Sunday, July 16, 2023

Happy Everyday

 昨天去 Roger 家吃飯。  這事已在三個星期前約好了。  當時媽媽滿興奮的。  因為大概一個多月以前她第一見到 Roger 的女兒, 柔柔。  媽媽當場就好喜歡這個三歲的小女孩。  但是, 一方面因為媽媽上週感冒後現在仍然咳嗽,而且很容易累。  另一方面, 我看到 Roger 的餐點裡有冰淇淋蛋糕, 就知道媽媽的預感是對的, 這是一個生日宴。  媽媽在三個星期前聽到有這個約的時候, 他就問會否是一個生日。  我想有可能, 本來要去問的。  但是, 媽媽說不要問吧。  就因為他說不要問, 我感覺他還滿想去的。  現在生日蛋糕出現了, 他也就藉著感冒沒好, 事實上也真的沒好, 說不去了。  

這個聚會人並不多, 只有五個外人,包括我在內。  Roger 把院子弄得還不錯, 他岳母種的花花草草也都長得很好。  其中有一株, 那顏色真是漂亮極了, 那形狀也是豐富的不得了。  Becca 弄了一個 雅買加 jerkey chicken, 和 Bean and rice, 還有沙拉, 還有冷盤。  胡熒阿姨帶了壽司, 舅媽也帶了一個涼拌,Leo & Maria 帶了好多水果, 我也準備了一些 tzatziki。  我們吃完後, 我到院子裡走一走,去照照相, 後來胡熒阿姨和舅媽也帶著柔柔出來, Roger 也出來拿了些玩具給柔柔玩。  

我們回進去後, 大家就看柔柔吃飯。  柔柔真的是滿會講話的, 聽一個小小孩帶著稚氣用一些成熟的詞彙, 他把大家都逗笑了。   Leo 叔叔笑得可開心了。  唉, 如果媽媽在,他也是會高興地。  接者就是吃蛋糕, Becca 好像提到蛋糕上面的字眼不是 happy birthday.  我還沒搞清楚, 等蛋糕盒一揭開, 我伸頭一瞧, 真的, 蛋糕上面寫著的字樣是 , Happy Everyday!  Becca 說是胡熒阿姨要求的。  我的老天, 媽媽一直說胡盈阿姨不喜歡媽媽不和別人一起慶祝生日。  我們都沒有料到他會做這樣的要求。  也是柔柔年紀小, Roger 和 Becca 很孝順, 胡熒阿姨一家對別人的禮貌是沒話說的, 而這樣尊重媽媽的信仰, 我無法用言詞來形容了。  當然,舅舅和舅媽鐵定知道是怎麼回事, Leo 夫婦倆可能不知道為什麼。  之後, 大家開始唱歌慶生, 一開始唱的是 Happy Everyday to you...  中英文夾雜, 後來大概變成了生日快樂。  滿好玩的。  


記錄下來, 實在是希望不要忘記。  

Friday, July 14, 2023

One of this year's event

 Dwight traveled from Texas to New England in the mid of May.  He arrived at Vermont, his friend's wedding to perform his harp.  I remember  he arrived at Uncle's in the early June.   My mom and I went to uncle's house to meet him.  Everyone wants to try his tent on top of his Rav4.  We then proceeded to uncle's house.  The rest of night, he performed his harp piece for all of us.  And I suggested we sing together for Dwight also have a guitar.  I recorded a video.  It was quite fun.  Even Aunt May chimed in, and I feel she did enjoy some singing.  

I suggested to my sis that she and her husband can come and sing Karaoke with Dwight, I could also invite uncles.  It was a very hard week for them.  One of my mom's oldest friend from USA passed away suddenly just a couple days ago.  Her son was the only survivor.  And she's such an important person in  the Chinese congregation.  My sis did not broke the news to my mom, since my mom does not belong to the Chinese congregation.  She's afraid it's a shock for my mom.  I agreed, since  I saw how impactful was the other sister's passing for my mom.  My sis and her husband, along with their Chinese congregation coordinated their effort taking turns to be with Betty's son, sitting in the hospital, driving him to do errands, giving out suggestion, providing food.  For example, my sis told us there're days they spend over at hospital for more than 4 hours.  And to the end, some patients and nurses were amazed and can't stop wondering who this woman is.  

Though it was a difficult week for my sis and her husband.  She agreed the Karaoke since Dwight did express a want to meet my sis.  My uncle did not want to come at first when he knew we intend to sing.  But for the reason I did not remember, they eventually said yes.  Uncles and my sis brought some food, I bought Costco rotisserie Chicken and potato chips and salad.  I got some cheese and ham for cold dish.  The night was quite interesting, even my mom sang a song.  And aunt May sing a couple.  Then Dwight sang a few.  

After staying at uncle's for 10 days, Dwight left for New York.  And from my aunt PL, we knew she went to Philly afterwards.   During Dwight's 10 day stays, I watched the last game of NBA eastern conference championship.  It was disappointing game.  We also played some basketball.  He's getting quite good.  He played a lot as he told me.  And he is not shy from playing other people.  During those 10 days, I think they went to eat quite often.  Uncle picked up all the tabs.  We also had ramen, a new shop just opened up in Andover this year.  

Then on 7/4/2023, Dwight came back from his Philly trip.  This time, he stayed at our place.  But he fell sick.  Then my mom fell sick, she was very tired from her three day convention with my sis.  All the elements mixed up at the same time.  I was irritated and agitated.  Both of them lost appetite.  Now I can understand why mothers in the world will not be happy if their kids did not finish their plates.  Because there's not much else a human being can do under the stress.   Though I suspect our food made Dwight even less appetizing.  I appreciate that Dwight was mild enough to hear me vent, even when I told him if he felt better, he should leave.  I was annoyed that he's feeling under weather but kept saying he's fine.  I was lucky enough that he has a brain and rational enough.  And the weather did not help at all, that week was the hottest week, the whole 7 days.  Our lack of air conditioning really exacerbate the situation also.  

Dwight arrived on Sunday night, he left the next Saturday.  I knew he's feeling better, still a bit weak though.  He scheduled his camping site, made contact with his friend at Concord, MA and upstate New York.  Then he left.  I met him at Walden Pond the next day.  He wanted to read Walden Pond at Walden Pond.  It feels like a bucket list thing to do.   Walden Pond parking was not kind to the out of state people, it's $30.  After we went to market place for all day breakfast, then we part ways.  

It was an experience.  For him, and for us.  For me and my mom, we lived like a hobbit, never travel except necessary.  Very seldom dining out, only necessary, or for my case, long for certain food.  

I just want to write down so I won't forget what has passed.