Sunday, August 31, 2014




"Moscow Nights" (rus. Подмосковные вечера (podmoskovnie vechera))


by composer Vasily Solovyov-Sedoi and poet Mikhail Matusovsky in 1955; 薛范譯成中文


Original singer, 弗拉基米爾·特羅申Влади́мир Константи́нович Тр́ошин (Vladimir Troshin)



俄語歌詞 中文歌詞
Не слышны в саду даже шорохи,
Всё здесь замерло до утра,
Если б знали вы, как мне дороги
Подмосковные вечера.

Речка движется и не движется,
Вся из лунного серебра,
Песня слышится и не слышится
В эти тихие вечера.

Что ж ты милая, смотришь искоса,
Низко голову наклоня?
Трудно высказать и не высказать
Всё, что на сердце у меня.

А рассвет уже всё заметнее,
Так, пожалуйста, будь добра,
Не забудь и ты эти летние
Подмосковные вечера.


random blabbering

I can't even say things to myself.  I think about it.  I told myself to write it down, but I refuse.  Oh, look, this guy is without words.   I am tired of watching myself, hearing myself. 

i just watched liam neeson's new movie, non stop.  it's pretty good. it really made a pickled situation for the protagonist.  and it is very interesting that film maker manipulated audiences intentionally.  It made me keep guessing who was the real villain towards the end.  My mom watched it with me.  it's funny that she even had a dream about it that night. 

I could not sleep well.  i am super charged sexually in the morning.  It is not pleasant at all, in fact it's hell.  it felt almost getting out of hand.  I so wish for intimate relationship, and I also kept trying very hard to get away from it.  Not that I had any chance...  lol 

When charlene asked me to go to movie last  week, I almost turned it down.  But i did not.  It felt very strange to go to movie besides myself, or my accompanied by my Mom.  woburn showcase cinema was awesome though.  After  the movie, and we went our separate ways, it's excruciatingly lonely, even now. 

xiaobao called me today again.  i thought he was joking last friday.  but it is not.  of course, his mom really wish to talk to my mom.  it's the reason why.  I was very tired today, so my voice must sound sleepy.  xiaobao hung the phone very shortly.  i did not know what to say then, but right now, i'd like to talk.  but he ain't calling. 

i had a thoughts today.  i haven't talked to wendy for a long time, i felt.  it's really sad.  with her, i felt i was mentally, academically challenged.  it stimulate my spirit quite a lot.  although it usually went into a stalemate.  but it was still exciting.  it's a shame really. 

charlene wanted to watch another this past friday night.  I said no.  i forgot that i had to go to aldi with my mom that night at first.  so the reason of turning down was simply because, i felt uncomfortable to go.  I was afraid. 

i watched the hobbit2.  it was much better than the first one.  maybe it was because the characters were more flashed out than the first one.  but most importantly, it's less of a drag. 

Friday, August 15, 2014


星期天的晚上, 我去舅舅家吃飯.  毛請的客.  人數很少, 只有我, Michelle 和 Piper.  飯後, 和毛他們玩 3D puzzle.  舅舅走過來說隆隆舅公明天要來吃飯.  隆隆舅公之前就要來了, 但是, 身體一直出狀況, 都不能來.  年初到現在從頭到腳檢查出各種病狀.  如今他奈不住了.  所以星期一, 他一定要來.  舅舅叫我跟媽媽說.  沒過多久, 媽媽也到舅舅家來.  我跟媽媽說了隆隆舅公的事, 媽媽就進去問問舅舅. 

星期一一大早, 我下樓後, 媽媽說他四點就醒了, 因為他突然想到, 沒有給隆隆舅公準備回頭禮.  所以他一大早六點就給舅舅打了一個電話, 提醒他要買回頭禮.  舅媽接的電話, 似乎也沒多說啥.  媽媽以為他們一定會去買了.  我那時心裡在想, 未必吧...  舅媽鐵定不在乎啥回頭禮, 舅舅我是不確定, 但是, 七早八早的, 哪去買回頭禮? 

我下班回家後, 媽媽就跟我說了早上的情況.  媽媽說他自己還晚一點去, 隆隆舅公卻早到了半個小時.  媽媽去的時候, 看到外公竟然穿著睡衣見客, 大吃一驚.  之後, 聽說舅舅壓根兒沒跟外公提隆隆舅公來的事情.  隆舅公提早半個小時到, 每個人都手忙腳亂, 外公甚至不記得隆舅公是誰.  問了好半天, 才好像有點印象.  隆舅公帶了好些禮物來.  媽媽說, 他們啥都沒有準備.  回頭禮早就拋到腦後去了.  哦, 還有今天五點四十分要到舅家吃東西. 

我院子澆完水後, 就和媽媽去舅家.  原來今天是舅媽生日, 毛昨天託了 Michelle 的媽媽去中國城買的.  我們先吃蛋糕.  一邊吃, 外公講話沒完沒了.  話題離不開一個 "禮" 字.  愈講愈激動.   這之後, 他講話也愈還愈針對舅舅.  之後連舅舅也受不了,跑到外公耳邊大聲解釋某某事情.  外公到最後還是把溫加保請出來, 常識也說出來.  我就逃走了. 

不知怎的, 我感覺外公是在生氣.  不過這頓飯的收穫是老王的打滷.  他把豬肉, 胡蘿蔔, 茄子等等切成細絲, 先炒肉, 撈出來後, 接著炒茄絲.  後來再蔥薑, 胡蘿蔔, 肉絲, 茄絲, 等等炒在一起, 加高湯,  快好的時候, 勾芡, 灑蔥花.  非常好吃, 我們配著麵吃.  媽媽昨天就做了一回, 非常成功!