎覺得這樣無啥不好. 餐桌上辯辯嘴很好. 事後我去查了一遍小百科, 當然是我錯了. 在辯理, 我甚至說工蟻也是公的. 現在回頭看這段往事, 可以歸出幾個有趣的現象. 爸爸似乎對吵架辯論不大在乎. 媽媽則反是. 爸爸好像還滿喜歡的, 媽媽則否. 我看書囫圇, 貪多務快, 大大不及小瑋仔細. 我有太多我執, 堅持己見, 而且大有得理不饒人的勢態. 小瑋也是堅持, 但當時他在家裡比較弱勢,這事父母都幫不上忙. 他們如果當場叫我們去翻書, 也許就該我哭嘞...
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