Hell or high water:
It's a great movie! Story telling in movies cannot be better than this. The cinematography is beautiful. The soundtrack is befitting. However, the acting is off the chart.
The first time I watched this was on my uncle's new TV. The graphic shown on that TV was so washed out. It looked so fake. I was taken aback a little bit. I am guessing that the hi def on that awesome TV somehow made the movie looked like an indie film of some sort... I hope Ang Lee's new movie would not be like that... I did not finish the movie that night though, due to some personal things.
Anyway, I kept the movie until it past the due date. Since I cannot return the movie until Tuesday, I watched it last night with my mom. It looked oddly beautiful on my TV. I never thought that graphic would bother me that much until last night. But once I "solved" the graphic issue, this became incredible, especially after jeff bridge showed up.
The story was kept simple enough. But the outcome kept me guessing. Most of the bank heist movie involved high tech, or incredible smart people, and intricate plot lines. But this movie did not show too many of that. It is a modern western with a kind of straight forwardness. But because its bluntness, I am not sure how this movie would eventually turn. The whole thing was driven by characters. Characters are hard to guess, especially with ben foster's incredible insane performance.
As always I read some reviews after I watched the movie. Most of them mentioned how close the movie represent the USAn heartland. I am not experienced with that too much. So I cannot say much about it. But one of the last lines of the movie reminded me what this movie could represent in terms of social aspect throughout the human history.
"Toby Howard: I’ve been poor my whole life, like a disease passing from generation to generation. But not my boys, not anymore."
This line, does not just represent a sentiment of Usan people from midland. But to all the poor people around the world...
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