Monday, January 19, 2015

some thoughts

review on brick the film

I liked the film the first time.  I do not know why.  so I watched it the second time yesterday.  i still don't know the reason.  I find it comical throughout, since the content is usually performed by older guys in societal setting.  It was all performed by high school students...  it's kind ridiculous.  But at the same time, the characters were interesting, the plot engaging, and the performance was really good.  The mystery was kind lost in the middle, for i already watched it before.  But the atmosphere surrounds the circumstance was still thrilling. 

One thing though.  The words spoken here, was kind hard to follow.  They were so fast, and many might be slang, that I needed to rewind a few times just to read the captions. 

I still could not find out the reason why I liked it.


a coffee in berlin

i did not care too much about the film.  it's a day in berlin, the young protagonist could find a coffee through out the day.  It's a sad day for him, maybe.  Or maybe his day was like this for quite a while now.  I'd compare this film to nebraska.  but it did not give me a wonder at the end like nebraska.  I could not get something out of it without that last note. 


Am I looking for something superior in my writing?  No, not really.  But it is true that whenever I want to write something I'd call real, I'd stop writing.  There is hesitation, which is enough for me to stop all the thoughts and words.  Sometimes I felt childish.  Sometimes I felt embarrassed, even no one is reading it.  My dad used to say he'll do what he liked to do, rather than following other people's path.  I don't know why that sentence cut into my thought.  But there's another thing that came in my mind as well.  I chose to write down my father's words, but no my mom's.  I asked my mom once, not once, but many times.  why did she not write down something about the past.  She replied, why?  The past is past.  I felt that she voiced many complaints about the past.  She could not put those things into words simply.  There must be good, there must be  bad.  The words is hard to do justice to those things.  When my mom complained past, my uncle would always argue her point.  It was weird to see these two argue about the same objective thing. 

If I felt something injured me, I'd cry afoul.  If I want something, my mind went blank.  Like it's something to be embarrassed about.  I felt disgusted at something, or someone, What if I felt disgusted about my dislike at earlier moment?  Man, that's too  bad.  I felt that way, feeling can't be changed.  no?  Or maybe we could hide it?  Yes, hide it.  What if I confront it?  What kind of standard should I use to judge it?   Should I consider all the subjective and objective, inside and outside influence?  Or am I to make that call? 

I want.  Such indecisive phrase. 

Saturday, January 17, 2015


剛剛看完 bride and prejudice. 我滿失望的.  看過不少傲慢與偏見的影片.  這部在劇情上並沒有太多的驚奇.  早已知道會有跳舞唱歌的場面, 這些過場也無讓我感覺很突出.  我感覺劇組很想拍出印度風味.  但是, 不知怎的, 我卻覺得這是我看過西化的印度電影. 

我覺得原著裡, 描寫了很多特別的人物.  這部電影裡, 似乎無法盡原著的原汁原味來做同樣的人物描寫.  特別是反面的 Wickham, 而做為丑角的 mr. kohli 又太過著墨.  我覺得 mr. kohli 還算了, 因為和其他影視相比, 還不失原著的味道.  但是, 一旦反角失去力道, 正面的 Darcy 也同時失去魅力. 

這是我第一次看 ashwarya 演戲.  他還滿稱職的.  聰明, 可愛, 性格突出.  大部分的影視也都照這個模式演.  但是我還是喜歡 BJD 裡的角色.  這是一個 使這電影 make it or break it 的最重要元素.  BJD 之所以令我喜歡還有一個 "憨"的原因.  太聰明使的這角色, 太剛硬.  因為這女孩性格之強, 又聰明, 又漂亮...  已經使人產生崇高的畏懼感.  還需要一個憨才能拉近觀眾的距離.  但是, 這和 Ashwarya 無關.  這是劇組的問題.

還有, 我看的電影對白都是英文.  讓我有點不適應.  之前看的我都堅持聽原文看英文字幕.  這部電影讓我感覺看到上層的印度菁英.  或許這也是所有其他文化也有的現象.  就是, 其他文化的菁英都開始大量用英文吧. 

Sunday, January 11, 2015


just saw hercules with the rock.  this movie was quite entertaining.  I mean it did not pretend to be serious.  And I know exactly what i was getting.  The created an wonderful experience for viewing this movie. 

The movie surrounds the rock with all the role actors.  And it pushed those role  actors to their full capability.  especially worthy of mentioning was ian mcshane.  He not only delivered one of the most hilarious line in the movie, he also accommodated one of my favorite scenes in all my years of watching movies!

the rock was perfect for this job.  By watching the trailer, I thought his voice was a big weak, not manly enough.  But I was wrong.  During the most intense scene, the rock crying out his own name was really not bad.  And with his physique, the look, he's an awesome hercules. 

many of these kind movies using real history as background, but eventually, I felt they were all like Conan the Barbarian!  All telling a story from far far away, long long ago.  It was fun.  The history really doesn't matter.


brick mansion:

another movie, but besides the opening sequence, there's nothing to see.  Nothing.  very sad.  The source material was not good to begin with.  It's a waste of talents when there's no story at all...  just pathetic.  

Friday, January 02, 2015


在麥斯康已經工作兩年半. 去年是正式員工一年, 前兩年是非正式兩年. 去年這一年事情非常之多. 並不是說倉庫本身的事情很多,而是其中人事和與其相關的事情不少. 

在麥之前我做了三年 ups 聖誕期間的司機助手.  這讓我稍稍對裝箱送貨的流程有點認識.  去年前的兩三個月, 我開始在倉庫作.  那時候, 麥的倉庫主要的人手走了.  我和馬力歐算是全職倉庫.  維克是半職.  Aaron (張玉) 兼職倉庫經理.  那時我剛進去, Alex 跟我說, 那時候最重要的事情是 恩(enidine) 出貨不能有錯, 至少要減到最低錯誤的程度.  為了這個目標, Aaron 決定整頓恩貨物的排列, 並且用力的把倉庫大力整頓, 該丟的丟, 該收拾的收拾.  於是, 恩區的空間增大許多, 貨物的排放更集中, 出貨下架和收貨歸架也更為經濟.  另外, 還有許多倉庫的工作流程系統化, 也就是說, 使的許多步驟裡, 出貨和收貨時有更多的憑據, 加責於經手人.  另如, 收貨時的電郵格式, 出貨時, 在盒子上的標籤格式.  也都出自 Aaron 的設計.  在幾個月的調整和適應下, 這些流程逐漸成形, 到現在成為部門之間很重要的溝通橋樑.   六月份, 新的倉庫經理上任.  一切步驟沿用 Aaron 的設計.  新的經理, 把一些貨物直接請港口的貨運公司直接堆在木墊上.  省了倉庫很多很多力.  幾個月後, Alex 兼任倉庫經理直到現在. 


本來是我和馬全職, 維克半職.  四月份的時候, 馬離職, 維克成為全職.  馬的離職應該可以避免的.  事情是馬在外找到某鎮上的公職, 但是, 藥品測試還沒正式拿到, 其他面試已經過關.  馬以為一定過, 於是他對於張就開始有散漫的態度.  本來這幾個月來, 他倆一直有摩擦, 這下子, 更緊張起來.  我這個人有毛病, 無論是同學還是同事, 還是親人, 有人爭執, 我就受不了.  就在他準備離職的四天前一個下午, 馬竟然接到通知說他的測試不過.  他整個人都不大對勁了.  我一看, 生怕張會惹他不高興, 我看到張, 偷偷說了情況, 希望他下午不要太和馬紀較.  也告訴他不要和任何人提起這件事.  工程部門的人和馬早有意見.  我這樣做實在是太天真.  第二天, 馬就問我, 我是否和誰提起測試過?  我馬上否認, 他說他做總經理的乾媽和他說, 少東和他提起這件事!   Alex 後來還把我找去, 和張跟我說明這件事.  因為那一天我很不高興張和Alex (工頭) 說.  那個星期的星期五, 老闆娘給馬一封辭職信.  於是馬就走了.  這對我是很好教訓.  在人事上我太天真.  馬是太年輕, 他有百般不對, 老闆娘也應該不會這樣在得知他工作沒有的情況下讓他走人.  畢竟他也在這公司陸陸續續做了七年(他今年廿歲).  如此的絕情, 實是因為聽到他有藥品的問題.  而且, 這事還要少東和總經理提起, 總經理在這一著上已經輸給工頭.  並不是我真的很喜歡和馬同工.  但此事上我難辭其咎. 

維克在全職前, 我跟他不很熟悉.  在全職之後, 我還滿喜歡這個人的.  很有頭腦的一個人.  尤其是在工作上, 在人事上他也老練.  他其實是倉庫的工友.  現在任全職後, 他把整個倉庫翻了一翻, 從今年暑假開始, 我們拆了一個房間, 也就是清出一個空地可以放更多架子.  ATW 警報器得到整個徹地的翻新排列.  最近兩三個月更大肆把恩的貨物整個挪出, 準備要排在更多的新架上.  他非常仔細徹底.  而且, 因為手藝很好, 他常常能夠化腐朽為神奇.  相對於馬, 他好相處多了.  他很喜歡車子, 還主動把我的車子生鏽的地方上了漆.  另外, 承他照顧, 我在恩的發貨上出過錯誤, 他和 Anne 都幫我掩蓋過去.  而且在如何堆放貨物, 如何開起重機, 他都指導我多次.  跟他合作事很愉快的經驗. 
