今天和小瑋通電話. 電話裏,他認為自己是如此的重視健康, 很注意吃得好, 也稍微有些運動. 效果卻沒有和付出的努力成正比. 小瑋對於健康老出毛病, 很懊惱.
我常常對媽媽說, 我有甚麼好的, 都是媽媽努力的結果. 我會騎腳踏車, 會游泳, 會打桌球, 籃球, 等等的運動, 我母親都是後面那隻推動的手.
我對我自己小時候的印象就是, 孱弱, 難帶. 大概, 沒有比我更難帶大的孩子了.
我的外婆, 根據媽媽的說法, 是長年跑醫院的病人. 在我的記憶裏, 外婆是早上看個醫生, 中午看個醫生, 下午看個醫生. 而且, 如果這個醫生有名氣, 醫生到哪, 外婆就到哪.
媽媽的家人裏, 幾乎都沒有運動習慣. 除了我老媽已外. 在一張老舊灰照片裏, 白沙灣上, 我媽, 媽媽的孿生妹妹, 和舅舅作在沙灘上. 我媽媽穿著泳衣, 佩蘭阿姨穿著裙子和襯衫, 舅舅著泳褲. 佩蘭阿姨是不會運動的. 舅舅畢竟是男的, 又當過海軍陸戰隊, 他會游泳. 我媽媽呢, 他是會游的. 我也和舅舅和舅媽打過乒乓球. 舅媽一看就是會打的, 但是, 舅舅就不行了. 我和媽媽也打過, 她也不會打, 但那是他將近七十了. 媽媽年輕的時候很活躍, 太極拳, 瑜珈樣樣來.
我很喜歡運動. 對我來說這並不只是健康的來源. 更是愉快的回憶. 我似乎只有在運動的時候才能夠感受到那種和別人無阻礙似的溝通. 這是一個既喜且悲的認知. 因為, 只有在和別人玩的時候, 我才能夠進行溝通. 而這種玩, 又必須是一種體力活. 運動完之後, 我的人際關係卻是一蹋糊塗. 幾乎沒有溝通的渠道. 至少我本人感到某種的困難和不足.
我在這公司以工作三年了. 有時候會晚回來. 因為公司有個桌球桌, 下班之後可以和一些同事打打球. 有時候我打球打的忘了時間, 無論多晚, 她總是等我回來吃飯. 這個時候她也要抱怨, 我實在應該打電話, 如果要晚點回來的話. 有時候談打桌球這件事, 媽媽總會問, 你算不算是會打的一個? 我也總是回答, 當然嘍. 我的確算是會打.
想想,小的時候, 媽媽帶我和妹妹去各種運動營, 籃球, 游泳, 桌球... 我小時候最好的回憶幾乎都是運動. 在媽媽的帶領下, 我和妹妹在小學時代幾乎是天天游泳. 所以到了國中的時候, 我可以和其他人並肩行動. 對於高中的印象, 除了 ESL, 就是籃球. 和 Sky, Roger, 和其他人, 我高中只要有空檔, 幾乎全是籃球. 甚至, 獨自練習也在所不惜. 是的, 籃球, 以一項團體活動而言, 我現在都只拿來作有氧運動的個人練習.
我很喜歡運動. 對我來說這並不只是健康的來源. 更是愉快的回憶. 我似乎只有在運動的時候才能夠感受到那種和別人無阻礙似的溝通.
這是一個既喜且悲的認知. 因為, 只有在和別人玩的時候, 我才能夠進行溝通. 而這種玩, 又必須是一種體力活. 運動完之後,
我的人際關係卻是一蹋糊塗. 幾乎沒有溝通的渠道. 至少我本人感到某種的困難和不足. 這也是我現在那麼喜歡打桌球的一個原因吧. 在運動裏, 幾乎一定是有往有回. 這似乎滿足了我在溝通上的某種欲望.
運動又分兩種, 一種是遊戲性的, 多半要兩人以上才能做. 一種是加強身體強度的練習. 後一種運動是不能和前一種運動分開的. 因為加強身體強度的運動, 是保護自身的措施. 這樣, 在參加遊戲性運動時, 才不容易受到傷害. 這是我多年以來, 玩籃球, 常常受傷, 現在又做瑜珈, 身體竟然慢慢恢復某些強度之後有一點體會! 而現在網路發達, 常常可以看到一些運動員, 對於後一種運動的努力. 這也大大啟發我! 所以我逐漸增加一些其他的項目. 像是, 舉重和踩腳踏車. 最近的目標是希望可以再一次開始游泳.
我記得幾年前我去德州 Wendy 家. 佩蘭阿姨也順道從哈林郡來看我.Wendy 帶我們出去玩. 回來的路上, Dwight 提議去玩籃球. 結果, Charles 真的開著車找到一個籃球場. 我們和 Wendy 的小孩們還真玩的一會兒. Wendy 和佩蘭阿姨在旁邊照像. 兩個小姑娘, 又笑又跳. Dwight 本來滿安靜的, 在玩的時候, 卻輕鬆下來, 全心的享受這個時光. 我也是一樣! 在場上的笑和鬧, 大家在一個場上齊心做一件事, 我喜歡這樣的時光.
Saturday, January 21, 2017
Monday, January 02, 2017
thoughts on movies
Hell or high water:
It's a great movie! Story telling in movies cannot be better than this. The cinematography is beautiful. The soundtrack is befitting. However, the acting is off the chart.
The first time I watched this was on my uncle's new TV. The graphic shown on that TV was so washed out. It looked so fake. I was taken aback a little bit. I am guessing that the hi def on that awesome TV somehow made the movie looked like an indie film of some sort... I hope Ang Lee's new movie would not be like that... I did not finish the movie that night though, due to some personal things.
Anyway, I kept the movie until it past the due date. Since I cannot return the movie until Tuesday, I watched it last night with my mom. It looked oddly beautiful on my TV. I never thought that graphic would bother me that much until last night. But once I "solved" the graphic issue, this became incredible, especially after jeff bridge showed up.
The story was kept simple enough. But the outcome kept me guessing. Most of the bank heist movie involved high tech, or incredible smart people, and intricate plot lines. But this movie did not show too many of that. It is a modern western with a kind of straight forwardness. But because its bluntness, I am not sure how this movie would eventually turn. The whole thing was driven by characters. Characters are hard to guess, especially with ben foster's incredible insane performance.
As always I read some reviews after I watched the movie. Most of them mentioned how close the movie represent the USAn heartland. I am not experienced with that too much. So I cannot say much about it. But one of the last lines of the movie reminded me what this movie could represent in terms of social aspect throughout the human history.
"Toby Howard: I’ve been poor my whole life, like a disease passing from generation to generation. But not my boys, not anymore."
This line, does not just represent a sentiment of Usan people from midland. But to all the poor people around the world...
It's a great movie! Story telling in movies cannot be better than this. The cinematography is beautiful. The soundtrack is befitting. However, the acting is off the chart.
The first time I watched this was on my uncle's new TV. The graphic shown on that TV was so washed out. It looked so fake. I was taken aback a little bit. I am guessing that the hi def on that awesome TV somehow made the movie looked like an indie film of some sort... I hope Ang Lee's new movie would not be like that... I did not finish the movie that night though, due to some personal things.
Anyway, I kept the movie until it past the due date. Since I cannot return the movie until Tuesday, I watched it last night with my mom. It looked oddly beautiful on my TV. I never thought that graphic would bother me that much until last night. But once I "solved" the graphic issue, this became incredible, especially after jeff bridge showed up.
The story was kept simple enough. But the outcome kept me guessing. Most of the bank heist movie involved high tech, or incredible smart people, and intricate plot lines. But this movie did not show too many of that. It is a modern western with a kind of straight forwardness. But because its bluntness, I am not sure how this movie would eventually turn. The whole thing was driven by characters. Characters are hard to guess, especially with ben foster's incredible insane performance.
As always I read some reviews after I watched the movie. Most of them mentioned how close the movie represent the USAn heartland. I am not experienced with that too much. So I cannot say much about it. But one of the last lines of the movie reminded me what this movie could represent in terms of social aspect throughout the human history.
"Toby Howard: I’ve been poor my whole life, like a disease passing from generation to generation. But not my boys, not anymore."
This line, does not just represent a sentiment of Usan people from midland. But to all the poor people around the world...
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