Sunday, February 25, 2024


 I am always a late adopter.  I remember when I first came to the email, I thought to myself, why?  What's the use of this?  I also remember my sister talked to people online to the deep night during high school era(maybe after high school... not sure).  She learned to type Chinese really fast using ㄅㄆㄇ back then.   Me, I am always ambitious, I said I want to learn 倉頡, which I did and was okay in speed.  But it's been such a long time, I've already forgot how to use it.  

At high school, a lot of people were already crazed about technology, programming.  I remember some people even used their Texas Instrument Calculator to code and write their own games.  But I only heard it and never saw it  My friend Eric was a computer nut.  His idol then was Sony's CEO.  He's the first one I saw putting computer together from ground up.  He made one for us too.  But for all these, I don't seemed to be interested in technology much.  Except video games.  

I've always want to play video games, seeing other people having fun with it all around me.  We played Mario at 小寶外婆家, watching him play 光榮三國志 at his place.  I seldom play games in middle school, because my mom disapproved it, and so was many of my classmates' parents.  Then when we came here, I saw Roger played streetfighters.  I was impressed, and so was my mom.  Roger was such a good kid.  My mom got a Super Nintendo from Taiwan when she came back.  Sadly, I did not play a lot of nintendo games, that's sort of a trend for me, interested in something then forget about it.  Then there's Sky who showed me the most popular computer RPG game from Taiwan at the time, 仙劍奇俠傳.  But that did not stick either.  Weirdly, what sticks was the PC typing game and civil war games I played at my uncle's house.  I also saw Final Fantasy VIII at Tony's place, where Sky was friend with for a time.  Oh, I almost forgot, there was my cousin's play station.  We had a good memory of Metal Gear Solid and Bushido Blade.  And don't forget the other cousin at Texas, he had a nintendo64, I played Zelda Ocarina of time.  But weird enough, I did not join the computer games during my high school era, because the craze among my high school mates were starcraft, which was played by Henry, Dan, and others.  I guess at the time, the only thing I was really interested was basketball.  

Later when I went to the college.  I was alone.  The technology was still not anything to me, excepts downloads.  There are a lot of stuff to download for free.  That period of time was the first time I was totally left alone.  I could not help but attracted to the pc games.  I do not know why.  I think the magazine I got from Henry somehow made me obsessed.  Especially after I played a couple demos, Oni, Shogun Total War, Outcast, Sacrifice, King's quest 8, Prince of Persia Sands of Time...etc.  Almost all the games I mentioned was from that Magazine!  That Magainzine was in Chinese.  

After I quit college, movies and video games, mainly Total War, filled my time.  It was a strange time, because in my memory, only video game, movies, and cats.  All the others are a blurr.  I did not have friends in the physical world, only online.  There are very good communities in form of forum.  I especially remembered a forum called avant or something like it.  I participated in it, because it was a small circle of players.  Then there's the total war community, I played a lot of medieval total war.  A lot of them are European players.  I learned some European history there.  

Besides video games, I did not have much technology experience.  I don't really have a cell phone, until later, which was not a smart phone.  I did however built a pc from ground up with the help of my brother in law.  Then I build another one for my cousin.  The spec for both of those pc were mediocre at best.  But it was a fun experience.  

My sister on the other hand is always an early adopter.  She and I bought our first digital camera, it was a canon elph with 5x lens zoom.  I think we bought it after we got our cats.  I did not have a digital camera, so the first group of pictures of my cat were taken by my cousin Mimi.  Then after that my sister and I decided we need one too.  But just like before, I did not use it much.  The evidence of me wasting a camera is the amount of cat pictures I took which is not much.  Such a regret, but now my regret is even bigger, because after I got my first cell phone, I started to shoot a lot.  I thought I don't need that camera anymore and ebayed.  I regret a lot, because I kind want to learn to shoot using camera now.  I am not able to find similar one with viewfinder...  


 當我還小的時候, 我的母親還算年輕。  他有力量帶著我和妹妹到東到西。  他自己不會騎腳踏車, 所以他帶我們去學。  無論自己多累, 腰都快斷了,我們還是學不會。  還好,林慧珠阿姨告訴了他一個祕訣, 我們才學會了。  以後大街小巷到處騎,蔣阿姨次寧聽到了大吃一驚。  那會不會太危險了?  我們一學會腳踏車, 等我們把林慧珠阿姨給我們學習的車讓給別人後, 媽媽很大方的給我們一人買了一台捷安特的腳踏車。  當時,這是一筆很大的消費。  小瑋那車我的印象裡是非常好的。  一台粉紅的, 踩踏起來非常順溜。  我是一台藍色的越野車, 一看就是當時流行的款式。  可是我印象裡, 小瑋那一台放在一樓, 沒多久就給偷走了。  我的有一次騎去時報書店,結果也被順手牽羊了。 

我的母親是喜歡健康的。  可是在他印象裡, 我們兄妹倆都滿病弱的。  小瑋小時候有一次不知怎地,誤服了媽媽擺在抽屜裡, 用衛生紙包著的乾燥劑。  台灣潮濕, 媽媽就利用一些買來的貨物,包裝裡剩下來的乾燥劑。  可是不知道小瑋是肚子餓還是怎的,以為是糖果, 結果造成了嚴重的影響。  我呢, 根據媽媽的說法, 我一出生, 外婆就出了意外, 結果他把我放到大嫂家; 大嫂說我難帶的很。  回家後依然是大吵大鬧, 讓爸爸很不能睡覺。  之後, 我又有不能大便的情形。  我兩歲的時候, 小瑋出來沒多久, 爸爸住院, 於是乎我們又交給別人帶。  這些事情讓他很難過, 他覺得那些時期是小孩成長的重要時間。  結果他都因為這些原因使他沒能好好帶我們。  稍微長大後, 我們又都有氣喘的毛病。  我還記得在景美的時候去看小兒科, 就在羅斯福路上, 離我們家不遠。  打了針,手臂還會腫起一塊。  後來我們氣喘都是給爸爸看, 嚴重的時候要在嘴下巴上扎四針。  

這些都加強了媽媽要使我們健康強壯。  讓我們去學游泳, 常去爬山,學籃球,  學乒乓球。  希望可以藉此讓我們強壯起來。  一開始因為爸爸糖尿病, 他開始看了很多有關健康的書。  他也常常耳提面命的說要糙米飯, 多吃蔬菜, 不要在外面吃攤子零食。  我印象裡最深的就是我們在外面買最多的食物是饅頭。  當時金山南路附近有很好的饅頭店。  除了饅頭和偶爾的老張豆漿店, 我們很少外食。  當然也是因為家裡有阿媽,算是我們的保母。  他一直做到了我們五年級。  當時阿媽做過餐館, 他在炒某些青菜時會勾芡。  但是媽媽就跟他說不要勾芡, 因為勾芡是澱粉, 對爸爸的糖尿病不好。  另外, 我也不怎麼喜歡,吃起來黏黏滑滑的。  媽媽長久以來都希望可以吃健康。  所以他也曾試著種植小麥草。  結果小蟲一堆, 菜汁打出來爸爸也不怎麼喜歡喝。  後來就不種了。  他也試了好幾種健康食品, 和他的朋友一起做過直銷。  我印象最深的就是先尼雷德的產品,他們號稱是中藥提煉。  有食品也有肌膚保養品。  媽媽在我國中長青春痘的時候,就常常幫我擦臉。  還滿有用的。  
