Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Video game idea

What did Sacrifice impress me the most?

The creativity and production value in the game was and still is the most impressive aspect of the game to me personally.

The first was the magic system. The magic system was and still is the best in video game. There are still no magic spells nowadays can get close to the impressiveness of this game. The effect of the magic spells felt so real and physical. The animation of characters casting those spells involved chanting and hand gestures. These add to the whole spell experience. The spells in most other games always have fancy lightening and dancing. But they don't feel powerful or physical to me. Sacrifice's spells gave me that feeling. I don't need fancy lightening, but I want to see the results and feeling the physical aspect of the spells. I felt that the spells in Sacrifice was also integrated into the physical aspect of the game. Some of the spells were powerful enough to alter the terrain permanently. That was a grandeur sight.

The second was the character creation. This includes the monsters players can summon, the villages players supposed to help or destroy, other wizards or magic casters, and gods themselves. All of these took great creativity and talents from game designers and voice actors, and script writers to work together. The creatures they created was purely joy. They were hardly seen in any other games, maybe except dragons.

The third thing I loved about the game was its control system, especially its camera control. The game does not give you a strafe and jump, that's the only things I'd like to complain. But the for a magic casting game, those two things does not really hurt that much. Besides, the camera control was very superb that these two obstacles were easily overlooked. Camera control seemed standard enough from the beginning. There's a cursor on the screen player can move up and down the screen to tilt the camera vertically. cursor to the right and left can move the camera to swirl around, and eventually see what's behind the characters players are controlling. While doing all those things, players could still issue magic spells from any angle. The left mouse control was for attack. But the right mouse control was for other kind of control. I love the setup. Although I did not use much of the setup. I think it has a very good potential. It eliminates many permanent UI on the game screens.


I always feel that chinese fantasy is an even better background for video games. Because of its martial art legend, with chi gong. But it is very sad that there's no Chinese can do anything about it...

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