I liked the movie alright because it was really quite interesting with Tom Hanks and Mark Rylance's performance. The writing of these two characters were really stand out too. This is a long movie. But I don't feel hurried, or too slow. The pacing grabbed me at the right time. I also liked the East German's portrayal in the movie. They were of a jester role, but I can feel that helplessness in all of them. They are the only one that was made fun of in the movie. Not Russian this time. Compared to the white night's portrayal of Russian.
Why did Vic's reaction give me an impression? I guess that the movie had a message, and it's quite clear too. Many reviews pointed it out as well. There is nothing wrong with the message. It's just seldom applied in reality. So...it's more like a advertising line. Because in reality, just like the most people in the movie, people will never admire spies, not then, not now.
However, I still like the message though. I liked the ideals. To admire the opponents, not him personally, but admire the qualities, stand firm with his cause, never turn away from the battle, never lose dignity...
We have a new procedure at work. It's about RMA Scopes. For 2 years now, I was inspecting those scopes. Sometimes we ship some warranty scopes back to customer. But Jon wants get a better tie with the customer, he wanted us to take entire RMA scopes from the customer.
I first heard of this back December. Frank had a meeting about it yesterday with customer service, engineer, and warehouse. I don't really know what to ask, or what to say at all. So most of the time I was just listening. I asked a question in the mid of meeting, but then I got to go back to work in warehouse. My question must be stupid, because everyone was looking at me funny. lol
The first such scope came today. And it already is a fuzzy case. First of all, it's not our scope. I thought I just inspected it like before. It seemed fine to me. Then, I decided to show it to the engineers. First I thought of Aaron, but he's not here today. So I showed it to Wei. Then Wei showed it to Alex to determine if this is our product of not. That's where it get interesting.
Alex seemed a bit frustrated. He asked for the result of the meeting from yesterday. Wei showed him a set of rules or procedures Aaron and Wei typed yesterday. Then Alex said he did not care about those details. The most important thing he asked Wei was "why does Engineer involved in this procedure." He repeatedly asked this question.
That's an interesting question. Because before this, for the past 2 years, RMA scope only go through me and Customer service. I don't know how often Aaron reviewed the report I printed. But I doubted it would often. So yes, why would Engineer be involved in this?
In Alex's mind, when we get the defect scope from end customer of RMT, we immediately shipped one out back to that end user. The defect was for me to inspect at my leisure. And to gather the possible cause and quantity, if the defect had some kind of trend, or some huge quantity suddenly showed up. Then and only then, the Engineer should be alarmed.
I know from yesterday's meeting that as long as the quantity does not exceeds 1-2% of our production, this would be fine. However, the actual procedure, it's murky.
I found it's interesting to hear Alex saying we wasted our time at the meeting. We did not ask sensible questions. To me, personally, with murky procedures, and still so much questions on the table. It is true. The meeting was a bust.
The procedure should be two prong.
- One is purely customer service. Not taking of RMT, but their end users. Fast respond time, quick and accurate decision on which replacement scope to send.
- Second one is internal monitoring for the type of defects, and quantity.
The second should be a periodic things. After certain period (to be determine), the datasheet should be forwarded to the responsible engineer(to be determine) for review.
But Vic mentioned another great point yesterday at the meeting, how are we going to dispose the defect scopes? Need further discussion.
Why am I working? Why am I working? Why am I working? Why am I working? Why am I working? Why am I working? Why am I working? Why am I working? Why am I working? Why am I working? Why am I working? Why am I working? Why am I working? Why am I working? Why am I working? Why am I working? Why am I working? Why am I working? Why am I working? Why am I working? Why am I working? Why am I working? Why am I working? Why am I working? Why am I working? Why am I working? Why am I working? Why am I working? Why am I working? Why am I working? Why am I working? Why am I working? Why am I working? Why am I working? Why am I working? Why am I working? Why am I working? Why am I working? Why am I working? Why am I working? Why am I working? Why am I working? Why am I working? Why am I working? Why am I working? Why am I working? Why am I working? Why am I working? Why am I working? Why am I working? Why am I working? Why am I working? Why am I working? Why am I working? Why am I working? Why am I working? Why am I working? Why am I working? Why am I working? Why am I working? Why am I working? Why am I working? Why am I working? Why am I working? Why am I working? Why am I working? Why am I working? Why am I working? Why am I working? Why am I working? Why am I working? Why am I working? Why am I working? Why am I working? Why am I working? Why am I working? Why am I working? Why am I working? Why am I working? Why am I working? Why am I working? Why am I working? Why am I working? Why am I working?
I wish CJ was here. I leave work, drive on the road. I found myself talking to her. I was sitting at the table, I found myself thinking of her.
But it's all an illusion. Grand illusion. That little girl.... I so wish to hug her, cheek to cheek.
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