Monday, February 18, 2013

i deamed last night

i dreamed last night. 
i dreamed my dong dong was besides me. 
he was my beauty. 
oh, my little kitty. 

Friday, February 08, 2013


今天是個下雪的日子.  刮著大風, 能見度減到最小.  這雪, 像下雨一樣.  我的心非常寂寞.  從早上到現在,除了 PQ 起來回到小瑋那之前見過人, 之後又接了兩三通電話.  無再聽到人聲, 和人接觸.  剛剛打了個電話去蘇州, 看看媽媽怎麼樣.  他都不想講電話. 


如果有啥是我最想的事情, 我想要愛情.  可, 這怎麼能夠? 

那不是我最想要的.  我最想要的是一個我愛的女孩也愛上我. 

如此的省悟, 帶來的不是驚喜.  因為原來, 我已為我只是糊塗. 


如今, 我懂了.  那怎麼辦?  下一步該怎麼走? 

Thursday, February 07, 2013

書摘 瑜珈研究

science of yoga, including original quote, and rewording of the sentences:

The analytic lens of the sports establishment began to form in the nineteenth century as health authorities struggled to identify universal factors that determine the origins of human fitness.  (Then the book described this as a urgency at the time, because more and more people left county side and farming.  As waves of people moved into city, the sedentary lifestyle of cities was viewed upon as unhealthy by medical experts.  But they could not achieve consensus on what form of exercise to recommend.  The scientific goal was to develop objective standards that would let investigators cut through the competing claims and document what would truly be beneficial.) (extension info: calisthenics)

By 1900, a factor was identified called Vital Capacity.  It measured a person's ability to breathe deeply, because breathing is considered a foundation of the metabolism.  (also an expression of spirit and soul, science of the day viewed breathing as similar to blowing on a fire--in theory it fanned the body's metabolic flames.)

...scientists defined VC as the maximum volume of air that an individual could exhale after a deep inhalation.  (extension info: vital index)

But it was quickly abandoned.

In a study by Archibald V. Hill, an English physiologist who won Nobel in 1922.  In reports of 1923 and 1924, Hill and his colleagues coined a term, maximal oxygen uptake, defined as the peak consumption of oxygen during exercise that got incrementally harder.  It became a golden standard to physical fitness and exercise physiology. 

What determined the MOU?  The size of an individual's heart and its ability to send blood rushing through lungs and blood vessels to the muscles.  In short, the quantity of blood exygenation matters the most.  Today peak oxygen consumption is known by the ubiquitous acronym, VO2 Max (V stands for volume, O2 is oxygen, max for maximum).  VO2 Max is accepted around the globe as the best single measure of cardiovascular fitness and aerobic power. 

Sunday, February 03, 2013


From silas marner

A shadowy conception of power that by much persuasion can be induced to refrain from inflicting harm, is the shape most easily taken by the sense of the Invisible in the minds of men who have always been pressed close by most primitive wants, and to whom a life of hard toil have never been illuminated by any enthusiastic religious faith. 


一生需要在原始的需要中困鬥的人, 從無宗教信仰的啟發, 只知道苦工謀生; 所以他們對於目不能見的神力之概念是很渺茫的, 總以為神力需要經過苦苦哀求之後, 方不加害於人. 

