Monday, December 24, 2012

a journey started

I just finished the hobbit an expected journey.  It was not as good as the fellowship of the ring.  I don't mind the settings looked like the lord of the ring trilogy.  But I felt the story of the unexpected journey was stretched thin.  I felt, as my sister felt, that many action sequences were mere filler for the whole story.  As an action adventure it was fun, but what I was expecting was a bit stronger and thicker. 

As for some of the humor in the movie, I felt they were mostly cheesy.  I did cracked up here and there.  Maybe I should not expect too much here, for this is merely a kid's reading.  And from the previous series, Director Jackson's comical sense was already not his best point. 

I did enjoy some of the scenes.  I loved the dwarf song, it gave me a sense of deep mythology and a thick air of sadness along with determination.  The Gollum and Bilbo scene was immensely gripping.  I think it was due largely to Gollum's credit.  And the scene where Gandalf saved the dwarves in the mountain plus the escape scene after was quite entertaining. 

I think that Director really knows how to pick his actors.  Most of the cast were befitting to each of their own roles.  I mentioned this is because I think it's incredibly important to cast actor in to a fitting character.  By doing so, even non consequential dwarf members can still manage to be remembered.

All in all, I did prefer Director condense the story.  But the final verdict will have to come after the whole series came to an end.  To me, I love the fellowship of the rings.  But the other two in the series was almost forgettable, except some scenes.   Here, I wonder if it really necessary to expand the story into a trilogy?  I hope Director would surprise me next with a better movie, and ended with a best movie in the series.  

Monday, December 03, 2012


慧蘭阿姨 husky 狗的故事

Sunday, December 02, 2012


今年十一月十日, 星期六, 我剛從 mall 走路回來不久, 小寶打電話來.  他來祝賀我生日快樂, 問我收到他們寄的賀卡了無?  我還無收到.  電話又沒電了, 聲音根本聽不到, 在手忙腳亂的情況下又無法把 skype 設定好, 結果, 我們約好下星期六用 skype 在聯絡.

十一月十七日, 同樣時間,還不確定他們會不會打來.我先打去看看.  接上線了, skype 還滿清楚的.他們的卡我收到了.  小寶要唱三首歌給我祝賀,他唱的是, 花心、草蜢的寶貝對不起、周華健的朋友.  都是當年我們在紐西蘭或之後紐西蘭團隊的人一起去唱 ktv 時唱的.  小寶說, 我也得唱一首!  我唱的是小牧童.



花的心藏在蕊中 空把花期都錯過
你的心忘了季節 從不輕易讓人懂
為何不牽我的手 共聽日月唱首歌
黑夜又白晝 黑夜又白晝 人生悲歡有幾何

#春去春會來 花謝花會再開
 只要你願意 只要你願意 讓夢劃向你心海

Repeat #

花瓣淚飄落風中 雖有悲意也從容
你的淚晶瑩剔透 心中一定還有夢
為何不牽我的手 同看海天成一色
潮起又潮落 潮起又潮落 送走人間許多愁

Repeat #,#

只要你願意 只要你願意 讓夢划向你心海



  • 作曲: 劉志宏
  • 編曲: 洪敬堯
  • 填詞: 劉思銘

  • 這些年 一個人 風也過 雨也走
    有過淚 有過錯 還記得堅持什麼
    真愛過 才會懂 會寂寞 會回首
    終有夢 終有你 在心中

    朋友一生一起走 那些日子不再有
    一句話 一輩子 一生情 一杯酒
    朋友不曾孤單過 一聲朋友你會懂
    還有傷 還有痛 還要走 還有我

    朋友一生一起走 那些日子不再有
    一句話 一輩子 一生情 一杯酒
    朋友不曾孤單過 一聲朋友你會懂
    還有傷 還有痛 還要走 還有我

    一句話 一輩子 一生情 一杯酒  



  • 作曲: A.Chotikul
  • 編曲: 方樹樑
  • 填詞: 謝明訓

  • 怕你多情 怕你多情 怕我不忍心
    雨下不停 雨下不停 心情也不定
    讓我相信 讓我相信 你會好好地
    不必約定 不必約定 也不會忘記
    寶貝對不起 不是不疼你
    真的不願意 又讓你哭泣
    寶貝對不起 不是不愛你
    我也不願意 又讓你傷心
    一千朵玫瑰給你 要你好好愛自己
    一萬萬句對不起 離開你是不得已
    一千顆真心給你 你不要沉默不語
    一萬萬句我愛你 我一定回來看你





    不知道爲啥, 我的感覺我的歌裡無人...  小寶的三首歌裡都是人...  :p   

    Saturday, December 01, 2012

    movie afterthought

    I just finished Ruby Spark last night.  I thought it would be a romantic comedy.  But there was much more, to me personally. It's kind sad really.