Sunday, April 05, 2015

movies in hindsight

the rover

it was a very good movie.  it kept reminding me of mad max.  I guess it was s version of mad max in more realistic light.  But the rover was a much more complete experience.  The story spun out of the two main characters was really cool.  the background with vast wilderness was both exhilarating and empty somehow. 

The acting in the film was top notch.  It was a really good movie. 


Two brothers

It's a tiger's tale.  It was amazing to see those tiger actors act.  I was really fascinated by them.  The story and other actors were enough to hold the film, but it is the animals that hold the attention.

I stumbled this movie because the French director filmed another animal movie with wolf in China.  Two brothers were really not bad.


the raid 2

It was a better film than the first one.    It cranked up everything that was awesome in the first one to another level.  The last fight was truly amazing! 

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