Sunday, October 20, 2013

thoughts after reading

I just read a chapter in e.o. wilson's on human nature about aggression.  it's interesting that he seems to be  complete opposite of Konrad lorenz.  at least, that's what appeared in his own writing.  one of his most frequent description of lorenz's view on aggression is that lorenz think aggressive sports can discharge some of the intra-species aggression.  but as wilson pointed out that aggressive action is more a learned behavior with human predisposition of aggression.  wilson seemed to say that we can curb aggression by avoiding violent things, like not using foul langauge, playing violent video games, or aggressive sports.  and he pointed out that there were many crisis, but eventually, people got out of the tough situation by using reason as last resort.  wilson seemed optimistic compared to lorenz.

I need to read on aggression again.  

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