Friday, January 18, 2013

movie comment

sabrina was a pretty good movie.  the scene where linus told sabrina everything was great.  the ending was a bit weak, but it did not damage the whole thing too much. 

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

movie afterthought

I just watched a movie called key largo, a 1948 movie.  I chose it for the sake of edward g. Robinson.  I was impressed by his performance in double indemnity.  Key Largo was not bad all.  ER's performance was still stellar, and so was the other cast, including Bogart.  But the best scene will have to be the one where Claire Trevor sang the song.  It was so heavy, so sad, and so revealing.  That will become one of the memorable film. 

Sunday, January 13, 2013


i am wondering.  i am wondering, i heard a saying that speak from your nature.  but what came out of my mouth and jump out of my tongue is terrible and causing injury?  i am bitter right now, so what i said is naturally bitter.  not only it does not sound right in other people's ear, neither does it sound right in mine...  but i am so lonely, i want to speak, want to have fun, and wish to find a way to express myself properly.  but all i get is fear of inproper words, hurting some people, reveal the inner me, which is ugly, bitter, and frightful.  granted that's not all, but what comes out of my tongue seemed to be all those above...  I tried hard to be encourage, positive, proper.  but bitterness is a ocean wave, which would keep coming up. 

i felt terrible, lonely, and all i want to do is die.  i am already a living dead person.  i am not living my life.  i felt a great energy just want to outburst out of me.  i also tried hard to contain it.  i understand i need a channel, a proper channel to let it out.  but i also felt a it is not true.  i wish it to be a awesome creative force, but deep down, i also felt i am disillusioned.  just to keep everything stand still in there already caused me everything. 

when someone asked me what i want when i was just graduated from high school.  i could not tell them.  when someone asked the same question again when i was quit college, i still could not tell.  but now, i think i have the answer.  but that answer is wrong.  is not right, is sad.  it's so small. it has no future.  no ambition.  no outlook.  all i want is to fall in love helplessly and never get out of it.  but to be safe, to make the one girl that i felt in love with happy. don't we as a male, have to think about how to achieve and what do we have at our disposal to achieve that goal?  at the end, i realized that there is no chance for me to make anyone happy.  i have to squander that dream.  the one desire i had, i have.  i continue to fight it.  and i know it's a good fight.  i know it's an obsession.  if it's an obsession, it's dillusional.  just like a wet dream.  yes, it's like a wet dream.  it's a disllusioned desire that can only happen in a dream.  you can dream up super model, but you when you are awake, i know it's a disillusion.  even if in real life a super model said she loved me.  i will walk out and run away. 

so what now?  i am just a pretentious fool.  wait for the death to come.  i just want to die.  i really just want o die.  

Saturday, January 12, 2013


媽媽不久前在圖書館翻閱 Cook's Illustrated 雜誌, 看到一個如何在煮白水蛋時,如何煮到 蛋心半凝固.  當時媽媽興致勃勃得和我提到這個食譜, 並且要把雜誌借回家, 好實驗一下.  但可以外借的那一本雜誌被人借走了, 我們就只好等等.  我當時也不覺得這個蛋怎麼樣. 

當我們拿到這本雜誌並且實驗了一次後.  媽媽高興的不得了.  好像一個頑童.  我這個人吃到口裡, 才覺得還不錯.  但是, 似乎還是覺得他有點小題大作.  媽媽接著提到了林文月教授的飲饍札記一書. 他記得裡面有一個食譜就是在講這種類似的蛋.  原來他是有心於另一個食譜.  於是乎, 過了兩個星期, 我把書借回來了.

我們都很喜歡這林教授的  "廚憶錄".  這次讓媽媽想到的就是裡面的一個食譜叫做水晶滷蛋.  這名字是林教授取的.  大致的方法其實就是, 沖涼透的半熟水煮蛋放進涼透過的滷汁裡浸泡八小時以上.  除了半熟水煮蛋需要技巧外, 滷汁也有講究.  滷的肉, 豬牛雞都行.  但是有一點很要注意.  因為滷汁要涼透, 所以用的肉裡不能有皮, 因為皮裡有膠質會使涼下來的滷汁凝固.  尤其是帶皮的豬肉, 就不行.  如果有肥油, 油脂在冷卻後會凝固在汁面上, 可以拿掉, 所以比較不所謂.

媽媽動手做滷蛋之前, 我建議用 mascon 老闆娘給我的滷汁食譜.  因為那是素的.  媽媽覺得這主意不錯, 沒想到的是, 我以為我記得那食譜, 因為所有食才可以用五四三二一來記.  無想到的, 我記不清了.  於是我只好星期一的時候再厚著臉皮去問了老闆娘一次.

媽媽總共做了一打多一點.  剛好是為了元旦夜 roger 的聚餐, 不過那一夜, 無啥人欣賞這個蛋.  後來又分給了小瑋, 最後又拿去舅舅家.  有趣的是, 昨天小瑋來電郵問此蛋的做法.  今天他又來電話, 很高興的說, 這個蛋好容易做.  以後聚餐, 就可以帶這個! 

這個蛋用 mascon 滷汁來泡, 似乎會把蛋皮泡老.  顏色其實不錯, 但是味道稍嫌重了一點.  不過這個蛋總是要切開來分成至少兩份, 才能看出這個蛋的不同之處, 味道也因此減弱一點. 

mascon 晶蛋食譜:  一醋二糖三酒四醬油五水.  (素食可食) 五種材料煮滾, 待涼.  把蛋浸泡一個晚上.  (十二月十三日西元兩千零一十四年增補)