Monday, March 21, 2016


我記錄一些隨手寫的文字.  都是很簡單的想法.  然後我可以把這些筆記或著記事本丟了. 

喵喵叫想要吃, 想要跳?
一隻豎著尾巴, 磨磳, 磨磳,


昨天做了一個夢, 夢中我伸出手去握一個我喜歡的女生的手.  結果突然發現不對.  原來, 東東也睡在被窩裡, 我還真的伸手我握住他的兩隻手, 我突然醒來, 他也被我驚醒兒跳出被窩!  很好笑

三月十一日, 2010


方孝孺和唐順之, 一個說豫讓, 三諫不從, 當伏劍而死; 一說信陵和如姬當死於王前; 還要加一個王世貞, 他也是藺相如就死... 



Saturday, March 19, 2016

Some thoughts


This is indeed a very fun movie.  a lot of action, and the protagonist is really flashed out.  the action scene of the high way was very impressive.  the whole thing was very raw, i mean it's takes no side steps, from dirty words to violence.  the love story was the anchor, the revenge was the energy to move the story forward.  i don't particularly like the main actor, but he did a great job here.


white god:

it's a hungarian movie about dogs, especially mutts.  there're some parts of the story that reminded me of the call of wild.  but it turns out an alright movie.  I liked the ending.   i did not think the dog would want to attack the little girl, that bid came as a surprise to me.    I liked the way conflict raised at the end, and how it was handled. 

i found that in many ways, american movie was more wordy than the rest of the world.  in someway...  don't know why. 



看不懂,看了一半就看不下去了...  首先, 沒有字幕, 實在聽不大懂他們在講啥.  再來, 整部戲靜的可以, 而且所有的演員都不知道在幹嘛... 



it was a fun action flick.  the last female character reminded me of eva green's character.  but somehow, i still like eva's better. 


steve jobs

with michael fassbender.  the movie was quite alright.  the actor was immense.  i felt he caught the intensity of steve jobs, at least that's what everybody who don't really know him personally would like to think.  


I read 3 chapters of great soul of siberia.  the writing is really good.  I liked the story of the monk ignored the bird's nest, and birds ignored the monk, then, the birds flourished. 


Wednesday, March 09, 2016

Cooking concept from CI

The concepts are from the science of good cooking, by cook's illustrated.

1.  Gentle Heats prevents overcooking.

 For large roasts, where exterior meat can easily overcook and dry out before the center reaches the target temp. Low heat is the way to go.  It also retains juices in the meat.  But moisture retention has its downside, the interior may look pale.  (see concept 5.)

2. High heats develops flavor

 Maillard reaction(the French scientist Louis-Camille Maillard)

3. Resting heat maximizes juiciness

 Different size of meat, and different method of cooking the meat, will effect the optimal resting time.  The hotter the heat, the more resting time might benefit.

4. Hot food keeps cooking

The size of the the food, and the amount of heat used for cooking matters.   big chunk of heat will retain more energy in the interior, than say a pork chop.  400 degree will put out more heat than 200 degree, thus after the food left the stove, the internal temp will have effect. 

5. Some proteins are best cooked twice

 Stove top cooking, like searing, gives out great heat in one direction, downside, moisture loss; oven cooking is slow but promote even heat, and retain moisture better.  How to combine the two is essential.

6. Slow heating makes meat tender

The internal temperature is not the sole factor for how tender the meat is, but enzyme in meat, (cathepsins) will help break down the meat tissue to make it tender.  But the temperature have to be held below 122 degree F, for long time.  

7. Cook tough cuts beyond well done

 Tough cuts(like pork tenderloin) has little collagens.  By cooking them beyond well down, the collagens will be converted to gelatin, which can hold 10 times of moisture in weight compared to 1 gelatin.  Thus makes meat more tender.

8. Tough cuts like a covered pots

Braising works by long cooking time and low heat.  It changes the texture of the meat so it taste soft and tender, which makes meat seem moist.

9. A covered pot doesn't need liquid

This one is talking about Dry Braising in the oven, with a covered pot.

10. Bones add flavor, fat, and juiciness

Talking about meat cooked with bone-in.

11. Brining maximizes juiciness in lean meats

Brining meat changes it's structure of protein, which makes meat more tender, retain more moisture, and salt penetrate meat deeper.

12. Salt makes meat juicy and skin crisp

Brine meat makes skin hard to be crispy and browned.  So sometimes, dry salted meat provides different perspective.

13. Salty marinades work best

Salt penetrate further than any other marinades ingredients.  Most of the other ingredients could only affect the surface.  One of the best marinades is soy sauce based, because of it's salty contents.

14. Grind meat at home for tender burger

Home ground meat gives us more choice on textures, fat contents, and flavors.  These elements depend on the cut of meat we choose, how fine we want to grind the meat, and how tightly we want to pack our ground meat.  (Cut the cut of meat to pieces, then put in the freezer for 20-30 minutes, then we can grind them in the food processor.  The book recommend the chuck for best ground beef patties, sirloin comes the second, round is the worst.)

15. A panade keeps ground meat tender

In the book, what they called panade, is a mixture of white bread and milk, mashed up together and becomes homogeneous.  Basically, adding starch into the ground beef, along with milk, which contains lactose, which is  sugar and can help browning the beef patties.

16. Create layers for a breading that sticks

The standard procedure for breading the meat(pork chops or chicken breast), (or coating), flour, egg, then bread crumbs still holds true!  The alternative is switch flour to cornstarch, then swap eggs for buttermilk.  Buttermilk can create a lighter coating compared to egg's sometimes hefty presence. 

17. Good frying is all about oil temperature

 Frying at 325 degree  for french fries is recommended.  Frying oil have at least 5 stages, each stage can produce different results.  Five stage of frying oil: break-in(too fresh), fresh, optimum, degrading, and runaway(dark, smelly, and prove to smoking).  The book recommend a mix of 1 used frying oil to 5 fresh frying oil.  Store the frying oil in air tight container in refrigerator,or in a freezer.  Note:  Exposure to air and light hasten the rate of oxidative rancidification and the creation of off flavor and odors.  But by experimenting between storing in dark cardboard, refrigerator, and freezer for two months, the oil from freezer wins hands down!  So cold temperature is also a huge factor in storing frying oil! 

18. Fat makes eggs tender

On making an omelet, frozen cubed butter in eggs can slow down the coagulation of protein in eggs during cooking.  This will result a tender omelet in texture. 

19. Gentle heat guarantees smooth custards

Custards is a mixture of milk, or cream and egg yolk.  It's main use is for dessert.  Because of the different temperatures of coagulation pf egg yolk and white, a low and slow heating for custards becomes necessary.  The book even suggested water bath method, called bain-marie.  Because water's boiling point never exceeds 212 degrees F, plus the moisture, it's a good way to be egg based dessert creamy and smooth on the surface.

20. Starch keeps eggs from curdling

One more way to keep eggs based dessert from curdling.

21. Whippped egg whites need stabilizers

The cream of tartar, an acid, can alter the electric charge on the proteins of the egg whites, in tern reducing the interaction between protein and molecules.  Although this delays the formation of the foam, the result is a much more stable, and hold more water as well.  The other thing for whipped egg whites is the timing of adding sugar.  Adding too early, the foam will be hard to form, adding too late, then there would be little sugar left for sugar to dissolve.

22. Starch helps cheese melt nicely

Used in anything with a cheese sauce, like macaroni and cheese to lasagna.

23. Salting vegetables removes liquid

No explanation needed...

24. Green vegetables like it hot--then cold

To keep the color?  Can be related to Concept 4.

25. All potatoes are not created equal

They tested red bliss, yukon golds, and russets.  Russets has more starch, they can absorb more water, best for mashed potatoes; the red bliss is on the other end of spectrum, easily holds its shape, absorb less water than russets, best for potato salads.  Yukon is right in the middle.  There's also two different kind of starches involved, Russets has more amylose, red bliss more amylopectin.  Yukon again falls in the middle.

26. Potato starches can be controlled

For mashed potatoes, a light and fluffy finish is important.  By gently mashing potatoes by hand, the sticky starch amylose will not be easily released from the granule.  But amylose can be released using food processor, which cut through if not all but most the  granule.

note: vinegar in water helped potato keeping it's shape, baking soda is the opposite.  

27.  Precooking makes vegetables firmer

(Some) vegetables contain an enzyme called pectin methylesterase, which is active between 140 and 160 degree F.  This enzymes caused the pectin in the cell walls to more readily linked with calcium ions, which are already presented in the the vegetable's structure.  This link causes the pectin to become stronger, making vegetable less prone to break down.  The book experiment on carrots using 3 method, the first one is baked 425 degree F in oven uncovered for one hour.  The second one is covered for 15 minutes, uncovered for 45 minutes in 425 degree F.  The third one is using a water bath cooking carrots for 30 minutes first, then 425 degree F oven for 45 minutes.  The first one lost most water, the third one lost the least.  It helped the to preserve the water and thus create a better texture.

(Browning and caramelization, is different.  caramelization is more for vegetable, it's a chemical reaction with sugar in the vegetables.  Browning involved proteins which is also called maillard reaction.)

28. Don't soak beans, brine them.

The skin of the bean would be tough even  after soaking.  Tough skin on the bean would explode during cooking.  The salt in the brine water will replace the magnesium and calcium ions are replaced by sodium, causing the pectin to breakdown, which soften the skin of bean.    When cooking the bean with a little bit of salt, along with brining bean with salt, the bean will come out smooth skinned, and soft.

29.  Baking soda makes grain and bean soft

Alkaline environment can break down pectin wall.  Just don't use too much.

30. Rinsing(not soaking)  makes rice fluffy

Not so sure about this one...

31. Slicing changes onion and garlic flavor

Because it cuts the cell wall and thus release more flavor.

32. Chile heat resides in pith and seeds

Self explanatory.  :p   To preserve fresh chile, brining (1 Tb of salt per cup of water) is the way to go. 

33. Bloom spices to boost their flavor

Blooming is a technique where you take some spices and heat them up in oil to release and amplify the flavor of the spice.  Other ways to boost the flavor is grinding, and toasting(not for black pepper). 

34. Not all herbs are for cooking

 Some herbs are strong enough to be cooked for a long time and still remain in the dish, ex: rosemary, oregano.  Some are more delicate, like basil, parsley,  and cilantro, that quickly dispersed when cooked. 

35. Glutamates, Nucleotides add meaty flavor

Glutamates(谷氨酸鹽)  (Monosodium glutamate).  Some example:  醬油, 豆瓣醬, 味精 cheese, 番茄...


Chicken, Pork, anchovies has certain nucleotides, inosinate, that can amplify the glutamates.  

36. Emulsifiers make smooth sauces

 Emulsifier is something that can combine water and oil.  Examples of Emulsifier, egg yolk, mayonnaise, mustard. 

37. Speed evaporation when cooking wine

Cooking temperature and time, as well as additional ingredient that can absorb liquid, will greatly impact final alcohol content.

38. More water makes chewier bread

The book showed 50%, 68%, and 80% hydration in dough.  The difference is very visible.  80% hydration cannot rise at all.  There're holes, but not rise.  50% hydration has not holes, but holds the shape together like a fist.  68% looks like a normal bread.   Depending on the preference on chewiness, the book made a pizza dough using 90% hydration dough!  (Interesting note:  internal temperature for baking bread is less consequencial than the appearance!)

39. Rest dough to trim kneading time

Full aware of this concept...  This is however, an irreplaceable concept.  The book thinks that adding salt after autolys is a better way to go.  They also experiment on which stage to freeze the dough yields the best result.  The result is between 1st proof and 2nd proof. 

40. Time builds flavor in bread

Time and Temperature, put the bread dough in the refrigerator so it yeast will work longer, slower, produce more flavor.

(side note:  refrigerate maple syrup once it opened.)

41. Gentle folding stops tough quick bread

 Mixing batter or dough leads to gluten formation.  So, depending on the preference, don't mix too much.

42. Two leaveners are often better than one

Baking soda is an alkali, it can interact with an acidic ingredient, eg, buttermilk, produce CO2.  Baking powder will can create bubbles when heated in the oven.  Baking soda also created a more alkaline environment and triggered maillard reaction too.  

43. Layers of butter make flaky pastry

Use techniques like, lamination, or fraisage to make flaky dough.  

44. Vodka makes pie dough easy

The gluten have a hard time to form when alcohol is present.  Vodka works wonder here.  

45. Less protein makes tender cakes, cookies

Watch the protein content for flour.  Making cakes and cookies can use a mix of cake flours and all purpose, no bread flour.

46. Creaming butter helps cakes rise

Creaming butter in cool temperature will help them to hold air.  The room temperature butter will have harder time to hold air.

47. Reverse cream for delicate cakes

Reverse cream is mixing fat and flour together so to prevent gluten formation.  But I need to know more about this method...

48. Sugar changes texture(and sweetness)

White sugar can produce crispy cookies and brown sugar will produce chewy ones.

49. Sugar and time make fruit juicier

Added sugar can draw out juice from fruits, change its texture as well.  I consider this concept weird...  :p  

50. Cocoa powder delivers Big flavor

Cocoa power can give out chocolate flavor not even dark chocolate can deliver.

Tuesday, March 01, 2016

how is grandpa and few other daily encounters

外公想要回蘇州.  這是媽媽上個星期五給我寫的紙條.  所以媽媽一從老年中心回來, 接到佩蘭阿姨的來電, 就趕去舅舅家.  我星期五晚上去了舅舅載了老王去 costco 買麵粉, 然後回到舅舅家.  舅媽就和我說了這件事.  外公趁著舅舅和舅媽在吃早餐, 從房間裡走出來, 說有人故意到我房間裡把東西弄亂, 這擺明就是要我離開這裡!  我要回蘇州!  舅媽說外公在說這些話的時候, 是用國語說的.  舅媽認為這擺明是說給她聽的.  我是同意這種說法的.   後來媽媽也從房間裡出來, 加入談話.  媽媽出來把夾心餅乾調和在牛奶裡.  我後來聽到舅舅怎麼和外公說, 外公不能回蘇州.  舅舅說現在外公太老了, 美國政府不讓他坐飛機了.  外公聽了就不高興, 說這是甚麼話, 我要到警察局去理論去!  後來舅舅又說現在機票太貴了, 要回去的話機票就要三萬元.  舅舅說我現在每個月才賺一千塊, 外公是美國政府提供的六百塊, 要湊三萬元要等到啥時哩?  外公說如果他繼續待在這裡, 他就要癡子症了... 

媽媽說如果外公再繼續想要回蘇州的話, 他就要來寫信.  舅媽說外公只是要 attention 才這樣說的.  舅媽覺得媽媽說的都沒甚麼用, 外公一定不聽的. 

隔天,我又去舅舅家,這次我是去做稅.  媽媽中午給外公做了很好喝的湯, 用大骨頭熬, 又用番茄燉煮.  我也吃了一小碗.  所以我知道.  可是到了一點的時候, 媽媽到樓上來給我看他寫的信.  原來, 他以為外公吃得好好的, 不會再提回蘇州的事了.  但是吃完飯, 外公問媽媽晚上會否在這裡吃飯.  媽媽說他要回家, 晚上舅舅會在.  外公馬上就說, 要再和舅舅說回蘇州的事.  媽媽一聽就寫說, 我們都不希望你回去...(之後我會把信抄錄上來,如果還找得到的話.) 外公也不再說啥了. 

舅舅舅媽和陳瑞紅, 林再榮謝立言,還有胡熒和吃完飯後回來.  媽媽覺得外公不再提回蘇州了, 她做了一件滿不錯的事.  就和舅舅和舅媽提.  舅舅沒說啥.  舅媽卻在一旁不斷說媽媽做得真得是好了.  舅舅和舅媽都讀了這封信, 舅媽說要把它貼起來.  以後外公再提, 就拿出來給他看. 

或許這件事就此謝幕.  但是, 我每次看到這種舅媽和媽媽的交流就感覺心寒.  媽媽似乎總是要別人說好, 舅媽又很會做表面工夫...  我感覺媽媽是知道的, 但是, 她在表面上得到了舅媽得讚許, 又好像很高興...  媽媽寫的都是真實的感受, 而且實實在在的理由.  可是, 舅舅的理由總是迂迴.  媽媽說的, 能得到別人的肯定, 那是多麼好...  我完全贊同, 也深有同感.  可是這情形實在令我覺得難堪. 

外公的物質生活是舅舅他們, 但是, 在心靈上, 外公很依靠媽媽.  實際上, 媽媽煮食啥都想到外公能不能吃.  冷也好, 熱也好, 也都像到外公.  可是又很受不了外公的批評.  我覺得這真是奇怪, 或許也不奇怪... 



I liked the movie.  The kitchen scenes of a high end professional restaurant was really authentic.  It brought the tension out really nicely.  I really liked the fact that it did not use sex scene to express love.  And yet, I can feel tenderness in the air. 



I liked this movie as well.  It's both disgusting and cute!  lol  How do they manage this is in itself something worth watching!  I really liked the movie!  It's like an innocent kid, or a innocent adult as well, using a big paint brush doing a portrait of themselves!  lol 


我昨天下班時跑到亞倫那兒去要被退的鏡筒.  去的時候實際上還想要一個鏡筒模型的清單.  但是, 亞倫不願意給.  他的用詞裡一直說 "他" 不許我查鏡筒.  這個他不是指亞倫.  所以我就問這個他是誰.  他用說整個流程根本不清楚, 所以基於這個理由他也不願意給.  我當時就為了這給或不給的問題給僵住了.  鏡銅名冊的事也忘了.  最後我說, 就算不給我做, 也得把所有的鏡銅集中在一塊.  大偉也早就在旁邊關注我們的談話.  亞倫後來急著要走了, 就帶我到他放鏡筒的地方.  我後來就把放在倉庫裡的鏡筒拿出來和其他鏡筒放在一起.