Tuesday, May 30, 2017

My thoughts on Movies

Hacksaw Ridge:

I had high hope before watching Hacksaw Ridge.  But it underwhelmed a little.  I probably was hoping for something like Passion of Christ.  HR gave me a feeling more similar to Apocalypto.  It was a well made movie, there were some very good moving scene, but at the end, I could not feel the impact. 

The battle scenes were quite big.  But the impact was different from Saving Private Ryan, since the advertisement kept comparing HR to Saving Private Ryan.  Since HR was really more about one individual's struggle.  That struggle is very unique. 

I don't feel the movie is a great religious movie.  It's more of personal conviction thing.  I am quite moved by the father's effort to help his son.  I find it impressive that this conscience objector would choose to go to the war without weapon.  Maybe it's showed uniqueness of USA. 


Jason Bourne

I did not think this would be too great.  But it turned out alright.  I guess, expectation does make the viewing a bit different. 

The action sequence of car chases were simply amazing.  I watched the feature, in which I agree that by putting a lot of computer technology in the movie, it made the movie more relevant to today's world, comparing to the last installment 10 years ago.  I liked the plot quite a bit.  The female antagonist was very adequate, her ambivalence was hard to grasp.  Tom Lee Jones' role however, was compromised.  I felt it's role here is repetitive.  His death is meaningless, the evilness he represented here is shallow at the best.   Whenever Jason and CIA director interacted, I felt I was watching soap opera...  repetitive and monotonous. 

The movie was pretty good though.  The ending to me was quite satisfying.  It actually made me looking forward to the next one... if there is any... 

Sunday, May 28, 2017


這是有一回, 媽媽從舅舅家回來之後, 媽媽說的. 

仔細情況怎樣, 我有點忘了.  好像是, 那一天外公的情況不是很好.   顯得有點糊塗.  媽媽起床和舅舅講述前晚的情形.  講著講著, 媽媽感覺真是的莫可奈何.  於是就說了一句, "伊於胡底".  舅舅聽不懂. 

媽媽回來問我.  我也沒聽過.  媽媽雖然知道意思和來源, 卻有點忘記典故了.  於是我們就一起上網查.














(錄自:  http:   //   www.zwbk.org/MyLemmaShow.aspx?zh=zh-tw&lid=7865   1




放到 blender 加水(或是那些剩下的湯汁), 白芝麻(也可以加黑芝麻, 或著枸棋) 打碎. 


Saturday, May 27, 2017

a quote i saw at a flower shop

When I saw you
I fell in love,
and you smiled
because you knew. 

it was credited to Shakespeare, but in reality it should be credited to an Italian play by Arrigo Boito who wrote the play based on "the merry wives of windsor", by Shakespear.

The original phrase in Italian is :

Come ti vidi
E tu sorridi
Perchè lo sai.

Just some fun facts.


Today was really nice.  I hope 榕, 如果去工作, 希望有機會可以跟 Harry 他們去玩玩.


  I felt that I worked all day.  Cleaning, Gluing refrigerator door shelf, Warehouse labels by connecting excel with word.  But just by listing them, I only worked half day really.  And they were mostly chores, which is necessary, nothing extra...  But the feeling of working all day seemed to make chores important and heavy load.  they are illusion though...  le sigh.


Thursday, May 25, 2017

What's going on

What is happening:

1. I just finished medical interpreter certificate program.  Passed the exam.  Preparing to get my resume done over the weekend.  And prepare to find other job as well.  Any job will do. 

2. Having temps in the warehouse since early this year.  It's not easy to find a permanent worker from temps...  We have 2 temps, been working close to 3 months now.  They are young and unruly sometimes.  I felt Vic likes them though.  I bet he's lonely and bored these 3 years.  lol  le sigh... 

3.  Just had a quick thought, constantly thinking about work and CJ is maybe a blanket, a disguise to cover the real issue, which I do not want to face and challenge myself.  Being sad was a good excuse to give up.  I am very lonely though...  That loneliness maybe caused by my greed...  Don't go that way now... 

4. I find myself at a constant pickle.  I could not find enough time to finish what I wish to finish at work...  Kept distracted by small things.  Both Jose and Chris, both the temps, mentioned that I would stop communicating at some point, maybe during a conversation, or explaining something...  Did I lose concentration?   I felt I was doing a lot of self correction internally.  How Do I stop that? 

5. I always thought I was not bad at communicating.  But after these 3 years, I found I am really bad at it.  Jumpy is what Harry described me, in terms of reaction.  Stop the conversation mid way through a explanation, that's what Jose was telling me today.  Chris told me communication was the key, a month ago.  Temps might mean half jokingly.  But I consider it's a serious concern.  Internalizing too much.  After the filter, there's not much coming out.  Or what came out is broken, unclear, no connection, make no sense.  Have to let the river f low.  But I want to be proper and accurate. 

6.  I've seen Vic teaching those temps, very thorough, slow, and detailed.  He will state his thought, to the point and repeatedly.  But he did not shy away from tongue lashing either. 

7. Today, I sinked into sofa at 7, went up stairs and watched porn and masturbated once.  The whole time, I was watching myself.  It was a really weird process.  When I went to sofa, I was meant to rest a little.  Although I did not have a clear goal of what's to do next.  Then I started to read manga, until 830.  Then somehow I felt horny...  le sigh.  I want to let this feeling subside, watched clips, and release.  Right after the action, I regretted.  But what is there I could do?  My question is why did I not rest as I intended?  I consider that a key question.  Rest, pal... The more I sat idly without rest, the restless I would become. 

8. I want to learn to love.  I do not want to be sad.  When I think of 榕, I felt sad.  When I talked to her, I almost always express my concern of her well being.  I do worry.  But I want to my presence or my memory to be a happy one, which could bring smile on her face.  If there's a memory to start with.  I want to love, not sad. 

9. From now on, if I was on sofa, I sleep.  Or anything with a time limit.  Otherwise, like reading, watching youtube, using computer, etc, doing them in front of my desk or dining table. 

10.  Write a personal work list when I enter Warehouse.  Finished them is my priority, not whatever I wrote on the white board. 

11.  Construct a letter through out the working house in Warehouse, addressed to my mother, or Noz, or whatever.  Find topic to talk.  Practice.  I need to learn to talk. 


Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Because of her 2
