I watched NDA's last game this year. I watched at my brother in law's house. The game was recorded on Sunday. I watched it on Monday. Before the game, my sister and her husband told me not to read the scores. Well, I can't help it. I was happy about sper's win in the morning.
But that happiness was changed to dismay and sadness after watching the game. The total melt down of the Hit team was disastrous. After four years of championship games, they were struggling both mentally and physically. I meant really struggle. To see sper win was great, but to see a great beast being slew was somehow so, very sad. The beast seemed to be too old. The whole team mechanism just gone. The king fought, but with both of his wing men wrecked, the king was naked. I think Hit's team philosophy was none, except , defense, and gave ball to the king, or the wing men. Now, the wing men were of no use, the king cannot score, then, defense was gone too.
The king lost confidence in his wing men. A lone warrior, cannot fight without his horse, spears, and his shield. This game was so sad. Watching the king trying to score alone. It was really weird. I have no hard feeling towards Hit. But I did wish sper to win, for they deserved it last year. But the way, Hit was defeated, not by putting up a fight, was astonishing.
Hit was not a complete team, in my opinion. Even with Bulls, there were main scorer, best wing man, and an inside presence. Hit, had only scorer, wing man, and no inside presence. They did bring some people in, it's not that the ball club did not learn anything from their very fortunate championship last year. But I doubted the coach, and the trio, utilize the change well throughout the year. And with Trio's salary cap, even the change did not have good chemistry in the mid of the season, the club simply could not find good money to make additional change.
Anyway, it's just very sad. Whenever, Hit got the ball, there's no ball movements, except when moving with the king. In the other hands, Sper move the ball with lightening pace. Tim can still dominate the mismatch, but that did not happen with Hit at all. It's the king in every possession! Even if Baush was guarded by Tony Paarker!
It was one of the most horrendous game I've seen. I saw that kind of game with Bulls vs. Jazz. But Jazz would bounce back in the next game! Sad to watch.
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