Saturday, March 17, 2018

Movie afterthought

Super 8 & it

I saw a video on underrated movie, Super 8 was in there.  I watched it once before but remembered nothing at all!  That's kind sad.  So I got the movie from library and watched it again.  It was such a good movie!  I reminded me so much of Steven Spielberg's style.  But most amazingly, it reminded me so much of ET!  I was not impressed by the ET, the movie.  When I was younger, I used to have this audio cassette about ET, I loved that.  But when I saw ET, something just did not click.  It's almost like my cousin said, "my imagination trumped whatever is on the screen."  But here, I felt that Super 8 brought a visual grandeur to my eyes and touched something in my heart, almost like the audio cassette!

I watched "it" not long ago.  I could not help but compare.  They were both about childhood adventures.  

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