Wednesday, July 28, 2010


哇,我好感动。HUG! 以为就我是比较勇敢的人,还有你这么大胆,帖出来。不过,我相信以你的智商,情商,可以对付的了可能的挑衅。其实,我心里不安的是芳华。有些话对她很刺伤的。我都没去挡一下。

这是我刚刚写在书屋里的一段话,送给你。 ;-)
good night!


看过一个陈丹青和韩寒对话的视频,陈丹青问韩寒:"你在一部文学作品中最想看,最在意的是什么?"。 韩寒想了一下回答说:"我最在意的是作者的情怀"。


历史和文学一样,都是人文学科的一部分。 历史的问题也是没有绝对的答案。 当我们翻开一本书,听人一番论述时,我们最在意的,是什么?

我想说,我自己最在意的,也是一个作者,一个论述者,他们结论和论据背后的一种情怀。 一种人文的情怀,历史的情懷。

真正的历史是枯燥乏味,平淡琐碎的。 甘愿走进历史的废纸堆,走进历史深处的人,必是对过去怀着激情的人。 那么为什么穷首皓经也要给死了的人一个比较正确的定位? 为什么冒着得罪人的险也要为一段与己无关的历史翻案呢? 因为"今日之苍穹,正是当年之星空"。 对历史的关怀就是对现实的关怀,历史的情怀就是一种人文的情怀。

所以当我看到辩论中以"大陆人","台湾人","信徒","非信徒"等标签定义人的时候,心里想:"如果一定要有个标签的话,我希望可以从人群中标出那些富有历史情怀的人。" 其实人的观点是会不断改变的,在历史话题的辩论中,也绝少真正客观的人。 我们都是凭借自己的价值观来解读历史的。 一个富有历史情怀的人,TA所陈述的历史,真实性在于TA态度的真实。

我知道自己的历史知识不足以去支持或补充我的朋友的观点,我甚至不确定今天的我是"挺蒋"多一点,还是"倒蒋"多一点, 但我想对那些一头扎进辩论的人说:在你陈述观点的同时,让我感受一下你的历史情怀吧。


FYI. 今晚看蒋廷黻日记时看到几个有关新中国情况的记载.他在联合国当然密切关注着大陆情形.这是两则,都提到中共军队的稳定:

Monday, May 29, 1950

Rain. Morning
papers contain nothing of Winchell's broadcast. Broadcasts emphasized
Lie's talk with Acheson & Truman.

Invited RR Smith of
BAT to lunch, with PC Chang present. Smith came out of Shanghai in April. His
own cigarette factories are operating only two days a week. Heavy
taxation & forced sale of bonds have brought about a depression; business
people are eager to sell. Wages are low. The army remains well
disciplined. Commie officials work hard & are poorly paid, most of their
time is wasted in meetings. They have given up the policy of removing
factories from Shanghai & the policy of
sending the unemployed away. KP Chen refused to accept office.
According to Smith, top level people are realist and can make about-face changes
in policy; the rank & file simply obey orders & repeat ideologyFriday, June 2, 1950

Invited SS Lin to
lunch in order to talk over proceedings in the Trusteeship Council.托管委员会

Mrs. X fresh from Shanghai
has much to say. She owned 160 mous of land in Chiang-chow is thankful
that she managed to escape from trouble by giving it up. Shanghai
is full of beggars. Her husband by pushing away beggars hanging to his pedicle
almost had a riot. When Shanghai
people hear the communist band playing the so called farmers dance-chin, chin,
Kuan Kuan-= they say we are all poor & bare enough as it is. Before
leaving Shanghai,
she had trouble in discharging servant & maid who have a labor union of
their own. She compromised by paying 2 additional month wages.
Business is very bad. People wish for return of Chiang, Commy
soldiers maintain excellent discipline. Voice of America
heard by all, who have radios. A Soviet passport enjoys great prestige;
White Russians are using them.

在办公室断断续续,偷偷摸摸地看CND那条线,真是为慧心捏把汗,我觉得你和芳华该讲的也都讲了,没必要再和他们打口水仗下去。 我知道你自己读很多书,而芳华有自己的生活体验,你们的观点后面的思路和信息和那条线上的其他人是不一样的。 有些人到网上来就是KILL TIME的,很多话听着很有道理,很容易"得人心",那是因为大部分人是没有时间去读真正的历史书的。 去从历史的细节中寻找真相的痕迹的。 所以说网上的交流只能"点到为止"。

我觉得那条线的交流是不对等的。 我不希望你被他们牵着走。 说实话,像鱼跃那样的,我都懒得理睬。
我刚才说元帅可恶,就是因为他在给你贴标签,其他几个也在做同样的事,有了这个标签,你的话说得再卖力,都达不到应该有的效果。 这样的做法,在辩论中是很卑鄙的。
所以,我真的很想劝你,不要再和他们纠缠下去了。 也不要在情绪上被他们绑架。



毛澤東的施行的到底是啥主義? 那現在大陸上的那個黨到底叫啥黨? 很多人都知道現在他是掛著羊頭賣狗肉, 可是這文章好像說, 羊頭也不是真的羊頭... lol 你看, 我又想太多...

不要想太多, 這純粹是我腦筋不清楚的時候亂想...

Subject: Re: 又在争民国的事!

你提到的这个问题,我没有仔细想过.我要考虑一下再来回信! Wendy 有什么感想吗?

我現在似乎對於中國這兩個字的認知越來越和政權分開. 這是我妹給我的啟發. 他是學社會學的. 他說在社會科學裡, 政權(state), 和國家(nation)是不同的. 但是, 我就無再和他深究下去了. 之後我自己胡思亂想後, 愈覺得中國一詞是文化和歷史的象徵. 政權指的是朝代. 至於歐洲學系裡的國家(nation), 在我想必然和他們四分五裂的情況比較像. 也就是他們以單一民族的文化來作為國家(nation)的認識. 這似乎比較像是春秋戰國時各國的樣子. 以這樣子講, 現在的 ''''中國'''' 離歐洲學系的國家定義似乎就走樣了. 因為他並不是一個單一民族甚至文化.

中國一定是有自己的定義. 但是, 這個定義一定和先秦時候不一樣. 歐洲的 nation 似乎和中國春秋戰國時的國很像. 但是, 在秦始皇之後, 大一統的現象出現後, 我覺得朝代的觀念明確的使中國在國家觀念上和歐洲學系的定義產生巨大的不同? 以 ''''五代十國'''' 這一名詞來說, 中國人對於國的定義似乎並不離歐洲學系很遠. 國是比朝要小的政權, 其在文化上的組成要比較單一. 更有地方性. 但是即使如此, 從歷史的潮流裡看, 他仍是中國. 朝則大大的複雜. 他或許具有主宰的地位, 在民族和文化上, 他要複雜許多. 他應該是具有繼往開來樞紐地位. 如果以這一個定義來說, 也許我們可以首先定義中國這一個辭是一個文化和歷史的總合. 那麼大陸和台灣, 不過是歷史長流裡的中國目前的兩個政權. 以朝, 代, 國來分, 則香港更像一個國, 而大陸和台灣則是南北朝. 因為民國仍然繼續, 他並無向北京朝貢的情況出現.

不過當然, 中國兩個字, 往往在夷夏之防的時候, 往往同時代表漢人國家和政權. 但是我從外國往裡面瞧, 尤其是, 以一種歷史的進程來看, 中國實是以文化和歷史來和其他國家區別. 他的政權始終變換, 而他對國家的觀念也和其他歐洲人的定義不大一樣. 實際上, 我感覺他對國家的觀念更和其他古老帝國的比較像, 像是波斯帝國, 羅馬帝國等等. 這些帝國都是文化多元, 更像中國歷史所講的朝. 以波斯來看, 他自己的歷史裡, 都和中國一樣, 僅稱朝不稱國. 伊朗可以看作和中國一樣有地理位置和文化意義. 但是伊朗這個辭更像是很多外國的學術看中國都認為中國有所謂的 china proper 一樣. ;p

:p 我是不怎麼喜歡廖康... lol 他和我太不一樣. 但是他說共產主義裡人性的部分時, 我卻無法完全否認他... 在我看, 共產主義和墨家有點像. 如果我不否認墨家有人性, 我就不能否認共產主義有人性. 不過, 當然, 他這麼說卻讓我感到他對共產黨的認同. 而很抱歉, 我對共產黨卻有很少的認同, 而剛且反, 我實在不怎麼喜歡共產黨... lol 而且感覺這傢伙講起話來, 像是老氣橫生, 不喜歡不喜歡. lol 但是, 話說回來, 像他這樣似乎比較符合我心目中的來自共產黨的人. lol

再以小蔣總統來說, 實際上, 台灣如果有所謂白色恐怖, 小蔣總統於有榮焉. 對不少人而言, 小蔣總統就是最大的特務頭子! :p 而更糟糕的是, 小蔣總統的特務方法很可能就是從俄共那裡學來的. lol

至 於台獨, 我覺得外省人的認同在逐漸成熟. 這裡需要的是本省人的接受... 我只是很好奇, 如果台灣真的說宣布獨立, 你會怎麼想. 我覺得我不會比你看的明白. 我還是緊抓著中國這面牌子. 但是我每次抓著這面牌子又感覺很不對勁. 因為我知道所有華人看著這面牌子的時候感覺和我並不完全一樣. 那外國人就更不用說了. time 雜誌裡提到 china 是完全不會提台灣的, 除非提到戰爭... 但是就像我最上面說的, 這卻讓我越看中國這兩個字愈像是在看歷史和文化... 而不再是政權.

我問你這個問題也有個很重要的涵義. 我看完巨流河之後始終都無寫下任何感言. 因為這裡面實在很令人傷心. 我的觀念比較老氣. 尤其是十六歲出了台灣之後, 很少很少在和台灣的東西相碰. 當我看到巨流河的時候, 我看到裡面的中國人突然不見了. 我的心理就涼了半截. 這和我的認知很像. 因為當我在台灣的時候, 我還是中國人. 出了台灣之後, 我不再是中國人. 巨流河裡, 大陸開放以前齊教授出來代表的是中國. 他們的文學是中國文學. 現在他不再是了. 他只能自稱是台灣文學. 你或許會問, 本來就是台灣啊? 但是, 這對他這一代人來說卻不止是如此. 而對我來說, 即使是現在也仍然不是. 台灣省自然有台灣省的文學. 但是以中華民國來說, 這絕對不是一個台灣一省的文學. 巨流河最後幾段, 齊教授想建立中國文學館, 被批不准, 他只能建立台灣文學館. 這裡我看道眼淚和流血. 這是政治, 而不是文化.
這裡又讓我想到最近看到唐德剛寫的一段感想. 這是他在一九八零年代初期寫的. 他寫到有關台灣報紙的副刊. 有副刊編輯來和他約稿. 順便附上副刊. 他說他在三十年代很迷當時的副刊. 而在那之後有再無看過副刊了. 在他印象裡, 三十年的副刊實在是黃金時代. 但是當他過目現在的副刊, 他簡直不能相信他的眼睛. 他現在覺得卅年的副刊和現在的一比簡直實在是邁出好幾步! 對於海外的人來看, 中國更是文化而不是政權. 幾乎所有的中國文化人對中國都是情有獨鍾. 但是, 三人可以成虎. 更何況天下之人? 從台灣出來的想做中國人, 而不是共產人, 中國人的觀念得要改變.

我對台獨是無可奈何的. 當你知道說, 老蔣那時候因為漢賊不兩立的觀念而不斷退出國際舞台. 而他後腳才退出, 大陸前腳就進來. 而且一進來就要求不準用中華民國, 只能用台灣兩個字. 這樣子的局面下, 再加上外國人都是這麼說, 台獨幾乎是順理成章. 而且一個彈丸之地, 大部分又屬於單一語言. 台獨幾乎是呼之欲出. 現在始終都還有人, 甚至是台灣本省人拿著中國這面牌子, 幾乎可以視作是國民政府的教育還有他政績. 但是這樣還能持續多久, 就不可知了.
外國人對於這種台獨問題是很容易解決; 大陸人很可以大聲的說自己是 chinese; 台獨份子也可以大聲的說自己是 taiwanese. 但是象齊邦媛他稱自己是台灣人的時候, 在我感覺很難過. 可是當人家說台灣如何不好的時候, 我也會很憤怒. 在我眼中的台灣始終都是中國. 我折衷的辦法就是把中國看成一個歷史文化體. 即使台灣真的宣布獨立, 她也仍脫不出中國的範圍. 因為中國並不是一個政權, 而是一個歷史文化體. 只能所有的中國人最後都要從政權觀念醒來. 民主的最後辦法就是選擇 國民政府留下的政治結構和共產黨的政治結構裡可以用的留下來, 並且創造新的政體, 同時, 一個新的文化. 這也是為啥我很看重老殘遊記裡其中的一段:

" 申子平道:「南革既是破敗了天理國法人情,何以還有人信服他呢?」黃龍子道:「你當天理國法人情是到南革的時代才破敗嗎?久已亡失的了!《西遊記》 是部傳道的書,滿紙寓言。他說那烏雞國王現坐著的是個假王,真王卻在八角琉璃井內。現在的天理國法人情就是坐在烏雞國金鑾殿上的個假王,所以要借著南革的 力量,把這假王打死,然後慢慢地從八角琉璃井內把真王請出來。等到真天理國法人情出來,天下就太平了。」
子平又問:「這真假是怎樣個分別呢?」黃龍子道:「《西遊記》上說著呢:叫太子問母后,便知道了。母后說道:「三年之前溫又暖,三年之後冷如冰。』 這『冷』、『暖』二字便是真假的憑據。其講公利的人,全是一片愛人的心,所以發出來是口暖氣;其講私利的人,全是一片恨人的心,所以發出來是口冷氣。"

最近心情很不好, 所以我言詞重複, 囉哩叭嗦. 抱歉;p

Date: Tue, 27 Jul 2010 11:25:58 +0800
Subject: Re: 又在争民国的事!

发表数: 1385

大 陆对于历史的划归法,我还真不清楚.只是我知道好些民国史的"专家"们表示过,1949年以后,台湾的发展和大陆没有关系了.所以他们通常也不重视.我不 这样看,因此和一位教授还有些不一致的不快.我不善做伪的人,不会为了一些"原则"问题屈从别人.其原因是我以为未来的台湾可能还会对大陆产生影响,可能 是政治的.现在好些大陆老百姓就盼着今后的局面是国共两党轮流,这些人是些文化不太高的人谈到了.我比较现实,觉得可能有这个可能.



啊哈! 我看到了! ;)

呵呵, 你還花了不少力氣.

我有個問題想問問, 大陸把民國史歸類成近代史. 意思是已經過去了. 你是怎麼看的哩?
台灣的歷史是否應該歸類到民國史, 還是, 乾脆就叫他台灣現代史?
另 外, 現在, 兩岸都有人搞不清楚應該要如何把對方定位. 譬如說, 我這個從台灣來的, 是應該叫大陸人中國人, 然後自稱台灣人呢, 還是叫大陸人, 自稱台灣人? 當然, 台獨份子對這個是不會有任何不清楚的地方. 但是, 不是台獨份子的多多少少會有疑問吧. 不久前, 我的二表姊從大陸來, 在談話裡, 也出現這樣子的問題. "一個中國" 的理想認知, 和現實情況脫離.

另外, 我也很想知道你對於台獨的看法? ;p 很是好奇.

Date: Tue, 27 Jul 2010 02:17:28 +0800
Subject: Re: 又在争民国的事!


你說的那個題目是否沉重的光榮, 紀念中國抗日衛國戰爭七十年?
你的連結好像只到 CND 的首頁...

Subject: 又在争民国的事!


Sunday, July 04, 2010

a job lasted more than a month (四)

i saw Maria's uniform folded neatly on the chair when i walked in at noon on monday. that made me feel sad. i was alone, now, i was even more so. i was scared of doc and getting tired of the whole thing. i felt that i had all the obligation to stay for the job. i felt i can't just quit the job to screw doc. i can't go for census job because i was not able to quit. i felt that linda introduced me to the job, i was somehow afraid i would ruin linda's relationship with doc. i felt that my mom loved this job more than other jobs i had before. i should stay on it. my aunt encouraged me to stay because i could learn a lot more from a boss i don't like. i felt that i needed this challenge too. but somehow the sum of all these made me miserable. thinking back now, the feeling of inescapable trap must make me so depressed. and i am not one who could pretend well. i worked 6 days a week in my fourth and fifth week. if you look at the schedule of the clinic, it was not too much. monday and wednesday were the only days i need to go from 5 am to 7 pm. the other days were only half days. and on saturday, there's only one hour of operation.

from the beginning of the fourth week, i continue my calling with lawyers. now doc wanted to expand his list from stoneham to winchester, woburn, burlington, and many areas. i printed out lists of attorneys at law from all those areas and called them. i was very slow. doc was annoyed by it. when the business was open, i needed to be the receptionist. the first week after Maria left, many people was asking, where's Maria? that's just great. that part of the job was actually ok for me. making appointment on the appointment book, writing notice to customers, filing, all the tedious job and else. at least i could keep my mind occupied or at worst divert some of the energy from those crazy, depressed inner chat. however, there were actually lots of time where i got nothing to do but wait. since the business started, i can't get back on jobs like calling lawyers. all i could do was organized the some scheduling slips, getting phone calls, and wait. there're lots of problems for me to be a receptionist. one of them was billing. doc never really explained how billing worked in the clinic. Sarah did not tell me much besides the most basic. it's' not her fault, since she was already gone after one and half weeks i was starting. when some question arose, the only thing i could do was to tell the customer to wait for doc. i had a hard time doing it. some of them might slipped out of door. doc was annoyed.

my calling of lawyers was finally pulled by doc. it was too slow and inefficient, i guess. i needed to typed those lawyers i got in doc's contact list. that's painful too. but good things was that doc had to go to some sort of seminar during the weekends, that includes my second, third and fourth weekend. that's a bit of relief. however, i could not stop complaining to my mom. i didn't feel that she cared about too much how i feel. i was growing madder and madder each week. on my fifth week i finally had to work on saturday. doc got a promotion that day. he slyly asked me if i was able to work on saturday. i really did not wish to, but i had to. in the office there's only me, who else? it seemed that he needed me to setup all the wires too. on saturday, after an hour of operation, we went across to the same gym again. doc got his girlfriend to help out. i got home almost 4. well, that's nothing. right? i was making money. i should be happy. the money was not too bad, the job was not too hard, what else could i possibly want?

the following week, there were a few new patient came from the promotion. one of them came in on tuesday afternoon around 1. it's a usual routine, i gave out a bunch of sheets for her to fill out all her information. doc put her in a room to do just that. after a while, she came out and said that she did not feel comfortable to put out all those information. she decided to go. although very nervous, i pulled the, "please wait, doc would like to speak with you before you leave." routine. i went in and told doc about it. doc had me doing something in the back. he went to front and started deal with the new customer. doc was somehow pissed at her and started to yell at the new customer. then it seemed that customer was willing to filled out the form again. doc put her back in the room. i was watering the plants, i think, when the new customer rushed out of the room. she walked right to the front desk, put all the papers down on the counters. then she rushed out of the door. i yelled out, hold on, to no avail. when i realized what just happened, i yelled to the back to doc. doc jogged to the door and checked if the new customer was still there. she's gone already. i could see doc was annoyed. but i would find out just how much he was annoyed next morning.

i was of course affected by the new customer walked out incident. all i could do was yelled out hold on, then, yelled to doc what was happening. and i felt so weird that doc would yell at the new customer. i thought that was a suicide. when i went in the next morning at 6, i was very depressed. i could not help wanting to leave earnestly. doc started with foul mouth, picking on some little things. then he started to lash out. eventually he exploded. he had a great ride on me. it must be a awesome scene in a movie. but i hated, disgusted deep in my guts. he kept on saying how important the customer really was. how his business was built upon each and every customer he could get. all the pay check i got was from those customers... simply let a customer running out was unacceptable...blah...blah...blah. all i could do was telling him i was quitting. he said ok, but he needed time. then before beginning the business, he wanted to hold hands and pray to god. great, piety.

Friday, July 02, 2010

a job lasted more than a month (三)

i went back to the clinic on monday, the start of my third week. the new girl covered the early shift. i don't remember much of that day, i only remembered Maria, the new girl, told me what doc told her that morning. he told her that if your mother in law worried that much, maybe you should quit the job and stay home. that's an awful comment, and Maria was mad.

doc told me to buy a cork board on tuesday so he could protect his huge flat LCD TV screen for promotion. i thought i know what cork is although it's different than what doc pointed to me. i did not question about the difference. then i drove to stable and looked hard. the only cork board was the ones hung on the wall, with a wood backing and frame. i could not decide what should i do for a while. i eventually bought a clip board made of cork. i wondered how was doc gonna do this. i felt it's not right but did not know what else to do. when he saw what i bought he was mad. this time he showed me a cardboard material instead although he still pronounced cork on his mouth. i thought to myself, ah, so what you really want is a cardboard! then he told me to be firm with the store clerks and taught me to say that i will not leave until they showed me where the cork was. so i went back and amused that doc did not really know what cork really was. i was not happy at the same time. doc had a very foul mouth when he's annoyed. i was still debating about cardboard or other form of cork this time. i bought a cardboard at last. a cardboard was easy to find though he still claimed he wanted cork. he's both annoyed and mad when i got back. but he tried hard to contain himself. he asked how much time i'd been doing this all morning. this was such a simple task. i could simply asked the store clerk! he decided to go with me and showed me the right way to do it. i did not explain it well i guess. i was then totally confused what he wanted me to buy. on the way to stable, he lectured me on how i should get my feet and hands dirty. how i needed to get in there doing things rather than being an onlooker. the importance to speak my mind and not take other people's shit. etc...etc...etc... problem was finally solved after he asked the clerk where cork board was. yes, now he learned what "Cork" really was. but he did not want a real cork. he bought another board made of white layers of unknown material. it's a good thing. because it's quiet on the way back.

as it turned out, doc decided to put Maria out front as a real receptionist, and i could do some other "business" related jobs. he wanted to organize his contact list in mobileme, an apple application, which connected cloud, apple PC and iphone. doc first told me to get all his stoneham lawyer contacts from his contact list. there were not many. so he told me to find all the stoneham listing of lawyers. he taught me what to say and told me to call those lawyers. first to confirm they were still in business and to see if they took personal injury cases. i printed out the list from online, a long list. and i started to call. it's a painful process for me. more than half of the calls were picked up by office secretary, or receptionist. those were quite courteous and polite. some were very experienced, some were not. i could see that doc's particularity on answering the phone was indeed important to business. some of the lawyers picked their phone themselves, many of them were sharp. they would ask who i was, what i wanted very direct to the point. i felt like my name would be famous... or infamous... after this "exercise". while i was doing this, Maria was not happy with doc. Maria was very capable being a receptionist, but sometimes she was confused at what doc was asking her to do. doc was not a man of words, he lacked the patient to train and skills to communicate. when Maria did not understand or mistaking what he said, he became annoyed and he even yelled that do you understand english.

when doc was not out front, or when he stepped out, Maria and i would talk a little. she would complain about doc's bad temper and murky direction he gave out. i could only agree. i learned she was married and was a kindergarten teacher in greece. she worked in macy for the last 3 months as a seasonal employee. i wanted to leave the place very much. i thought that since doc already hired Maria, i could leave now. i probably told her that i wanted to leave. i thought she told me that her husband and mother in law encouraged her to quit the job. on thursday morning, i received a call from census department. i took their test a while back and they were now asking if i could go to their training. i said yes. i but i told them that i needed to quit my current job so i will give them a callback tomorrow. they were surprised but agreed to wait for me tomorrow.

i walked in on thursday afternoon. Maria was there already. she told me with a smile that she decided to quit and already told doc. doc also consented to let go of her. she said that i should quit too. but i was thinking, "What!" i can't quit now... there's no one for doc if i quit too. Sarah will definitely not able to work everyday now. on the other hand, there was a small voice saying, screw him, i don't care. i decided to stay. Sarah came in that afternoon. We three were cramped behind the receptionist's square. Maria was in good mood that afternoon. she also left early that afternoon, she gave me a greek snack. Sarah brought in her snack and passed around. Maria asked my cell phone number, but i did not have one. i was embarrassed for not having one to give her. i never saw Maria again after thursday. and my nightmarish 3 weeks started afterwords.